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RE: The Great Escape

in #life2 years ago

I wonder, if they were to be totally honest with themselves, if they ever regret what they did on Hive and the way they're acting now; all the hate and negativity. It's a fools errand though I guess, people like that will never be honest, even with themselves.

And yep, I remember you writing some stuff about it and me agreeing when I read it.


Some have to resort to redefining the word truth, even going so far as capitalizing the T when using the word, in order to avoid being open and honest. Provided one can find a space online where enough agree without asking questions, there's no need for integrity. It's all about appearance at that point and nothing else. Appearance is the only thing being maintained. Foundation crumbles in the meantime. One little flick sets the whole thing off then they scramble for months trying to figure out how to place the pieces back in order so the picture looks the same as before, but that's a challenge, because that image was all an illusion, and there never was any order.

You say it so well man. You called it a while back too, and so it is. Let's see how long it continues, how sustainable air is.