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RE: The Army of the 12 Bagels

in #life2 years ago

I'd ask if there was a Scottish version of the British BakeOff. But I can only imagine the stuff you'd have to make.

If it's not Gaelic it's crap!!

Those are some nice looking bagels!!! Enquiring minds want to know ... did you salt your butter?


Alas, there is only the British Bake Off. You are right, a Scottish one might be quite grim!!

I did indeed salt it. I have made unsalted before but it is quite bland although nicer than shop bought stuff

Agreed about the unsalted butter. I've tried making an herb and spice butter (to put on top of a steak while it rests) ... but without a good amount of salt ... it's useless. But once you add the salt .... Magic!!

Oh yeah. A herb and spice one would be good. I have made a chilli one on many an occasion also a garlic one. I should try a herby one! With salt! :OD