I once asked a friend of mine, what he thinks "being afraid of dying" means. And his answer was very convincing. He said "It does not mean to be afraid of the death itself or of what you lose, it´s the fear of what you leave behind."
Why i am looking forward to dying
Before I start explaining this, I should say that I am not suicidal and I am happy to be alive and so should you. We all should try to do the best with the time we have.
Even though i am happy to be alive, i now and then think about the death. Have you ever imagine to be death? It´s very hard. I think we humans cannot imagine to no exist or to die. Maybe we can get near to the border but i think its very hard to cross it.
My interest in dying hatched out of this lack of Imagination. I am really wondering how it is to die or to be death. There are so many theories about this. Some say that you will be reborn, others say you will go somewhere else like paradise, heaven or hell. And there are also people who think that we will just stop existing.
Its funny to argue with this kind of people. Their arguments are very entertaining. I often got asked "What can you remember before you where born? Nothing, right? And thats what comes after you die! Nothing!" Then i asked "Can you remember being born? No, right?..."
However. I am really looking forward to dying but i also wish to have a lot of time being alive and healthy. Not only for me but for everyone! I want be my very best to leave this world in peace to solve the last mystery.
I am really Interested in your thoughts and opinions to this topic, please share them with me and tell me your stories. Thank you for your attention and have a nice day <3