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RE: SILVER Time to Stack -- These may be the lowest prices you will ever see again! Secrets of Stackin Revealed COIN STASH DYNAMICS

in #life8 years ago

I agree that silver is better then gold, it should out perform gold when prices do go up.
I am not sure if 999 or 9999 will make a difference when SHTF. Silver will be silver and people will want it. Just some thoughts.


probably would not make a difference. my thinking is that if the price is the same i'm going for the highest purity. It's like a free selling point I guess since most people think exactly like your saying. Might as well get the extra 9 if there is no price difference. It would be an extra ounce of silver if someone makes it to 1000 ounces. I know it's a petty difference but I'm getting jewtight these days.