To speak (write) about love is like talking about breathing.
The only difference is that the breathing implies, and love... Love is trying to experience, understand, explain, explain, prove it... Imagine what it would be when we are so related to breathing - studied it, explaining, proving - if we came out of all that breathe? But no, we just breathe! And so we live! Why so simple we could not love?

And we can! Just love! Breathe love!
When we can go back to our early childhood, when life was simple and we were surprised the world and everything around us, we could feel how is it to breathe love. Then we, as a small startled babies, we were just LOVE. We were just being immersed in its entirety in the environment, we felt the connection with everyone around us, we could feel their situation, their joy, fears and pain. We are very astonished to it! I just existed. Breathe love! Is absorbed from the environment and radiating to others. WE WERE LOVE.
And others around us began to educate us. Pointing the finger at us, gave some sound... Pointing to himself, gave different sounds they want to say. You are... I am... He... They taught us to be separated from the whole, that we do share those close to people (parents, brothers, sisters) and those less close (friends, godparents, acquaintances). We have learned that some of my and the other yours. And that we should all share and all to give all of myself. We all understand, but we began to emulate them. I slowly close. Previously, selfless love we shared, and now we started to choose - we gave is mainly where we get the most in return. And so we have less and less radiated love, less to live out your original beings. We started to be separated from him, to forget who we are and 'down' in the material world.

They taught us to write, read, count. We are increasingly began to use their mental abilities, the world classify, evaluate, judge, to share. We started to live in the duality (good / evil, beautiful / ugly, right / wrong) and received more identity. You're a male / female, student're first class, parents are rich / poor, you are a high / low, have long / short hair.... All these definitions begin to 'stick' for us and begin to create our false 'I ', our ego, to shape our personality.
We forgot who we were when we were born, we learned who we are now that we're adults. We forgot to love unconditionally and to radiate love with all our being - BE LOVE. We have learned many new things about how love gives, receives, evaluates and lives. We learned a lot of attitudes about love.
Without love you can not live! If the love we think this way, we not therefore have decided that love is something outside of us that we need to be happy? Are not we therefore reject themselves as being who radiates love and become someone who needs someone else's love for a living? Thus, we are giving up our personal power, we let in our mind creates a need for love. And this need can be fulfilled only one who loves us. I therefore ask all my life, sometimes we find, often only temporarily. And you only need to return to itself as being love. What separates this love and endless shines all around. So live a full, complete and happy life, drawing in his lap like beings - beings who share and radiate love - being that IS LOVE! Only in this way we will be surrounded by love.
Love must be earned / DESERVES.
You often hear: "Love must be earned!" What a scam! Very similar to previous - the love is necessary. Get love means again look for love outside themselves. In addition, get the means to give something to get something else! It reminds you that you may have to trade?
Could this be love?
@gara-kittyForeigner asked the same question.
a very nice post)
Thank you a lot :)