Actually I am not a fan of Democracy, I think it is a joke. Why? Because you are never going to have 100% consensus, and what happens to the part that loses during a "Democratic" event? Well they lose all, let's see:
Brexit, here we have 37% of the population eligible for voting winning the election, so the United Kingdom has to leave the EU in spite of the fact that about 34% voted to remain and of course about 29% didn't even vote. So we face the fact that a minority decides what to do (and this would be the same case if Remain had won, it would have been a minority), is this really Democracy? I am in no way giving an opinion on Brexit, I am not from the UK I don't really care if the UK stays in or out, I guess according to the referendum the UK should have left nearly two years ago.
US, here we have President Trump winning the presidency despite losing the popular vote, this is even worse at least Brexit had more leave than remain votes, in the US the loser won, I know you will say that is the way US elections are set up, but if Democracy is the will of the people how can the guy with less votes win?
Then we have my country Honduras, every country has recognized as democratically elected a guy who also lost, in this case no excuses about an electoral college, once these guys saw they would lose they stopped the vote counts for two days after 70% showed the other guy winning and in the remaining 30% they somehow won all the ballot boxes, or at least the ones that counted.
Israel, a lot of people in Israel don't agree with settlements on territories that are not Israeli, they don't want the army being aggressive, but these guys have less votes so the side that wants more intervention is the one that decides.
Four examples that show "Democracy" is deeply flawed, it is a way for the elites to give an illusion of inclusion to the every day person, you don't decide they do. For example in the US the answer is that is why we have an electoral college so we can stop the people from voting in someone who can damage the country (and actually I think it is much easier to sway a group of electors from the college, so forget about that being a win for the people, the elites still chose who wins). But that is exactly why it is not Democratic if it is up to the people to decide you have to accept what they vote for.
But of course the point I am trying to make is that Democracy is a Utopia, because regardless of who wins an election or any other "Democratic" process, people will be left out, there will be hate, fear, resentment. Things that would not happen if Democracy really existed. Remember Democracy is
"a system of government by the whole population" see that,- the whole population-, not a part of it.
Democracy is not perfect, but it is probably the most workable. Actually, the USA governs as a republic. Or it votes for a representative the vote for them, the majority.
The US is a representative republic where the powers of the representatives are curtailed by the constitution. The founding fathers were extremely opposed to the "will of the people," also known as "mob rule" or "the tyranny of the majority." The founders set up a system that protects the individual against the majority. If you know anything about human nature, you will know that the "majority" are a bunch of idiots.
I don't agree with your argument, but I'll upvote b/c this is a worthwhile discussion topic and mass electoral democracy evidently is deeply unstable - as well as in theory.
Democracy is simply mob rule. In Parliamentary systems its inherently schizoid mob rule more easily manipulated by outside forces for personal gain.