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RE: The IDF kills more children in Gaza than adults.

in #life6 months ago

For non-Jews (Goyim, or animals according to Talmudic religious doctrines) this psychopathic violence reveals that they and their children will be so targeted by the IDF, as soon as the Palestinians in Gaza have been finished off. The Talmudic doctrine lumps all non-Jews into the same category as livestock, and incites it's adherents to completely eradicate populations of Goyim globally, leaving only enough survivors to provide 20 slaves for each Jew to profit from via domestic or commercial labor. They're on a roll, and they're going to keep going until they're stopped.

As goes Gaza, so goes the world. Every penny provided the IDF to commit these atrocities is funding the genocidal slaughter and enslavement of humanity, and that includes specifically Americans that provide most of the funds Israel spends on violent murder of it's victims, in Gaza, and, as soon as they have taken Gazans' lives, property, and possessions, America, Europe, and the rest of the world.

Why do you think America and Europe created Israel?
I believe that the birth of Israel is a legacy of the Crusades.Dear @valued-customer !

I remember the history that since Mohammed created Islam, Islam started a war of aggression to conquer Europe.

I suspect that the current existence of Israel is what is preventing Türkiye, Iran, Egypt and Saudi Arabia from re-creating the Islamic empires of the Middle Ages.

When I looked at Jewish history, Torah, religion, and culture, I found Jews fascinating!

Do you remember that Jesus, Peter, John, and Paul were Jews?

So, I have always been very interested and fascinated by Jewish history, Torah, culture, religion, people, and life!

I believe that the apostles Peter and Paul first created Christianity in Europe!

I believe that the ancient Jews who created Christianity in Europe and the Jews who currently live in Israel are completely different races!


"Why do you think America and Europe created Israel?"

A business center for military contractors. Zionism is primarily driven by financial insterests, utterly contrary to Judaism (as Hasidi constantly protest and point out). Israel leverages the financial potential of Islamic Jihad, as you point out, with the contribution of Xtian Evangelicals, on the foundation of Zionist global conquest that serially postures as allied to this or that but will doublecross them all at the drop of a hat when doing so advances global Zionist conquest.

"I believe that the ancient Jews who created Christianity in Europe and the Jews who currently live in Israel are completely different races!"

You are absolutely correct historically and genetically. The majority of 'Jews' today are AshkeNazis, genetically of Slavic derivation and firmly ruling Israel. Real Bibi Netanyahu is Polish and real name is Mileikowsky...