Thanks for the story man. I am really bitter, I am usually the least violent person I know. But after this experience, I dream of finding people who made it huge is crypto and doing terrible, terrible things to them - mostly the founders of BCCX who literally just took my entire $5000 and gave me nothing. There is this one Chinese guy on youtube - decentralizedtv, he always films in his garage with his lambo and other car, I remember BCCX was such a joke to him, he was laughing and joking around and his demeanor alone convinced me that I had to buy bccx, because I want to prove him wrong so badly. I guess he was right. You would think that eventually that everyone would be wrong at a point, but I guess not.
Some days I wish I could disappear. I originally came back to crypto, because I was trying to turn $40,000 or so into $50,000 - after reading so many stories about people turning $10,000 into $300,000, I thought it would be easy. But crypto is all about timing. If I had waited 3 months - which is imposable because I would have spent the money elsewhere, I have this sickness where I have to spend money the second I have it, I would be up 3X right now. Both times I tried buying into crypto in 2017 it was weeks before a huge crash. I first tried in June then we had the huge crash in July. Then I tried again in late December, then Jan 2018 hit. Its almost like someone is watching me, making sure I cant succeed . LOL I don't have anything left to invest, so I guess that wont happen again.
I am sorry to hear about your loss and am happy that you have been able to make some money. I surely wish I listened to everyone that was telling me it was a bad idea. But I wanted to prove my dad wrong so badly, I guess once a loser, always a loser lol. Thank you for your support