Sleeping dog and just ramblings

in #life3 months ago


Life could be much simpler for a well treated dog, in a warm house most of their needs are cared for lovingly ever single day, exercise, food, companionship, love. They get trained to learn tasks to challenge their minds and get rewarded for their efforts. If they do something dumb they get scolded temporarily and then back treated with love.

At the same time dogs get parts of their reproductive organs removed or made non functional so many don't get the opportunity to become a doggy parent to puppies so that opportunity for love and fulfillment is removed at our convenience. They die sooner than humans and humans often decide when they live or die. And maybe they don't understand and that makes it better or ok. I'm not sure.

To some degree we are like dogs we have many of the same wants and needs. There are many things we don't control and we have to accept we don't control the outcome no matter how painful that is. Sometimes we just have to keep putting one foot after another. A friend of mine has bad mental health issues and I've sort of let go of controlling the outcome while still steering her to get help and being there for her as much as possible especially in the darkest hours. But I know I can't be there all the time and have made peace that she may improve soon or in months or years from now or things might get worse and for better or worse I'll try to be a light in her darkness. I hope she will get better and lead a fulfilling happy life.

And sometimes life is miserable and suffering and you try to embrace the misery and enjoy life in spite of the suffering. Being grateful for laughs, human touch, music and small moments while we have them. And the tremendous people in my life, there are family and friends who show how much they care often. I am so thankful to share this planet with them.

Would you rather understand your suffering or be more oblivious to it like a pet dog?