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RE: TP Solutions

in #life5 years ago

All you need is some corn...Peel off the husks, take care of wiping duties with them and throw in the compost. Whilst you're at it throw the cob on the BBQ and boom you're left with a tasty treat!

Natures TP


lol...a real gourmet treat! That's a good plan but if people know about it they'll make corn scarce too! That's too funny sir galenkp. lol.

In 100 years from now they'll be talking about the great corn shortage of 2020 and wondering how we ever made it through such terrible times.'re probably right. By then they'd look back on us with pity. Maybe in a hundred years there will be no such thing as shortages!

Maybe in 100 years there won't be such things as humans. 😂

You mean like there might not be 100% humans because we'll be fused with machines and robotics or you mean we'll kill each other off the face of the earth?

Either maybe...Happened to the dinosaurs right? Who's to say it won't happen again?

Well...I can't really comment on that because it involves Bible prophecy and I don't want to sound like a wacko. lol...even though the Bible has a 100% prophetic accuracy rating because God don't make mistakes.

Well, some people argue that making mankind was a big mistake! lol.