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RE: THIS IS NOT A DRILL~ Power out in All of Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and parts of Mexico!

in #life7 years ago

Come on the energy network in Central America is interconnected, each country gives power to everyone else, and sometines the grid overloads. I have lived here 55 years this is something that happens all the time. "ICE said that the origins of the blackout were outside of the country " so there go your assumptions Costa Rica is powered by hydro, solar and wind, it isn't, Panama also is connected to this grid. Then I see a comment from a person in Puerto Vallarta, no blackout there, I searched for blackouts in Mexico, nothing, you know why? Because this is normal. Maybe ICE and it's Panama counterpart want to increase their prices, that's the major conspiracy we have in Central America.


and yes. we run off solar wind ect, yet we supply power to many other countries and are all interconnected, thats why we all went down. my entire home here is on solar, I still had power,

It is completely interconnected, all countries in CA give and receive energy, now I have 2 questions, was it 8 or 6 countries? make up your mind. And the other one is, can you speak Spanish? I am actually more comfortable writing in Spanish.

hey, im done talking to you, you dont deserve any of my time, My last suggestion to you. Is if you perfect to write in Spanish, WRITE THE REST OF YOUR POSTS IN SPANISH FROM NOW ON... NONE OF THEM ARE WRITTEN IN SPANISH,,, you are full of your own nonsense.

See again, I have not once said anything negative about you, I commented on your article, looks like you have some anger issues. Y si, hablo mejor en Español que en Ingles, lo he hablado desde que comence a hablar, al escribir si tengo problemas con los acentos pero eso no es tan importante, no escribo muchos articulos en Español porque en Steemit el idioma comun es el Ingles.

NO Steemit is not in English, you are ridiculous. This is done, you havent learned a thing and didnt read at all. Yea, I am angry that people like you dont take the time to slow down and take it in before you come up with an opinion! There is even an entire tag dedicated to it "spanish" they seem to do quite well addressing a community that wants to learn more in their first language. time to move on for you and open your mind. I on the other hand have spanish as a second language! and do my best to help promote content creators that are informing the hispanic communities.

Well maybe you are right I should write more in Spanish, but also you are wrong most of the people on Steemit write in English, Bulgarians, Arabs, Chinese, Koreans even though I have noticed Koreans tend to write a lot in Korean also. I do have an open mind I read a lot and for news I use the internet I like to look at the news from all perspectives, I read alt-right, liberal, RT, Deutsche Welle, anything I can, I think I have a very balance view of the news. As for Ana Hilarski I have interchanged views with her, in Spanish.

Do some more research, also i said parts of mexico, southern parts! jeezus. So no, this isnt normal, I have lived in central america for 10 years....

it was the entire country of Costa rica, and others, your being silly, who are you arguing for the governments and the crumbling infrastructure? Pay attention, i never said it was the apocalypse, you cant skim read shit and come up to your own ideas. I noted that how quickly the systems broke down, no internet, no phones, no cellular, all the companies here shut down, fridges at grocery stores with food going bad in only a matter of hours.

"Almost the entirety of Central America was without power", so Costa Rica and Panama are almost all of Central America? These blackouts have been going on for years, what is happening is all of these governments, all of them neo-liberals have wanted to privatize the energy sector for years, but most of the population don't want that because it just means price increases. Podes hablar Español? Con diez años me imagino que si.

yes, read the friggen articles dude! 6 countires without power... out of how many in central america. and it may not have been the entire country and some for less time than others. The point I was making was how fast infastructre for everyday survival like the just in time system would collapse. Great, privatized energy at a time when everything else is failing, your head is in the same clouds as theirs. Mine isnt

"Our country entered into this interconnection project at the time of the FTA (Free Trade Agreement) and we interconnected 15 power grids from six countries. With a length of 1800 kilometers.

However, this Saturday, July 1, 2017, it appears that a fault originated outside the national territory, in SIEPAC (Central American Electric Interconnection System) line, has caused a regional blackout. SIEPAC is an interconnection of the electricity networks of 6 countries of Central America. That is why today’s blackout affects not only Costa Rica, but also several countries. Carlos Obregón, Executive President of ICE, explained that the ruling was due to an excess"

You are looking at the wrong highlights and specifics. Im not CNN here homie! Go watch your regular news casting if you wanna be a nit pick and go back to FB

Go ahead and call me a fanatic, I dont give a shit. Go your own way. You obviously are doing great at.. you lived there for 55 years you say? and umm what do you do? ok great. leave the kids alone and find someone your own age to talk to stupid politics with. your comment is outdated as you seem to be, stay relevant and focus on the important idea, we pull the plug and society is in dissarry in hours.

I called you a fanatic? I haven't only lived here 55 years, I am a Honduran who is 55 years old. I don't like politics, I don't watch TV, and the only reason I am commenting on what you say is because I know this is no conspiracy it is part of every day life in Central America. I have disagreed with your comment why do you get upset? If I couldn't take commentaries that are contrary to my way of thinking I wouldn't comment.

Great, start writing in Spanish, I know a huge spanish community that would probably love to hear your thoughts. I couldnt find a single post in Spanish! Yet my best friends in panama, they always write in spanish, maybe you could learn a thing or two and support the hispanic community instead.