The Strange Discovery of Mr. Sumo, and a Wonderful Evening with Ms. So-and-So

in #life6 years ago

We were walking along the street when we noticed him in the ditch. He was a bit unkempt, but hadn’t been there long. Someone clearly had just dumped him off, or maybe there was some sort of accident. He was foreign born, that was obvious by taking one glance at him.


“Can we take him home, mama?” The tot wanted to know. He’s kind of good looking in a freakish sort of way. I’ve grown fond of freakish looking things. I nodded.

Then we headed on down the street, the tot in the umbrella stroller repeating over and over, “Now? Now is it time?”

“Alright,” I sighed, “close enough.” I broke out into a jog, while the boy zoomed up next to me on his bike, newly primed to race home. The tot was making sounds of joy, because not only was Mr. Sumo coming with, but they were traveling together at top umbrella stroller speed.

We made it home. I flung the stainless steel pot onto the stove, still operating in top umbrella stroller speed. “Company is coming for dinner,” I called to the children, “Ms. So-and-so, and she’s bringing Little Boy So-and-So and Little Girl So-and-So and Little Baby So-and-So for you to play with!” There were grunts of approval that carried over from the living room.


Then Vicious Dog Chaos—the canine version of a doorbell. The beasts were quickly contained. The children quickly replaced the wild beast noise with wild children noise, until the sound faded into the distance of the backyard. And then just The Wonderful Ms. So-and-So and I.

Meat; check. Veggies; check. Beans and tomatoes; check and check. Various seasonings, and a heavy hand with that deep red spice; check, check, check. If you are American, you probably know what I started making.


Ms. So-and-So is wonderful. She is the sort of company you have when you want to enjoy having company without actually having to do anything. She’s the kind of company that you don’t make dinner in advance for, you just stand in the kitchen talking while you chop carrots, and the food turns out tasting strange because there was a little more talking than there was cooking. You then have to spend five minutes fixing it, scald your tongue on the hot taste-test because some tot was pulling at your pants leg, and then declare that it is what it is because you just burnt off your taste buds.

Ms. So-and-So is the sort of company that you invite to split with you a fancy soda. It was on clearance—too fancy maybe. Hibiscus something or another. Holding the bottle that looks more like it ought to have beer in it than a pretty pink liquid, you almost feel like one of the big kids. But it doesn’t, so you’re not.

A good host of good low maintenance company should, naturally, babysit Baby So-and-So, because mothers of babies really like to watch and not do. Strange how a span of ten years can change a person from thinking that babies are another species, to being that lady with the magic touch. Babies like me now, and I don’t get it. They smell confidence, I think. Babies are good to have in a house—they show where all the dirty things are when they try to put them in their mouths.

And then, before we know it, the evening is done. The children are in bed. And I get to sit on the couch eating a bowl of the boy’s leftover dinner, the remains of a half-eaten brownie, and a bit of warm fancy soda.

It might be a bit lonely here, if it weren’t for the wonderful company of our new friend, Mr. Sumo.



Chili and Sumo. The So-Sos. I get it :)

You are one fine storyteller. I like how you flow your story on the keyboard.

And that was funny with the tot pulling on your pant leg. I get that a lot.

Take my experience as a warning, look at your pants before putting hot food near your tongue :)

Thanks for coming by.

Funny thing about "lonely." Some folks cherish the time they spend by themselves and others hate it. I think the difference is the people who like being alone like themselves a little more than those who hate being alone. You sort of have to be your own best friend for that sort of thing.

Yes, I think so too. You also need to be self-entertained, which I guess goes along with liking yourself a bit more. You need to like yourself to come up with stories, or art, or whatever stuff that comes out of your brain. Most of the time I like my alone time, although every once in a while it does get lonely.

I get the feeling you are basking in your alone-ness right now.

There are two aspects to being alone, however, that are less than desirable. Sometimes you need a foil--someone with a different approach to life who will say, "What on earth makes you think that?" And sometimes you just need to look into a pair of eyes that tell you they care. Those are the exceptions.

My main problem with being alone is that sometimes I think I'm too absorbed in my little world and freak myself out. I make myself go do things away from myself :)

That foil is important. A good weekly meetup with Ms. So-and-So usually takes care of that for me. And the loving eyes, Big Dog is here at my side. I guess I'm all set for tonight.

I hope you are too.

Then a very happy evening to you and Big Dog. ;-)

Dunno if I agree. I love the peace. But he is right in one way. It does creep up on you so I have to make an effort with the so and so's


I think what is key is that the So-and-So's are quality. Your average social interaction is draining after a certain amount of time, but the friends that feed your soul are never draining. You just end the evening refreshed.

you're not the only one you freak out.

There you go, poking around again...

Has "big dog" come to live at your place?

Big Dog is my dog. He's with me close to 24/7.

Mr. Sumo looks happy... now, eh... I'm american but I'm also puerto rican so excuse my lack of knowledge of mainland food.... what the heck were you making? Chilli? Also haaaaaa!! For one sec I worried, I was like "Ginnyannette is driking beer?! No way?!" ahahaha

You got it, chili. Easiest dinner that serves a lot of people. Nope, not beer, but beer bottles do make pretty pictures I think, and nice sea glass.

Nice sea glass indeed! Every time I go to my favorite beach i take pics of it... Best jewels on earth!

haha! look at Mr. Sumo! lol. hey that was a good find! and those kind stay around forever, they never get lost like the expensive ones and never break either. Is it soft so you can use it like a hand grip exerciser? what is that thing anyway?
beer goes great with chili. so does wine. I don't know about soda but soda and chili must be a Florida thing.

I think it is one of those hand exerciser/tension reliever things. Basically, it's a toy.

The soda was actually pre-chili. I actually don't drink much of anything other than water, so when I do I'm pretty open about the accompaniments.

ok...nothing but water..can you get any more boring than that..
but you did invent a great name for drinking whiskey! lol.
hey that hand exerciser is a great workout, you could pick the kids up by the collar and carrying them around like Big Dog does with a kitten!

Lol. Maybe I should start using that thing then.

yes I think you should, I think might really come in handy! lol.

I love the Mr. Sumo stress ball! I have seen a lot of stress balls but he is the first sumo I have seen. Cool. I also love chili and make it frequently in the non summer season. Your evening sounds lovely. I suppose a fire pit and pie would have made it 100% perfect, LOL.

My mom was just here. She made chicken and dumplings, beef stew, as well as cobbler and brownies. I feel well prepared for fall. I've been making chili a lot lately. I get on a kick, and if it's easy all the better.

Poor Mr. Sumo. Big Dog got ahold of him.

Oh yum! Your parents are amazing cooks! I would never want her to leave, lol. Oh no, poor Mr. Sumo!