Do not sin again
I was struck by the dialogue that took place with an almost 11-year-old boy. Daniel, was the name of my godson, called me to the computer, for which he played in some kind of game, to show me the splendor of his playing tank, where it is virtually fought. Looking at the tank, I praised him for his victory in the game and scolded because he chose a model "Abrams", which is the US, not one of our tanks, which are in many ways identical to exceed the model of western producers.
He responded to my observation is that American tanks he likes. But I will not, I indulge in comparative descriptive characteristics of Tank technology, delving into the history of wars and military industry due to taste preferences of 11-year-old boy in a computer game.
Therefore, with a shrug, I'm going back to reading some books, he decided to remain silent. However, when I moved away from the table at which sat Daniel, suddenly surfaced in my mind the historical fact about the invention of the tank - the British. What I said to his young godson.
Heard in response struck me was forced to go back and continue the conversation.
And he told me the following. "It turns out," everyone in the world invented by Americans and Europeans. Russian had not created anything and are not able, no matter what it was set up. All the best and need to create the Americans and Europeans, and Russian at all of them only buy. And so on in the same spirit.
To my question as to what it is and who took it is said - he said that he knows it all, and all say so. I wondered who the "all" in the mind of 11-year-old child: kindergarten, school, TV, friends and comrades, their parents and other people's parents and even more adults who like a lot of supposedly knowledgeable, trust children.
Of course, I immediately began to recall the great Russian scientists and inventors, to transfer their endless merits. Mendeleev, Popov, Sikorsky, Korolev, cakes and many others, which could go to remember. The child listened to me with his mouth open, wide-eyed with amazement, which slipped distrust and incredible interest. He just does not suspect it all! What I said, and at the end of the conversation ...
... A few days later in a conversation with his friend, the father of Daniel, I recalled this incident and told his parent my godson. Summing up the discussion, I suggested that my friend should pay more attention to education of his son and try to eliminate these gaps in flawed worldview. As it turned out, my friend was genuinely amazed by my retelling, especially ... the tank invented by Englishmen ...
... This is the premise of this article, I want to present to you, or rather, a list of Russian victories and contribution to world culture, which you will find below.
And this is only a small part:
1. PN Yablochkov and AN Lodygin - the first electric light bulb in the world
2. AS Popov - radio
3. V.K.Zvorykin - the first electron microscope in the world of TV and broadcasting
4. AF Mozhajskij - inventor of the first airplane in the world
5. II Sikorsky - outstanding aircraft designer, created the first helicopter in the world, the world's first bomber
6. AM Concept - the world's first video recorder
7. SP Korolev - the world's first ballistic missile, spacecraft, the first satellite of the Earth
8. AM Prokhorov and NG Basov - maser first in the world - maser
9. S. V.Kovalevskaya (the world's first woman - professor)
10. SM Prokudin-Gorsky - the world's first color photograph
11. A.A.Alekseev - creator of the needle screen
12. FA Pirotsky - the world's first electric tram
13. F.A.Blinov - the world's first crawler tractor
14. VA Starevich - space-cartoon movie
15. EM Artamonov - he invented the world's first bicycle with pedals, steering wheel, turn the wheel
16. OV Losev - the world's first amplifier and generating semiconductor device
17. VP Mutilin - the world's first curtain construction harvester
18. AR Vlasenko - the world's first grain-harvesting machines
19. VP Demihov - has carried out the world's first lung transplant and the first created a model of an artificial heart
20. AP Vinogradov - has created a new direction in science - geochemistry of isotopes
21. II Crawlers - the world's first heat engine
22. GE Kotelnikov - the first knapsack parachute rescue
23. IV Kurchatov - the first nuclear power plant in the world (Obninsk), and under his leadership, has developed the world's first hydrogen bomb capacity of 400 kt, undermined August 12, 1953. It Kurchatov team developed a thermonuclear bomb RDS-202 (Tsar Bomb) record capacity 52 000 kilotons.
24. MO Dolivo-Dobrovolsky - invented the three-phase current system, built a three-phase transformer, than put an end to the dispute supporters DC (Edison) and AC
25. VP Vologdin - the world's first high voltage rectifier with liquid mercury cathode, induction furnaces designed for high-frequency currents in the industry
26. SO Kostovich - he created in 1879 the world's first petrol engine
27. VP Glushko - the world's first electric / thermal rocket engine
28. VV Petrov - he discovered the phenomenon of arc
29. NG Slavyanov - arc welding
30. JF Alexander - invented stereofotoapparat
31. DP Grigorovich - creator of seaplanes
32. V.G.Fedorov - the world's first automatic
33. A.K.Nartov - built a lathe with a movable slide first in the world
34. MV Lomonosov - the first time in science formulated the principle of conservation of matter and motion, first in the world began to read a course of physical chemistry, first discovered the existence of an atmosphere on Venus
35. I.P.Kulibin - mechanic, drafted a first-ever single-span wooden arch bridge, the inventor of the spotlight
36. VV Petrov - a physicist, developed the largest galvanic battery in the world; opened arc
37. P.I.Prokopovich - a world first invented frame hive, which applied the store with frames
38. Nikolai Lobachevsky - mathematician, creator of the "non-Euclidean geometry"
39. D.A.Zagryazhsky - invented the crawler
40. B.O.Yakobi - invented electroforming and the world's first motor with direct rotation of the output shaft
41. P.P.Anosov - metallurgist, discovered the secret of the ancient manufacturing Bulatov
42. D.I.Zhuravsky - first developed the theory calculations of overhead trusses used in the present time in the world
43. NIPirogov - first made atlas "Topographical anatomy" in the world that is unparalleled, invented the anesthesia, plaster and more
44. IR Germany - the world's first was a summary of the uranium minerals
45. AMButlerov - first formulated the basic provisions of the theory of the structure of organic compounds
46. IMSechenov - creator of Evolutionary Physiology and other schools, published his main work "Reflexes of the Brain"
47. Mendeleev - discovered the periodic law of chemical elements, the creator of the eponymous table
48. M.A.Novinsky - veterinarian, laid the foundations of experimental oncology
49. G.G.Ignatev - the world's first developed a system of simultaneous telephony and telegraphy over a single cable
50. K.S.Dzhevetsky - built the world's first underwater boat with electric motor
51. N.I.Kibalchich - the world's first developed a scheme of rocket aircraft
52. N.N.Benardos - invented the electric welding
53. VVDokuchaev - laid the foundation of genetic soil science
54. V.I.Sreznevsky - engineer, invented the world's first aerial camera
55. A.G.Stoletov - physicist, the first time in the world has created a solar cell based on the external photoelectric effect
56. P.D.Kuzminsky - he built the first gas turbine of the radial action in the world
57. IV Boldyrev - the first flexible light-sensitive film is non-flammable, formed the basis for the creation of cinema
58. I.A.Timchenko - it has developed the world's first movie camera
59. S.M.Apostolov-Berdichevsky and M.F.Freydenberg - created the first automatic telephone exchange in the world
60. N.D.Pilchikov - physicist, the first time in the world created and successfully demonstrated a wireless control system
61. V.A.Gassiev - engineer, built the first phototypesetting machine in the world
62. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - the founder of cosmonautics
63. P.N.Lebedev - physicist, the first time in a science experiment proved the existence of light pressure on solids
64. Ivan Pavlov - the founder of the science of higher nervous activity
65. Vernadsky - naturalist, creator of many scientific schools
66. Scriabin - Composer, the world's first use of light effects in the symphonic poem "Prometheus"
67. Zhukovsky - the creator of aerodynamics
68. SVLebedev - first gained synthetic rubber
69. G.A.Tihov - astronomer, first in the world found that the Earth by observing it from space must have a blue color. In the future, as we know, this was confirmed during the filming of our planet from space
70. ND Zelinsky - he has developed a high-performance carbon mask first in the world
71. NP Dubinin - geneticist, discovered the gene divisibility
72. MA Kapelyushnikov - turbo-drill invented in 1922
73. EK Zavoisky - opened electric paramagnetic resonance
74. NI Lunin - proved that in the body of living beings there are vitamins
75. NP Wagner - opened paedogenesis insects
76. Svyatoslav Fyodorov - the world's first conducted an operation to treat glaucoma
77. SS Yudin - for the first time applied in the clinic blood transfusion suddenly dead people
78. AV Shubnikov - predicted the existence and for the first time created a piezoelectric texture
79. LV Shubnikov - Shubnikov-de Haas (magnetic properties of superconductors)
80. NA Izgaryshev - discovered the phenomenon of passivity of metals in non-aqueous electrolytes
81. PP Lazarev - the creator of the ionic theory of excitation
82. PA Molchanov - Meteorologist, has created the world's first radiosonde
83. NA Minds - physicist, the energy equation of motion, the concept of energy flow; By the way, first explained practically and without errors ether theory of relativity
84. ES Fedorov - the founder of crystallography
85. GS Petrov - chemist, the world's first synthetic detergent
86. VF Petrushevsky - scholar and general, he invented the rangefinder for gunners
87. II Eagles - invented a method of making a woven banknotes and method odnoprogonnoy multiple printing (Orel print)
88. Michael Ostrogradsky - mathematician formula O. (multiple integral)
89. PL Chebyshev - mathematician, Charles polynomials (orthogonal system of functions), a parallelogram
90. PA Cherenkov - physicist, radiation Ch (new optical effect), the counter Ch (detector of nuclear radiation in nuclear physics)
91. DK Chernov - point C. (critical point of phase transformation of steel)
92. VI Kalashnikov - this is not the Kalashnikov and the other, who was the first in the world equipped the riverboats steam engine with multiple extension pair
93. AV Kirsanov - organic chemist, reaction K. (fosfozoreaktsiya)
94. AM Lyapunov - mathematician, created the theory of stability, equilibrium and motion of mechanical systems with a finite number of parameters, as well as the theorem of (one of the limit theorems of probability theory)
95. Dmitry Konovalov - chemist laws Konovalova (pararastvorov elasticity)
96. SN Reformed - organic chemist, reaction Reformatsky
97. V.A.Semennikov - Metallurgist, the first in the world realized Bessemer copper matte and blister copper was
98. IR Prigogine - physicist P. theorem (thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes)
99. MM Protodyakonov - scientist, developed a standard in the world scale of the fortress of rocks
100. MF Shostakovskii - organic chemist, balm Sh (Vinylinum)
101. MS Color - Colors method (Chromatography plant pigments)
102. AN Tupolev - designed jet airliner in the world's first and the first supersonic passenger plane
103. AS Famintsyn - plant physiologist, developed the first method of the photosynthetic processes in artificial light
104. BS Stechkin - created two great theory - the thermal design of aircraft engines and jet engines
105. AI Leipunsky - physicist, discovered the phenomenon of energy transfer excited atoms and
molecules of free electrons in collisions
106 DD Maksutov - optics, the telescope M. (meniscus system of optical devices)
107. NA Menshutkin - chemist, discovered the solvent effect on the rate of chemical reaction
108. II Mechnikov - founders of evolutionary embryology
109. SN Vinogradsky - opened chemosynthesis
110. VS Pyatov - metallurgist, invented a method of producing armor plates by rolling
111. AI Bahmutskiy - invented a coal combine (for coal), the world's first
112. AN Belozersky - discovered DNA in higher plants
113. SS Bryukhonenko - physiologist, created the first heart-lung machine in the world (avtozhektor)
114 GP Georgiev - a biochemist, discovered the RNA in the nuclei of animal cells
115. E. A. Murzin - invented the world's first electro-optical synthesizer "ANS"
116. PM Golubitskiy - Russian inventor in the field of telephony
117. VF Mitkevich - the world's first proposed the use of a three-phase arc welding of metals
118. LN Leonid Gobyato - Colonel, the world's first mortar was invented in Russia in 1904
119. VG Shukhov - the inventor of the first in the world used for construction of buildings and towers, steel mesh shell
120. I.F.Kruzenshtern and Yu.F.Lisyansky - made the first Russian voyage around the world have studied the Pacific Islands, described the life of Kamchatka and on. Sakhalin
121. F.F.Bellinsgauzen and M.P.Lazarev - discovered Antarctica
122. The world's first icebreaker of the modern type - ship of the Russian Navy, "Pilot" (1864), the first Arctic icebreaker - "Ermak", built in 1899 under the leadership of SO Makarova.
123. VN Schёlkachev - founder biogeocenology, one of the founders of the phytocenosis, its structure, classification, dynamics, relationships with the environment and animal population
124. Alexander Hesmeyanov Alexander Arbuzov, Gregory Razuvaev - creating chemistry organometallic compounds.
125. VI Levkov - under his leadership, the world's first cell phones were created by hovercraft
126. GN Babakin - Russian designer, creator of the Soviet lunar rovers
127. The PN Nesterov - the first in the world performed on the plane closed curve in the vertical plane, "dead loop", later called the "loop the loop"
128. BB Golitsyn - became the founder of the new science of seismology
And all this, only a small part of the Russian contribution to world science and culture. In this case here, I do not touch a contribution to the art, most of the social sciences, and this contribution is not small. And above all, there is a contribution in the form of events and objects, which I do not consider in this study. Such as the "Kalashnikov", "First Cosmonaut", "The first winged" and many others. Of course, it is impossible to enumerate all. But even such a cursory glance, allows you to make the necessary conclusions ...
That's what we need to teach our children and that they constantly have to explain and demonstrate.
чему и надо учить, так это тому, что нет никаких "наших" и "чужих", есть просто люди.
Пока вы папаша (хоть и крестный) сами до этого не додумаетесь, ничего в корне не изменится.
а дети просто берут пример.
для начала:
WOW, quite a list of accomplishments and contributions. I certainly learned a lot from your story here. Thank you, oc
Подрастут поймут, сейчас бесполезно им объяснять.