The opioid epidemic, was it planned??
In the 90's the pharmaceutical companies marketed opioids as being safe, and non-addictive. THIS WAS A LIE!
At the same time medical physicians were paid by the pharmaceutical companies to go to classes, where they were taught to be more aggressive with their treatment of pain.
This was the pharmaceutical companies "BLOCKBUSTER" way of making money! On us!
More than 64,000 people died from opioid overdose last year, 3x more than the AIDS epidemic of the 80's
It can happen to anyone. We are all just 1 car accident, 1 sports injury, 1 tooth pulling away from addiction.
Addicts are not bad people trying to be good, they are sick people trying to get better. Addiction can be arrested, locked up, you just can't ever put that key back in the lock.
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Powerful information! It’s crazy looking at statistics like these when they’re all lined up back to back. The news talks about immigration, gun problems, diseases, etc. These are the least of our problems, and we all have the numbers and personal experiences to prove it! Suicide kills more people than “terrorism” and gun violence combined! (Except for the “legal” murder aka war). Thank you for sharing the post!
Thank you for your comment. This subject is very near and dear to my heart because my daughter is an addict.