So I was watching a film and.. bam!!

in #life8 years ago

So I was chillin, watching the new Jason Bourne film the other day. As one does, because I like the Bourne films. And it struck me whilst I was watching the film. Hey, this is all well and great. I love shoving it to the government and all. One man taking down an organisation with his super skills, but, doesn’t this all seem a bit far-fetched?

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind whatsoever that there are sub branches of the government that we’ll never-ever-ever get to know about, and yes, they do probably have enemies seeking to expose them at every corner, and yes, they probably have an entire branch dedicated to damage mitigation.

Think Edward Snowden for example. One man that exposed the lies of Government and now hunted like a dog for that very act. To the people he’s probably their biggest friend, and to anyone seeking to control masses of people, an enemy.

But that aside. Really think about it. Why is it always one man trying to save the world? Why one person? Why not a community? Or a town? Or a god damned country? No. Because they don’t want you to think like that. They want you to sit and enjoy the film and think to yourself “psssh. Taking down the machine is hard”

Could you just imagine what would happen if Hollywood released a video about standing up as hundreds of communities and saying no. I’ve had enough. I’m sick of being poor and treated like rubbish. I don’t want any more. Could you imagine what would happen if people collectively got up and walked out of their jobs and went to sit somewhere important? A film about that. Awesome

They know you’re angry. And I expect the recent uprising in man/woman v the world films from Hollywood is a way to subdue that for now. How would you feel if you watched a film with a nation that stood up against those that would seek to keep them living in poverty? No. I know how I’d feel.

And this is why one will never be released. I’m no fan of violence, there’s completely other non-violent ways to protest Oligarchy.

I just think everyone should be entitled to a decent standard of living. Everyone. From the highest paid worker to those that can’t or won’t work. We, you, me, everyone are essentially the machine’s bread and butter. If we stop. Everything stops.

I yearn for a society of happy, tolerant people with all their basic needs satisfied. I thrive in community and think we are stronger united than arguing between stupid things like where someone was born or what someone likes.


Think Edward Snowden for example. One man that exposed the lies of Government and now hunted like a dog for that very act. To the people he’s probably their biggest friend, and to anyone seeking to control masses of people, an enemy.

Edward is small fish compared to the late whistleblower Phil Schneider. Phil had 13 attempts on his life in 1995 and the 14th got him. He ended up strangled to death with a catheter around his neck. What was he exposing you ask? See for yourself:

Oh, that seems deeply interesting. I'll have to watch that

Thought provoking article. Now that you mention it, I would LOVE to see a movie about a larger crowd of population standing up for itself.

Exactly, right? :) - I so would too