It is summer!!!
The season invites us to come out with friends, to enjoy the beautiful seaside, no matter where! Like it is whispering: “Let's go to the so-called blue sea and have fun under the hot summer sun in a nice company”. And do you know what goes hand in hand with a typical, cheerful, summer experience? Well, it's no secret - the cold, refreshing beer that brings us together and gathers friends all around the world.
Beer is the Must have drink in the heat, regardless of gender or interests. We fully understand the German beer fans who organize festivals in Her Majesty of all Beverages honor. In addition to good spirits, it also charges and hydrates, while at the same time it supplies us with minerals and B vitamins needed by the body. The beer helps the production of serotonin, which takes care of our good mood and has a beneficial effect on our sleep. Tell me, just how it is not your first job to look for a cold, refreshing, freezing glass of beer, when you are on the hot summer beach, with all of your friends and everyone around is dancing?
Besides vitamins, beer contains antioxidants, minerals and fibers. When consummated responsibly, beer can lower the levels of bad cholesterol, even reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes or obesity. In fact, the amber drink improves digestion because the fibers it contains remove toxins from the body. More and more people want to live in a balanced way, eat healthy, be active and have a sport regiment. Research over recent years has shown that moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages are a great addition to this modern lifestyle, again when used in moderation :).
All these benefits are in place even for all non-alcoholic beers. But there is an extra specific benefit, drinking non-alcoholic beer, namely that we are brewing the aroma of beer, tasting the freshness, tasting the fluffy foam, drinking in great sips and ... we remain sober and fresh until the end of the night. From personal experience I can say that the more sober you are at the end of the night, the better are the chances to have a great time afterwards ;)
With such a beer, it's even easier to keep our good shape because it has only 22 calories per 100 ml. Traditional beer also does not burden us too much - there are 43. Besides, good beer with low or no alcohol is becoming more and more popular all around - the abundance of types and flavors helps everyone find something they like.