Good day turned Sour? (How I lost my aunt to the cold hands of death)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Wednesday January 24th 2018 was supposed to be the happiest day of my aunt's life but....

My Special Invitation
Few weeks ago, I got a message from one of my cousins asking me if I would be attending our aunt's wedding(Wedding date-24th January, 2018). I knew my aunt she was talking about but i couldn't remember who she was. I almost ignored her message but I was taken aback by her surname., we were bearing the same surname. I had to ask her again who she was and I realized she was my cousin that I had not seen for over 7years.
Ooooh wow!!!
That was the scream I made. I knew her when she was so little. I was wowed by how much she had grown. It was really nice hearing from her. I had not seen many of my cousins in so many years because we live in different states in Nigeria and I have not been traveling to my home town during festive periods.
24th January was supposed to be the date for my aunt's wedding but it turned out the other way.

The news

A week plus ago, some minutes past 7am while I was getting ready for a new day, I got a call from home that my aunt whose wedding was slated for January 24th, 2018 was dead.
I asked.
It didn't sound true.
I pinched my self so I could wake-up from that evil slumber but nay it was true. I pinched myself again harder this time just in case the sleep was too deep but no. Reality struck with a bang.
I had lost my aunt.


Ahh I screamed than my voice could carry, I shouted her name just in case she was close so she could hear me. I screamed again to see if my voice could make her change her mind.

If only screaming could make the dead come back to life, maybe mine would have brought her back.

At a point, my legs could no longer carry me, I had to sit down. I had to end the call. I was speechless. Tears came running down my eyes. Her pictures were on my head,even clearer than reality. Her voice, I could hear clearly in my head. So how is it possible that she was dead. I had to return the call.

The Details

Here was our conversation on the phone
Me: Hello dad, what did you just say
(I couldn't wait for him to reply)
Me: Please what did you say on phone when you called. Did she really die.

Dad: Yes she did

Me: I screamed again but this time I had to control myself. What happened, how did she die.

Dad: She was killed by stray bullet.

Me: How can it be true. Where? How? By who?

Dad: She was traveling and was shot by kidnapers who thought their bus was trying to attack them.

Me: (I could not take it anymore) OK dad let us just talk later, I can't think straight.

And that was how I ended the call. It was a bad way to start the day.

How can I arrange the thoughts in my head. How would my aunt whose wedding is supposed to be January 24th be dead?
Just few days to her wedding?
There were so many questions in my head with no answers.

The only answer anyone could give me was, "she is dead".

Burial Preparations

Since she was still young, there was no point delaying her burial the "umunna" said. It was best to help everyone get stronger.
But To make matters worse, the "umunna" fixed her burial date for 24th January, 2018.
Same day that was supposed to be her wedding day.
I don't know the reason for this though I asked. Someone said, "since the date was already fixed for her, it was just best to continue with the date.

Good day turned sour

January 24th will always be fresh in our hearts because it was supposed to be the day for my aunt's wedding. Instead it turned out to be the day she kissed the earth good bye.

It was supposed to be the day my cousins and I would see after haven not seen for years. This was supposed to be done in joy. We still saw though but we saw for the wrong reasons.


RIP my aunt till we meet to part no more.
Rest in the bossom of the Lord.
You were hard working, you helped the needy, you loved all.
You made money not for yourself but for everyone that came your way.
Mother earth knows she has lost a great soul.
Rest in Peace aunt, you will surely be missed.
We love you.

Thanks for reading.


This is really sad, may her soul rest in peace.

Thanks love

Sad! Accept my condolence dear.


Thanks dear

This is the third condolence greeting I'll render in just few hours and perhaps the most tragic. But like I asked in others: who are we to blame God? He giveth and He taketh! We are all His, for He created us all.

Our hearts are with you @gee1 and all she left behind. Please gather strength and move on. Thank God no matter what and move on. May God grant you'all the fortitude to bear it!

Accept my condolences please... May God grant us all a joyous end.

I'm Tomfreeman!

Thanks for your condolences. I appreciate

Wow.... This is really really sad. This life self, full of surprises. Just take heart OK? Eternal rest grant unto her Oh Lord and let ur perpetual light shine upon her.

Thank you

Sorry about the loss


Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let your perpetual light shine upon her.
May the Soul of your aunt and the Souls of the faithful departed rest in Peace. Amen

Thanks dear

This is really sad. So sorry dear. Wow. Sleep after toil, ease after war, port after stormy sea, life after death does please. Accept my heartfelt condolence please.

Thanks dear


This is really sad, may her soul rest in peace

Thanks love

May her soul rest in peace

Thank you

Oh sorry about the loss


Sorry for your loss, life and death is a cycle, human body is mortal but soul is immortal and soul always reborn in a new form...have some strength :)

Thank you friend

My condolences from my family to yours @gee1. It's not easy to lose a loved one.

No matter how many times we hear of death, & we know it's an inevitable fact of life we never get used to it.

Sometimes they are no words that can comfort us in our times of sorry.

I noticed you mentioned the word "Lord" in your blog. I'm presuming that you have read the Bible before. I regularly study the Bible and I find its an amazing book besides what the critics say of it.

I always find that their passages in this old book that could be encouraging so I like to share something that I read with you. It's found in the book of Acts 24.15 and Revelations 21.3-5.

May the words from this wonderful book bring you and your family comfort!🤗🤗

Wow..... Thank you so much. I just read it. Thank you for these words of encouragement. I am grateful.

So sorry about your aunt, may her soul rest in peace and may god be with you ...


Accept my heartfelt condolence and may God in His infinite mercy grant you and your family members the fortitude to bear this Irreplaceable loss.

Amen. Thanks

So sorry sorry about the loss. May her soul rest in peace. It is well.

A sad story indeed. May she find eternal rest. Please accept my condolence.

Thanks dear

Sorry about that dear, take heart, The truth is God knows best.

Thanks bro

this is so painful
i feel the pain you are going through ma'am

i pray that God will give you the fortitude to bear the loss.

be strong

take care of yourself

Thank you

This is so unbelievable.. On her wedding day turned out to be her burial day.. Do you know I was expecting you to say "Just kidding" like d way I see on some facebook post, it turns out to be real.

I am so sorry dear 4 ur loss... Sorry, I'm saying it late. May God comfort u and also her family in such trying times..

Thanks dear

So sorry honey for the lost pls acceptvmy condolence.

Thanks love

I'm so sorry to read this post. Though we are strangers, I mourn with you in your grief. I pray the Lord brings you peace and surrounds you with His everlasting arms of comfort.

Amen. Thank you dear.