Welcome back to the land of Turkey! In my previous articles I introduced you to this beautiful country (taking place in both Europe and Asia), its language (Turkish) and its traditional cuisine. What is more, I also talked about the differences between the western and the eastern parts of Turkey (Balıkesir vs. Van). If you have not read these articles yet and are interested, please, be free to find them in my blog and soak up the Turkish culture and atmosphere.
In this article I am going to focus on the religion of Islam, one of the mostly practised religions in the world and the one that is of considerable importance in Turkey, too.

FAITH: Muslims believe in one God (Allah) and in God’s messenger (Muhammad).
PRAYER: Muslims have to pray five times a day preceded by purification before contacting God.
CHARITY: Muslims should be eager to donate money to charities, help the poor and thus eliminate inequality.
FASTING: Muslims are obliged to fast (abstain from food and drink from dawn to dusk) during the Holy month of Ramadan. However, pregnant women, children, elderly people and the ones that are working very hard or have some problems with their health are exempt from fasting.
One of the reasons of fasting is to better understand how poor people, who do not have enough food, feel and therefore to develop more appreciation for the food and become even more thankful to God for that.
During the month of Ramadan Muslims are supposed to get rid of negative emotions such as hatred and jealousy and get on well with each other.PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA: Muslims are obliged to go to Mecca at least once in their life and in this way show their devotion to God.
Religion is a complicated phenomenon and like everything else in the world, Islam is not only black or white. On the one hand, we are aware of the fact that there were and still are a large number of religious wars, which shatter the peace in the world. Also, it may seem that in some ways the religion of Islam is too extreme as there are so many rules to follow. What is more, some of us might be questioning how it is possible to make sacrifices for the higher power that cannot be seen and which is only a matter of faith.
On the other hand, in spite of how extreme Islam may seem, when living in Turkey, I also learned that it has a lot of virtues. Firstly, the daily prayer makes Muslims more responsible as they have a duty to fulfil. Secondly, as the charity plays an important role in a life of a Muslim, it makes them more generous and sensitive towards the problems of poverty. Moreover, in some way fasting may be seen as purification of body and it also has a noble purpose: to evoke sympathy for the unfortunate ones who are not able to have the basic thing we all need - food. Lastly, a lot of us may still be searching for the purpose of life. I believe that the majority of Muslims have already found it: to be devoted to God as well as to put effort into visiting Mecca.
All in all, in this article I discussed only a tiny part of what Islam is. What do you think about this religion? I would love to hear from you. Please, leave a comment below. See you in the next article!
Islam is indeed is their divine, they fought and sacrificed their lives to survived their religion; especially the ottoman empire are the one of their hero that keep their religion still exist nowadays and it's even increasing.
Do you believed that only the same person wrote the bible and Koran? it's just my conspiracy theory though. it was designed to divide the whole world because it's hard to control people if there was no division.
Really Turkey wonderful islamic country... i visited 8 times in just 2 years.
mashallah nice post.
few months ago i posted about The Five Pillars of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam are the framework of the Muslim life. They are the testimony of faith, prayer, giving zakat (support of the needy), fasting during the month of Ramadan, and the pilgrimage to Makkah once in a lifetime for those who are able.
for more
Islam is much more in itself, it simply is the best religion i have seen so far and i am proud to be muslim...
I believe the things that are happening around this world these day that everyone (other religions) is playing their tricks ways and are suppressing muslims and even are making it believe to the world that muslim are terrorists ,if they read THE NOBLE QURAN ,there is nothing like that ...it is just the conspiracies of jews and christians that they are making this world believe that Islam is dangerous ,Even the itself means Peace
Your post is interesting. It has provided me a new insight into the world of Islam. In this day and age of Islamophobia, this is a much required post.
I'm glad you liked it 😊
Your post is interesting and best post
Could i see your pic?
Simply interesting.
Thank you .
how are you @ginamber? I assume you are a good member. I do not know exactly that is true. Seeing your stunning post makes me absolutely sure you're a turkey. Congratulations sir, you have the support of @emrija, a Muslim from aceh-indonesia. remembering aceh and turkeys had a close relationship in the past. please also to support me, thank you.
Well-written, Akhi, Congratulation! You are perfectly right your post this time is a tiny part of Islam. I would like suggesting you to write a follow up post on Ihsan. Here are the rationale.
(1) Islam as a Dien has three pillars. Islam Islam (Law) is one of them. The two others are Iman (Faith) and Ihsan (Way). This way of view is in line with a hadits popularly known as Hadits Jibril.
(2) This hadits is very important to internalized by Muslim. Why? Because we can observe that the last pillar is very much neglected by Muslims in general.
(3) As a result of this negligence, the structure of Islam as an integral Dien (here we are using pilar analogy) become weak or even imbalance.
(4) As another result of the negligence of Ihsan pilar, Islam would be very likely shown up as a religion characterized by a rude, not-friendly, insensitive to humanity-related issues, and intollerance; in short, NOT as rahmah religion as that divinely ordained.
الله اكبر .. الله اكبر .. ولله الحمد .. Allah is great! Allah is Great! and the praise to Allah