Goodwill (chain of stores): People try to badmouth this place... don't listen

in #life6 years ago

Goodwill has recently been a victim of (again) social justice warriors run wild. Everyone is searching for injustice and I was stunned to see that this chain of stores was actually targeted for protests over their business practices because they are not an actual charity and operate for profit (sort of.)


If you are unfamiliar with what Goodwill is, it is a chain of stores that carries 2nd hand merchandise that has been cleaned and checked and everything is resold at extremely low prices. It is basically like a yard sale (garage sale) that never ends. You never know what is going to be inside the store so each visit is an adventure.


This is also a place where you can drop off your old stuff and donate them and this is where the SJW's start to circle their wagons. Goodwill is technically a non-profit company, but they have some highly paid executives. They resell the stuff you donate for a profit and yes, this is true - however people with this Goodwill-is-evil-opinion are likely living somewhere quite posh and feel it is their duty to save all the stupid poor people, right?


While Goodwill does turn a profit it isn't a huge one and here is the reason why you should continue to shop there and donate things to them despite the fact that and handful of people make 6-figure salaries there.

  • They are a private company that operates based on performance (ie if a shop doesn't turn a profit, it closes) - therefore their business model will remain viable and efficient. If the government were doing this it wouldn't work, like almost everything the government does

  • Goodwill employs people that are unlikely to be employed elsewhere and gives them job skills or in the case of the ex-convicts that they employ, a second chance at life. Many of the people who work there would experience great difficulty being employed elsewhere and they are given preferential treatment at Goodwill and treated with respect.

  • Goodwill provides extremely inexpensive merchandise to every community and while I shop there, the poorest members of society also shop there. Plus the fact that everyone is donating to the shops ensures that there is always quality gear in there. I found some pretty fashionable stuff while i was in there.

  • Goodwill donates 83% of its profits back into housing, education, and job-placement programs for the most at-risk portions of the population both in the USA and abroad.

  • Goodwill employs 113,000 people, most of which have some sort of barrier to employment by other means.

  • the stores are always filled with extremely cheap, clean clothes


So the next time you read something about the CEO of Goodwill making over 700,000 dollars a year I want you to keep in mind that this salary, for a CEO that is overseeing 113,000 employees, is not excessive at all. The SJW's that are whinging about this: I strongly encourage them to donate their time for free. In the meantime, those of us that understand economics will continue to realize that there needs to be some sort of incentive (normally financial) in order for a "goodwill" program of this magnitude to function


One thing you are not correct about, and I'm speaking from experience because my daughter works there, is that Goodwill does not wash anything. As soon as they get it, if it smells bad or looks bad, they throw it away. The only thing they have cleaned, according to my daughter, is their shoes.

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fair enough. but i think most people would wash them before wearing them anyway. For $2, i can't really say i expect much in the way of prep :)

Really the SJW mantra these days is annoying.

Everyone is searching for injustice

I think this statement about sums it up succinctly

I'm use to you talking about movies, but I really liked your commentary on Goodwill. It seemed well researched. I hope to see more of this kind of content from you soon.

Seriously mate! i?If a shop doesn't turn a profit, it closes at all!
Goodwill is doing a very nice job... No doubt.

  • They have 13k employess and thay have to eat and live too...
  • They are giving 83% of the profiys to help needy people... Is not that wise? A great initiative i would rather say.
  • They are employing even convicts who deserve a second chance! Who else does that?
    We all should support this organisation. They r doing a nobel job....

like your post man!

stay well n Keep posting!

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