The Ramblings Of A Rapids Rider

in #life6 years ago

Part One: The Drive To Riggins, Idaho


Salutations Steemlings!

How I have missed you all! Did you perhaps think that gravity quit working on this Kat? Heh. That would be something! The reason for my absence is far more interesting, well, I think it's pretty fantastic. You see, over the last couple of days my family has been down on the Salmon River in Riggins, Idaho.

Measuring in at 425 miles long, the Salmon River is pretty amazing! It's also known for its white water rafting, and that is exactly what we all did. A few months ago a dear friend of ours asked if we wanted to go with his group of Scouts on an all day rafting trip. Everyone in my family loves the water, but had never been white water rafting. Well, I might have done something of that sort in Alaska on the Thorne River in an inner tube a time or two, but I had never been official white water rafting in an actual raft, so of course I wanted to go!

And the rest is rapids history. We had an experience like none other, one that we are still all elated about. Today's post, however, encompasses some pictures I snapped of our beautiful state. Idaho is such a diverse place when it comes to geographical features. Riggins, where we stayed and rafted, is a little over four hours south from my house. During that drive we saw patchwork farmland, vast canyons, stately forests, and a couple of quirky college towns.


Our drive started in the North Idaho panhandle near Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. We zipped down US Highway 95 and after a couple of hours we ended up in Moscow. Although a trip to the namesake of that town in Russia would be most interesting, we found ourselves eating Root beer floats with our friends at A&W in Moscow, Idaho, home of the University of Idaho. I love Moscow! Surrounded by nothing but fields of crops, the place exudes a farm vibe that is coupled with some serious college town quirkiness.

After our lunch we still had a couple of hours to go, and it was new territory for our family. Even though I have lived in Idaho for quite a while, I had never ventured farther south that Moscow, so when we dropped into Lewiston a bit later, I was impressed by the elevation drop into that town. Lewiston sits in quite a bowl! And that bowl is hot!!! It was 105 degrees when drove through the place on Friday afternoon. Let's just say I did not want to get out of the car at that point:)


After the bowl of steaming soup that was Lewiston, we started to climb in altitude again and got to take in the beauty that is the Nez Perce Indian Reservation. Both my daughter and I squealed in delight as we passed an appaloosa farm and my husband had his attention diverted by the White Bird Battlefield site. Okay, I was in awe too, for you drop out of the mountains and see this massive 1900 acre canyon that was the opening battle of the Nez Perce War. The place is quite literally in the middle of nowhere and pretty awe-inspiring in its natural beauty.

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Finally we drove into the town of Riggins. Perched atop the banks of the Salmon Riber, Riggins is the epitome of a tourist trade town, and by that I mean an old fashioned manifestation of it. There are no big chain restaurants or signs of corporate America anywhere. Instead the place is populated by Ma and Pa style small family run businesses. In fact, I think Riggins has more rafting companies and restaurants that they do a permanent population! It was awesome!


We turned onto a Forest Service road, a paved one lane trail that ran up the side of the river and cruised for ten miles up to Spring Bar campground. With only a handful of spots, the US Forest Service campground was a hoot! We all set up our tents and bolted for the sandy beach that lay on the banks of the Salmon. As it was only slightly cooler at about 103, we all piled into the 70 degree river for a bit of a cool off.

Later, after our crew had roasted hot dogs over an open fire, we found ourselves tucked on top of our sleeping bags for the night, staring at the stars that peered down upon us from the top of the gorge walls. It's hard to describe just how grand the gorge is that the Salmon River flows through. So, I'll just throw a few pictures out to peruse!




And that's all for this post my friends. Tomorrow I will do my best to regale you with the adventures of some first time rafters. The journey was a little atypical and a LOT of fun! Lets just say this Kat conquered a set of class four rapids in a bit of a non-typical way for a first timer!

And as not always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's travel initiated and probably smells like hot dogs Canon Rebel digital camera.

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omg, what a beautiful place to travel.

lol! I think so too. I feel so blessed to live in such a beautiful place:) Thank you for stopping by!

Idaho is such a wild, natural place. Your photos captured its spirit well.

Awe, thank you! It is quite a gorgeous place for sure:)

Kat you did it very well it was worth your absence you were having fun with your family and that is good as well as you went to a very nice place full of many mountains and vegetation

I want to see a little more about this adventure and see how they are doing

Thanks @andrina! It was a fun trip and I love that I got to raft with my whole family!

Somewhere there is video footage of us rafting, I'll try to get ahold of it if I can and share it!

This place is amazing , beautiful photography .
I hope your travel is very nice .

Thanks for sharing @generikat
Upvote you .

thank you!

Nice pics, thanks because I am enjoying them.

The Lehigh river runs right through my town and white water rafting is big business around here because the army corps of engineers regularly release water from the dam outside of town all summer long. Of course that means we are constantly invaded by pearheads, but at least they bring money.

Hmm, you know I have a pretty funny white water rafting story from when I was in college. Well, me and a bunch of my friends thought it was funny, Lehigh University didn't find it so amusing. I'll have to make a post about it because it is a long story.

Well Chops, I am so pleased that you enjoyed the pics:)

Most of my life I just watched other people raft and instead engaged in the fine art of tubing because it was easy to get some giant truck tire inner tube out of the shop at the mill or something. I kinda have to laugh though, cause your invasion statements sound a lot like how we grouse about all the people that bring their boats and invade our lake in the summer, LOL LOL!

I seriously cannot wait to read your college days rafting exploits!

Class four rapids, you say:)Those are some wonderful photos. You and your family must have had a wonderful road trip with that kind of scenery. I can't wait to hear about just how those rapids were conquered:):):)

Oh Pryde, it was such a beautiful journey, both on the water and out of it:) I will weave the tale of the river riding if I ever get a second, I've been on the phone putting out random life fires for the past four hours, it's been bananas! Hope you and your son are staying nice and cool:)

Just in the lower mid twenties where I am ... lovely:)

I do not know much about other places outside of my country I have not traveled outside of it I love being here because I have known for photos incredible places I really like the contact with nature and water so this is a place I would love to visit. sorry to go there

Happy week

Oh! I so hope that you get to travel someday if that is something you would like to do:)

You are in Venezuela right? I bet you have some of the most gorgeous scenery ever!

Hope you have a very happy week too my friend!

Yikes that IS hot! Some very beautiful country there!

I had not been on a trip in like forever before I went. I really enjoyed getting out! There is so much to see and learn everywhere.

Ha ha! You probably could have roasted something quite easily on the road in Lewiston for sure!

I'm so glad you had such a great time on your trip! I love to travel and always feel this satisfied sense of elation for days after I get home:) Hopefully you won't have to wait a long time again before you head out and adventure. Of course, a lot of the time a trip to the local grocery store can be an epic, especially right now with all the summer residents that are lurking, lol lol!

That is a stunning countryside. In many ways it reminds me of Colorado, but it definitely has more of a farmland and western feel to it. Excited to hear about your white water rafting stories - I have yet to enjoy such festivities myself. :)

Hi there! I have missed your most excellent typings!

It was a pretty glorious trip, and I will do my best to paint a word picture of just how awesome the rafting part of it was:) Hope things are going well for you all back East, it's incredibly hot here right now, lots of iced tea!

And maybe a rafting trip is not too far in your future, might be fun;)

Definately convinced we need to visit Idaho! Great photos and such a great time for you and your family. 🐓🐓

I don't think I've been to Riggins, but many years ago (when I was a kid) my family did drive through much of Idaho on a vacation. I remember the Sawtooth Mountains, where the nights were cool in July, and American Falls, which was as warm as you described Lewiston.