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RE: Sweet Summer Solstice Sweat

in #life5 years ago

I say, have the rum cake! Skip the soup... but then Pink... pink like pink roses or carnations? That's the best I got... OOOH like the pink and orange sunsets on that hot summer evening, telling us that tomorrow will be yet another beautiful day! There, see, ham it is!

For the rum and the sweat on a happy summer solstice, well I would have said Rum on the rocks but screw that, drink the rum and keep the ice for the skin that needs cooling.

And for the kids, never beat yourself up for that, for they have an awesome mom! A mom that can throw a party! Cause there's rum!


Pink like a sunset! Why didn't I think of that? The soup could have been perfect! Lol.

Ah, so you are that other type of person that likes to drink the rum. I respect that. You drink it, I will eat it, and we both can rub ice all over us :)

Agreed, kids should see adults just being adults. It is easy to slip into doubt in parenting, but also easy to come away from it when the mind become clear again.

Depends on the rum! Like coconut rum :P Other than that it's too strong for me ^_^ I would eat it too.

And yes! Let's rub ice all over us haha.

It's hard being a parent. Congratulate yourself and feel good even though there are days the kids didn't do much at all. If those kids are going to bed with full bellies, a roof over their head and are healthy kids, then be proud that you can offer them that on a daily basis ^_^