Have you ever thought of something, or have you ever wanted something so badly, and then one day unexpectedly it just happens?
This is called the law of attraction.
What is the law of attraction?
The law of attraction means, that the power of the mind is so strong, that whatever is in your thoughts, can be changed into reality. In short- All thoughts turn into things.
If you always think negatively then your life will always be cloudy and dark, and when you think positively good things will happen.
Isn't it amazing to think that you can become anything that you want just by thinking about it regularly?
Have you ever had a conversation with a negative person?
Sure, we all have, and when you walk away from that conversation...how do you feel? Yip, negativity rubs off. I have one friend that is so negative about life, that she tried to commit suicide a few times last year. I have not seen her for quite a while now, because I realized that she makes me negative about my own life. It is not that I do not want to support her, but she drags me down so far into the black hole, that I struggle to get out again.
Now I make a point of it when I wake up, to think about something positive. Have you noticed how one little thing that goes wrong can spoil your whole day?
Not anymore! Take that negativity and kick it in the dustbin.
Why would you allow one little thing to mess up a whole new wonderful day?
Bad things happen all the time, and if we had to sit and worry about every little thing, then we would all be on medication by now.
I have recently been struggling to be positive about my job. As many of you know, I am a teacher and don't get me wrong. I love teaching, but I have always believed that being a teacher, defined me as a person. More recently I have realized that it doesn't. Somewhere inside me, there is more potential than being a teacher.
I grew up with the belief that you need a steady job and you need to earn a stable monthly income, and that working and eight to five job is just part of life. I am still motivated by that thought, and that is the only reason why I have not yet quit. I actually gasped in class the other day when one of my students asked me the following question. He said:
"Ma'am you always motivate us and tell us that we have to choose a job that we will enjoy. You always talk about writing and how you love writing, why do you not follow your dreams?"
I am becoming older, and I have come to a point in my life where I want/need to make a change. I don't know if I am ready for this, but I have been focusing very hard on this specific topic and one of these days, it might just become a reality. I just need to push myself over the edge. My writing has improved tremendously ever since I started writing my daily blog here on Steemit, but to achieve my full dream, I will need to quit my job eventually. In the meantime, I will just have to think about it regularly until it becomes a reality.
If you have seen the movie Field of Dreams, you will know exactly where I'm coming from. My motto is thus, if you dream it, it will happen.
Sharing one of my favorite quotes with a similar philosophy on the power of our thoughts,was on my office wall for yonks & now sits on my study wall at home, whose quote it is though remains a question as per quoteinvestigator.com, but thankful for the wisdom behind it:
Nice post... positive thinking....
The only thing that can make you positive is yourself!
I always find your posts to be uplifting @giantbear, thanks and keep posting:)
Thanks for your post! That's why I keep working on my leather craft, I did it for 10,000 hours. I think I can be an expert in it.
The law has spoken, i love this post. it is one of your best and this quote gives the mind a greater power.

I wanted to succed on steemit i will always be positive as you said i believe i will oneday.thanks for this nice piece@giantbear you have really given me a taught this morning and i will regurgitate on that often,
Thank You for sharing..
Hello @giantbear Thanks for update such a wonderful post and good information. Its really nice. According to sir #Dr steve maraboli is
I have seen that movie, but there were ghosts/souls helping him there. I wonder how law of attraction is related to that?
Btw i will tell u a secret to ease law of attraction. Adopt a practice, something that u will do daily just to fool ur subconscious. It is better then imagining and it works faster. Any practice that u will do after u have achieved ur dream.
I have to get myself to take that last step. I have set a goal and I am very sure that I will achieve it. Thanks for you motivation though....it is people like you that motivate me to succeed.
You attract people like me 😛hehehe. So the credit is all yours 😃
What you're saying makes sense, but I would also add that your belief should translate into action. When one truly believes that he or she will achieve something, then he or she must also work towards that with the genuine belief that it will happen. A dose of reality at times like these will help, of course.
Staying away from people who give out negative vibes is healthy for your overall health. No point in trying to be a good person by keeping everyone around only to realise in the end the strain it takes on you.
The idea behind "believing" something is that what you give back to the universe, it comes back to you. What I mean by that is: when you really want something to happen, it also helps you to get into the mindset of doing it rather than just thinking about it. Believing something is different than being obsessed with something and I think obsession with what you want is what you're referring to here.
Action speaks louder than voice.
Believe me I am working very hard to achieve my goal. I have it set so every day is just one day closer to reality. Thanks for your comment.
yeah I do fully agree with the post , I would suggest you to have the book "THINK AND GROW RICH" . It depicts the similar idea the moment you start think big , your actions would start immediately :) thanks for sharing the worth information :)
Thank you I will see where I can find it. Oh my actions are already in motion!
I agree with you @giantbear, being negative most times make us to see difficulty in every opportunity whereas being positive enables us to see opportunity in every difficulty.
I have realised that once I plan to do something, every other thing seems to work towards achieving such plans to the extent that it becomes reality within a short while than expected.
I hope it happens sooner than I planned. Thanks for your comment.
You are welcome. 😁. Thanks for the great post
I did quit my job to stay on steemit, improve my writing skills and become a full time writer someday, you're on the right path buddy, I tell you
How has it been working out for you @josediccus?
It's been okay, not too bad, I mean I'm not married I'm still in my mid twenties so I'm working it out, though it's been hard and you?
I think it makes a difference where you live. I earn my salary but I am earning quite a lot of money extra because of the value of the South African Rand. The thing that I am uncertain about is the fact that the price jumps up and down....that is why I am scared. My son is at university and he is making money of his own now here on steemit so that takes a lot of my back, but you never know what to expect here. Everyday is a surprise. Good luck to you!
I just love your philosophy@giantbear. its so refreshing.
Ha ha...thanks trying to convince myself here!
Indeed! When i tried to stay away from friends who spread negativity, i've got myself more chance to know people with positive energy, and they would encourage and support me in things that i do.
I have been hearing people said that, choose a job that you love or interested in, but i wasn't fully understand the meaning behind it and i was still confused with my life back then. But now i realized, interest and passion in my job is so important to motivates me to go extra miles in order to be excel in it. Glad that u eventually found your passion in writing while making a living on it!
Super motivating :D Thanks!
A great post indeed! I use nature to teach about the necessity to embrace change and we should all avoid negative thoughts and only clothe positive thoughts in action! Blessings and Upvoted!
That is a great message you hav over there. Sometimes I think about my goals and I feel like am so close to it. It always good to move with positive people they make you see what is in you and tells you to work towards that.
It's so true.