Greetings Steemit,
Humanity is as Humanity does.. and here in Springfield Missouri, I've seen stupendous examples of Humanity floating about.
Take this example: witnessed a few days ago. Here we have a gentleman driving his pickup truck down the road, pulling a boat on a trailer, without wheels on the trailer.
What do you mean by 'there were no wheels' - well.. I took some pics & video as evidence of this experience.
Presented for your amusement/cringing needs...
Flat tire on the left side... NO tire and only HALF a rim on the right side.
I ended up pulling next to them. I was unabashed about my documenting the moment.
And just to prove this post wasn't staged - here's the driver, pulling onto Chestnut Expressway, one of the busiest roads in my city. It was loud, and you can hear the clanging metal sounds as the rims grind into the concrete even over my radio / open window ambient noise.
The trailer went sideways when the vehicle turned onto another main road, prompting him to immediately pull over on a side street. I thought about following him & at least discussing Steemit with him, but figured he had more important issues to address in that moment. Maybe next time.
Unexpected Update
I shared this Steemit post on Bookface - and witnessed this reaction:
Its a small World.
Cheers Steemit!
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-What is: Steemit Talk Podcast
-Life is short - hence why Podcasting is Important
-My Youtube Page (lots of Drone Videos)
-GiftedGaia's Favorite Quotations on Life and Music
Call comes in....
"Hey Andy... Remember that boat in my yard you wanted? Come get it right now, and ya can have it."
...he asks if the lights work on the trailer. Hows the tires, is it insured?
"I'm givin ya the boat for free. Take it out today or I'm calling the junkers. It has to be outta here in the next hour. Just slap a license plate on it"
...Andy comes by and drags the mess down the street. Hoping he doesn't get caught.
GiftedGaia sees him... and now you know the story.
::::sumthin like that::::
"Out of sight, out of mind!"; OR "Don't look at the car behind us making all the noise trying to take pictures" XD
Gotta love the ozarks!!! No tires, no problem!! Im goin fishin!!
LOL wtf !
Not really surprised by this. Stupid runs rampant in this town it seems. I wonder how long he made it.
LoL..That's what we call here in Atlanta, GA shit.