31,299 new users since 4 months ago on Steemit/eSteem/Busy - Slow and Steady growth!

in #life8 years ago

I love it - Steemit is growing, people are posting and it is sustainable growth this time which is good news for investors and media to deal with rational numbers to calculate with. It has almost been a YEAR since the first steem-block was mined and boys and girls has it been a ride :)

It all started as a big sandbox

Four months ago, I made a milestone post welcoming user number 100,000 to Steemit. I did the same when we reached 50,000 Users but then we realized that a lot of these accounts are mining and bot-accounts just representing a 10th or less of the real user base.

So Steemit went through some great serious changes and now the numbers make more sense!

A few changes was introduced to Steemit after that, one of them the requirement of (1) getting an SMS verification embedded to get rid of name-squatters, and (2) Improving the SMS verification to disallow throw-away numbers and verifying over more then one single block which was a glitch that allowed a user to register 7-10 accounts with one SMS and take the free steempower.

Steemit is growing - with real users this time!

A lot of steem-leaks like this has been patched/fixed/repaired/replaced and the result gives us a much more sober calculation of user growth. Reports from blackhats, whitehats and mughats we have learned that it is no longer easy to get a free account on steemit anymore, which makes me very happy when I study the growth in user accounts being created and new users coming to this, eSteem, Busy or other SteemPowered platforms to play - I´m loving it!

So how is My "Vote For Everybody Experiment" going?

When I started this experiment voluntarily with my own account which I have invested with my own money the risk I was facing was to lose curation-rewards. That did not happen at all.

In fact, I discovered the key to unlocking the secret door to maximum curation-rewards for myself while at the same time keeping most of the vote-power to manually curation - Like having the cake and eat it too.

Generosity - The Hidden Easter-Egg in Steemit!

I discovered in this experiment that STEEM has been coded in such a way that you have to be generous towards the masses while the act of selfishness has been erased as a money-making-factor to a certain degree.

Now I need more digits on the vote-sliders to keep up with the user growth!

If I vote for everyone with 1% my voting power stays at 100% all the time. If however, I vote for everyone with 2% my voting power goes down. So what I need is the ability to give something like a 1.50% upvote, I need 2-3 more digits after the decimal divider to avoid recharge breaks. ( @dan, @dantheman, @ned, @sneak )

How I avoid auto-voting for Plagiarism, Scam, Spam and hate-speeches

@SteemCleaners in action working manually

On Steemit we have some good curation-guilds and individuals who voluntarily providing services for the larger community. For example: if a post has been flagged by @steemcleaners, @blacklist, @cheetah my bot is set to skip voting for those posts, allowing me to examine those skipped accounts manually.

@Cheetah in Action Doing quick arrests and shooting down accounts

It is important to take the curation-roll as serious as possible because I do not want to reward thieves and parasites with my upvotes, and neither want the rest of the community so voluntarism works when it comes to basic security. These flag-bots provide our upvote-bots with red and green lights in other words, and you can be part of those projects by contact or by invitation.

@Blacklist in Action Keeps a list of repeat offenders and give them a mini-flag when they post

The Bot I use is FREE and OPEN SOURCE - You can use it too!

On Github you can download the latest version of Steemit-Autovoter So you need to install Python 3.xx since it is a Python-Script. You also need to install #piston by @xeroc after you have installed Python, since well - it is Python-based and this is how you do it:

Installation from shell/terminal

git clone https://github.com/xeroc/piston/releases/tag/0.3.4
cd piston
python3 setup.py install --user
Note:The upvote-bot is written for this version of Piston, when there is a Piston 4 compatible version with the upvote-script ready I will post or resteem that information.

Alright - now that Python3 and Piston has been installed successfully on your computer - it is time to run the bot:

Edit the files in a REAL text-editor for coders, and then: Go to your shell and type: python3 votebot_everyone.py and watch the magic happen!

@fyrstikken`s boat in action :)

My Steemit-Witness is @fyrst-witness and you can vote for him here! or set @fyrstikken to be your proxy


If I vote for everyone with 1% my voting power stays at 100% all the time. If however, I vote for everyone with 2% my voting power goes down. So what I need is the ability to give something like a 1.50% upvote, I need 2-3 more digits after the decimal divider to avoid recharge breaks. ( @dan, @dantheman, @ned, @sneak )

Upvotes can be weighted with a floating number having 2 digits (0.01%). That's the highest granularity that the blockchain allows you to do.
The python-steem libs (and also piston) support that. Just use a float instead of an integer when ever you are asked for a weight. E.g.

post = Post("@xeroc/piston")


Wow @xeroc, thanks :) This was very helpful!
Cheers indeed :)

Hi, discovered this article of yours
and I'm not sure how/whether I can change my posting and active key after I generate new ones.
Because even when I log in with Owner key I see just option to SHOW keys not change them.

Steemit.com doesn't let you change specific keys unfortunately. They decided to make the UI more user friendly and less complex and thus didn't want to have that option. Only think you can do in steemit.com is to change the "password" which will overwrite the posting and active authority entirely.
Maybe busy.org allows you to change keys directly.

I see... I guess I'll have to try it... reconnaissance by combat :-)
Thanks for the answer anyway!

steemit growth...

thanks for your bot updates !
I like your serious and honest curation expectations.

So great to see growth! You're like the fairy godfather of Steemit - I always appreciate your votes, thank you for supporting the platform and the new comers to it!

Thank you for being awesome @daisyd :) Glad you got your account back!

Thanks for sharing :) Nice steemit news!

Your welcome, thank you for taking the time to drop a comment :)

What a great article filled of goodness beyond words at this point! Thank you so very much for all that you do on this platform and for the extra goodness you just shared in relation to the curating bot, not that'll be using it as I do it all manually, but the intention is simply highly honourable and kind.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

I got hit by blacklist for some unknown reason. I think it is a liitle hypocritical to set up an automated downvote bot to stop automated upvotes. Personally, I would rather be upvoted by real people, but I get automated flags all the time, so I'll take all the "up" I can get.

Good to see growth, there is a lot of potential here.

Yes indeed. A peek under the hood of Steemit reveals an effective machine. Top Notch - The Definition of Hi-Tech.

Thanks for the update and explanations! I'm a relative newcomer, but I see a lot of potential here, and can only hope (as a blogger and writer) that actual content of value is a solid part of mix and plan going forward... and that worthy content is rewarded and meaningless filler curated to some dark basement somewhere.

There are lots of things I still don't understand here, but I'll be trying to learn... still trying to determine if (for example) "external eyeballs" (from social media, other web sites, blogs) even have any bearing on what happens here. Onwards!

Resteemed this excellent post

Many thanks dear friend @fyrstikken for what you do for us and the community. Excellent post congratulations

It is indeed encouraging to see the user growth, but I'd also like to see how many users are actually achieving a meaningful level of Steem Power, to the point where their votes matter. Curation guilds are all well and good, and they are helping to spread the voting love, but I still see far too much Steem Power concentrated in far too few accounts. I have well over 200 followers now, but only a handful actually have enough voting power to matter, so without support of the whales / guilds I make < $1 per post. Would be interesting to see stats on how many users per month are passing some threshold, say 10,000 SP, and then track how that number changes over time.

And thanks for sharing your bot info, by the way. I keep meaning to sit down and tinker with bot code someday, but never seem to find the time. I guess I'm getting spoiled with the ease of Steem Voter!

Love this ! It makes me happy to see the steady growth of Steemit :)

Nice post, I hope steemit will grow again and again, as it is a vehicle for the exchange of information and creation. This can help people to share what they want with others who are on the other side of the world without necessarily knowing each other. I think sharing is essential, especially if it is fair. Let the future smile upon you steemians.

Looks that way - new users seems to be enjoying themselves, and we see a lot of new users peeping into @steemspeak every day as well. Here is an invite-link for you and others: https://discord.gg/sqxV63P
Enjoy :)

BULLISH ON STEEMIT..!! Upvoted and Tweeted. Thanks for sharing. Stephen

Awesome @stephenkendal - Bullish is what I am feeling too!

hmm, need to mirror that image so the graph is going in the right direction :) lol

I can't really understand Steemit. How can you have 23 views when you have 56 votes? People never read a post, they are just here to make money. Sad...

Hmm, I would say that is someone`s curation-guild at work. But come back in 48 hours and see the view count then. :)

You can join a curation-guild by contacting @curie for example or make one yourself with your friends and combine vote-power when you see a good post.

It's still a good ratio, I have seen many posts with less than 10% of view and more than 100 votes. Of course people wants to make money, don't you? Our modern society is built on money ! But the fact is that some of steemians are actually reading, being active and sharing what they like, believe and support, if not, there would be no point to stay here on steemit.

All I can say is that this platform has Hidden Treasures. And I'm not talking about STEEM, SteemPower, and SBD. Very Rare finds of Wealth of information that it takes Quality, Thoughtful, and Sincere wording to engage this crowd. It will take time and effort to earn a proper response. Depending on skill level, the savy blogger can see just about everything you say and do which is necessary to earn trust and record the good and the bad data to verify if done innocently. For most it will take longer, for the few good men and women that use the steemit platform for GOOD intentions will be noticed and rewarded faster. {GEM}

Intersting report with insights on your thinking and results!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

That's good news, Ill carry on doing my own voting for the minute as I would def mess that bot up lol

you be controlling it like a boss, I am sure :)

I am having a ball lol

I think Steemit is more or less holding steady for now. At some point it will need to grow, but the developers may be waiting until they feel it is ready before pushing for publicity. It ought to lose the beta tag then. I'm pretty happy with where it's going. Of course there are some 'fairness' issues with the voting, but as long as I'm making something I can live with that.

I'll get to implementing my own voting bot at some point :)

Thank you very much for the quick summary on the development here. I am fairly new and I still need to learn a lot. Did I get this right?
You are using an automated process to upvote EVERY post on steemit and this type of generosity brings you money/value?
Does this mean it´s less valuable to go through steemit and upvote post you like? - I am just trying to get the full picture.
In general I do like steemit because of the content I see here and the interactions I get. I feel like, once I figured out a good schedule to post here I will stick to writing more this year. But I would love to understand how the financial part works , because who knows, I might get rich in the proces :)
so thank you very much for your answers in advance!

Makes senses. I truly believe Steemit is gonna be huge one day, Thanks for your 'botvotes.' Peace

That is SO INTERESTING. Thanks.

Is it possible for a steemian to find out why he or she has been flagged? I have never used any offensive language or hate speech but still I get that automatic bot flag. It would be good to know why.

Keep on keepin on @fyrstikken. Keep doing what you think is best for supporting the community.