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RE: Brazilian President Lula da Silva Reportedly in Intensive Care After Brain Surgery

in #life2 months ago

Many East Asians believe that New World countries such as Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, and Chile are all colonies of the United States!Dear @valued-customer !

I hope you don't get offended by my awkward and rude English!


While I understand the viewpoint you express, I am convinced it fails to appropriately account for the capture of national polities of the world by child sex trafficking and blackmail that leaves them puppets of the Zionist NWO conquering the world. The fall of Syria exemplifies the use of the USA, Russia, Turkey, and other national polities in the creation of Greater Israel that is demonstrably resulting from the covert funding of ISIS terrorists for decades by the USA in particular.

IMG source - Zbigniew Brzezinski trains Tim Osman (Osama bin Laden) for CIA Director George HW Bush under President Jimmy Carter to oppose the Russian invasion of Afghanistan

The massive funding of the war in the Ukraine by the Biden administration and the Zionist cabinet nominated by the incoming Trump administration demonstrate that the public exhibition of opposition is a farce, a mere entertainment for misleading populations into fervently supporting one side or the other that has been practiced since before the fall of Byzantium was engineered by games between the Greens and the Blues, the fall of Rome, of Greece before it, and going back at least to Egypt and the contest between the monotheistic Akhenaten and the traditional pantheon of the Egyptian priesthood that prefaced the collapse of the Egyptian empire.

The Babylonian Talmudic cult of Zionists has been integral in these imperial collapses for millennia, and continues today it's generational destruction of the nations and imposition of global empire of the Talmudic Zionist cult. I will add that this cult hates Christianity more than any other group, and this is demonstrated by the ongoing genocide of Christians in what has become of Syria today. The rape and murder of this Christian population that has existed in Syria since the advent of Christianity is the result of the failure of people, and Christians in particular, to understand the geopolitical reality of the use of child sex slaves and blackmail to control national polities and the Talmudic hatred of Christianity more than anything else.

Ignorance is not bliss. It is an invitation to be raped to death by the Babylonian Talmudic cult of Zionism. As a student of history, I recommend you research the collapse of empires and the influence of Zionists that has been fundamental to their downfall for millennia. The truth of history is never written in the history books produced by the conquerors, but by the relic and obfuscated observations of the conquered prior to their collapse. You will not learn geopolitical realities of the world today in the headlines of the captive corporate media, but in the censored voices condemned and cancelled by the covert captors of national polities, government agencies, and NGOs oppressing dissent. You must look behind the scenery to see who is putting on the play performed on the world stage today.

