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RE: Socialism v Capitalism – isn’t it about time we changed the record?

in #life8 years ago (edited)

gangsta, I don't think there is a true free market capitalist economy anywhere except perhaps the black market, yard sales, swap meets, etc. All countries are basically socialist including the USA. That is why all the world economies will probably soon be collapsing. @gamgam


The free market works best when it's free. The less free it is the less well it works. Don't blame a fettered market for not working well.

That's an interesting point, can you direct me to some resources? :)

Gansta, Read my response to Kooskikoo. Watch the video. :-)

A true free market is not what people mean when they talk about capitalism,so your comment is obscuring the point ,gangam
All countries are basically socialist?? So why are socialists criticizing capitalism, are you really saying that rising inequality, and precarity,including diminishing rights for workers,privatisation,the selling out of natural resources, companies having a free reign to pollute the environment,etc,etc, all of this is socialism?
And people who define themselves as conservatives or neo-liberal ,etc,are all socialists without their knowledge?
Far out,man what can I say.
You really enlighten the masses.

Kooshitoo, The old saying "Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" is appropriate here. Sure corporations misuse their power, but governments tilt the balance in their favor. The more government you have the more they can tilt the scales in the favor of large corporations. It was Rockefeller I believe that said "Competition is a sin". The more you allow the free market to work the more free we all are to pursue our dreams. Corporations love the system we have now because they are working hand in hand with the government. Socialism is just a way for a few people to have power over the rest of us. Socialism doesn't work because the people in power always abuse it and the people out of power don't have an incentive to work hard. Your ideal of a benevolent leadership and a grateful hard working people never comes to fruition. Please consider watching this.

I have no ideal of a benevolent leadership. I do not want leadership, I want governance. Governance without hierarchy. I identify as a communalist in the tradition of Murray Bookchin. You could call it anarchism, it´s basically the same,just not individualist anarchism.
Socialism is not dictatorship:

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership and democratic control of the means of production;[10] as well as the political ideologies, theories, and movements that aim at their establishment.[11] Social ownership may refer to forms of public, collective, or cooperative ownership; to citizen ownership of equity; or to any combination of these.[12] Although there are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them,[13] social ownership is the common element shared by its various forms.[5][14][15]

But this is a moot point, as I´m not a socialist.
The central point is that capitalism and socialism are both old solutions,based on scarcity and centralisation.
What we need is a post scarcity scenario. Read the comment of williambanks above, it pretty much sums it up.