Those Crazy 'Conspiracy Theorists' - or Are They 'Crazy'...?

in #life6 years ago

An open and free mind is essential to live a truly fulfilled life.png

Let me ask you a couple of questions here; Do you think that so-called “conspiracy theorists” that most 'sheeple' (people who are conditioned throughout their lives towards group-think and who eventually succumb to only accepting the mainstream 'norm') decry and deride as cranks and crazies, are just 'lucky' when their, so-thought, 'ridiculous' claims actually come to pass?

People, such as 'crazy-man' (the UK Queen has evil Reptilian tendencies) David Icke or Lee Carroll ('channeller' for an inter-dimensional 'Higher Being' known as Kryon) or Mike King (exposer of the Elite, Jewish control system) are they really just merely deluded, brain-sick lunatics, worthy of nothing more than derision?

The problem with this belief is that repeatedly everything these people have been saying and predicting, for a great many years now, has actually happened!

Unfortunately for the deriders (and so-called debunkers) and their ill-conceived and subsequently pampered belief systems, the truth becomes a far too bitter pill to swallow. It exposes their fallibility.

So they write vitriolic comments about anyone with an alternate belief-system - and often (senseless) insults wherever they can. Moreover, these comments usually have the desired effect; they reinforce groupthink and persuade people that, despite the obvious truths revealed, it is still safer to maintain the accepted (but delusional) 'authority' point of view, a to simply dismiss, without consideration or thought, any alternate knowledge.

Again unfortunately for people with ego-driven, dogmatic beliefs, if something is predicted or suggested by those who they simply write off as crazy 'conspiracy theorists' actually happens and manifests (as it always does) it (surely ?) diminishes the credibility - and intellect of these automatic, habitual, non-critical thinking, self-deluded, naysayers.
There are also people (known as 'trolls') who are paid or persuaded to post malicious and derogatory comments on the websites and Youtube channels of these “Reality Truth Seekers”, to attempt to sway, the easily manipulated, public’s opinion against all possibility that there might be some real and factual knowledge being offered.

Then, of course, there are the simple dim-witted morons who offer nothing more than infantile insults in response to anything that is not in their (very) limited view of reality.

Now ask yourself a question; Why are people with 'alternate' views never invited on (or if they are – it is very rarely) to mainstream media for their interpretations of 'reality' to be exposed to the public on an equal basis with those of the 'establishments'?

Of course, the controllers and paymasters of the mainstream media know that the views of the (disparagingly called) 'conspiracy theorists' are the most valid. There is no way they can be allowed to be heard...I mean, come on, if you controlled something for your own benefit would you allow anyone to start telling the people you control, that they are really 'omnipotent' Beings with a powerful mind of their own, and an ability to have incredible influence on their world?
Of course not!

Personally, I am happy to be, even if disparagingly, called a 'conspiracy theorist' - indeed I consider myself one.
However this term is not correct I, and others like me, are in fact 'conspiracy detectors' and there is an ever-increasing number of 'us'. If I am deemed, by most people, to be worthy of only rolled eyes and sympathetic looks towards the heavens, I do not care, I am in good company with some of the world's greatest, open-minded, critical thinkers, thank you.

I am also a part of a quickly and exponentially growing group of the world population who have had the 'veil' lifted and who are daily improving the quality of their lives as a result.

Whenever I talk to people and express my knowledge, and I get the usual and highly predictable rolled eyes and 'sympathetic' smile in response to what I am saying, I simply tell these people to remember what I have just said and try to recall it in two or three years’ time.

I know unequivocally that I will have the last laugh as more and more people will inevitably 'awaken' and the current 'alternative' and much ridiculed and derided view of reality will become more and more widely accepted as the 'norm' - as indeed it should be.

It is getting really exciting to see that the once rarely visited 'alternate' websites and Youtube presentations are now getting thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, of views nowadays, and there are so many more of them coming Online by the day.

Sufficient proof in my mind of the mass 'awakening' of the world's population currently, and quickly, gaining ground - despite all the best efforts of the orthodox and (ill) 'educated' sceptics and debunkers, who think they know better, desperately throwing scorn at anyone who dares to be different.


It's been a while since you were active on the platform, so it seems.
I was wondering if you were still here.
In order to keep the Steem Power delegation, I ask for two things:Hi @geoffbarra

  • be active on the platform: publish a quality post regularly (at least once or twice a week should be doable) and engage with the community
  • power up your earnings instead of cashing them out.

Since it has been 10 days since your last post, and you haven't left a single comment yet, I will be retracting my delegation. That way, the Steem Power doesn't stay unused, and I can use it to help out another newcomer.

I hope you're still around.