The Universal Laws Explained - Part 6 -The Law of Cause and effect (Karma)

in #life8 years ago


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 "According  to the seed that’s sown,
                So is the fruit you reap there from,
                Doer of good will gather good,
                Doer of evil, evil reaps,
                Down is the seed and thou shalt taste
                The fruit thereof."  


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What is the law of Cause and effect?


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The universal law of cause and effect states that for every effect, there is a cause, and for every cause there is an effect.  The very old saying "you shall reap what you sow" describes this law perfectly.  As we read in the previous posts about the first five laws in life, we are able to create our own destiny by the way that we think.  

Change your actions, and you change your life… Transform your thoughts, and you will create a brand new destiny.

How do we create our own reality?

Everything that we think becomes a reality.  What you hand out, will come back to you in some type of boomerang effect.  This means that everything that we have in our lives currently is a direct result of a specific cause.  So the saying that everything happens for a reason, is very close to the truth.  We can now also say that nothing happens by chance. 


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Because everything in life is a direct result of our thoughts, it is safe to say that we can change our reality by thinking differently.  If we know exactly what we want in life, and we steer our thoughts towards that, the possibility that we will get what we want is nearly a hundred percent.  We just need to control our emotions and line this up with positive thinking.  Once we have everything in place, we can literally just sit back and wait until the wheel turned.  


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The law of cause and effect is often referred to as Karma.  With Karma it is important to understand that all good things as well as bad things will come back to you.  We should always focus on good things, and try and do good things, because in turn good things will come back to us.  


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Karma does not play favorites.  Both good and bad will be returned to you at some point in your life.  People often think that they are punished for things that happened in their earlier younger lives, which is not the case.  No one is punished ever, it is just the way the universe works, and the wheel is constantly turning.  

If you do good things, you can expect good things to come back to you, and if you do bad things, this will eventually also catch up with you.  This is an immutable law.  It is the way that life works.  Nothing that we do can ever change this. Karma is not blind or deaf, and karma has the memory of an elephant.   


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Think carefully.  Always realize that today's thoughts and actions will come back to you.  Think about how today's thoughts will affect your future.  Think about the good things, and do good things to others.  Karma WILL catch up with you, and if you sow good things, then it WILL come back to you.  It is possible for you to achieve great things in life, so keep your thoughts pure and positive.  

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Simple truths that we often forgot.

Oh most definitely! This is one of the rules of life...and I think the most important!

I always have a problem with the premise of thinking good. I do not see that we have control over our thoughts. They pop up unexpectedly, otherwise you would be able to tell what is your next thought. Action, that is where we can transform the thought to good. And also only thinking about the good things may not be the best way to go forward. By not thinking about bad things we can ignore that they exist and allow that to continue.

Very Interesting post! There were a few points, however, that I disagreed with -
"We can now also say that nothing happens by chance. "
Simply wrong. Our universe's conception, evolution, and the fact that we are all sitting here today are all products of chance. And that makes them all the more wonderful and spectacular.

"How do we create our own reality? Everything that we think becomes a reality. "
We cannot create our own reality, because reality is objective, while our thoughts and experiences are somewhat subjective. If I were to drop a glass, just thinking to myself that that glass did not drop does not change the objective fact that there are pieces of splintered glass on the floor.

"Karma does not play favorites. Both good and bad will be returned to you at some point in your life."
Then how do we explain when bad people get away with doing evil? Or when good people suffer for someone else's crimes?

Regardless of these disagreements, I congratulate you on such a great quality post. Great job!