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RE: Take It Out

in #life8 months ago

I knew you had it in you, to be a dentist I mean. It's something to do with the way you ask perfectly normal questions to people while their mouths are wide open and pretend you know what the fuck "u gghugh guggugeeheu uguggeyguhheger means in response.

Fucken dentists and their questions.

Well done on attaining your degree in dentistry mate, you must feel so proud.

Also, them Cockney ladies and their ham flaps mate, it's that flapperflupperty sound they make when the wind blows that is so unnerving.


That's me, next stop root canal treatment. Roll up roll up, I am sure their will be a volunteer soon!

This ham flaps flapping are a worldwide attraction. The tourists love it. Of course, the smell not so much 🤣🤣

I'd totally trust you pulling teeth, doing root canals and crowns, I'd even pay you...all good dentists need enough money to be able to drive a Jaguar F-Pace.'s a smell that one never forgets...but one wishes one could.

I can see a lucrative career incoming. Right up until the first lawsuit!!!

It's why there are so many seagulls in London. So I have been told

Haha, yeah seagulls fucken love it.

There were fucking millions of them hanging about my boy last night. I hope a Londoner hasn't got trapped under my decking 😀😀