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RE: Santa's Coming

in #life3 months ago

Merry Christmas Boomy you fucken glorious and most incredibly Christmassy man! (It's widely known you're the most incredible of the incredible Christmas men.)

May your ass-smacking skills outsmart Mrs Booms snake-like reactions on this, and many more days to come.


I am getting quicker by the minute not that the coffee is kicking in. She is getting more and more annoyed but in a good way 😜

A very merry Christmas to you, ya roguish gentleman bastage of a man. The Titan of Titans! 😃😃

I have faith in your abilities and know you're not the type to give up, even after a decent beating with a wooden spoon. Stay the course.

Here's to more Titanitious behaviour from the both of us in 2025...Long may we reign. 😁

I think she underestimated how much the wooden spoon would actually encourage me!!

We shall reign supreme mate, one foot in the future and the other on the necks of the dogs that yap at our heels!!