
Let people earn your trust.

Don't give it away cheaply.

For me i try to give everybody "a full glass of trust" when first in contact. Most people tend to spill a lot of the trust tho...

I do the same...

Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @florinmanica!

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You are a good man. Thank you very much for your support.

Excellent topic. Keep it up

You are nice. Thank you.

As a psychotherapist and executive coach for some 30 years now I have run into a number of people who have helped to shape my character because I was willing to trust them yes taking risks can be dangerous but isn't that what life is all about living to the fullest learning from others and finding your own way. Trust a way, powerfully, courageously and lovingly would be my advice. You have nothing to lose, really. And what you have to gain for taking that risk is you might just discover who you really are .

What I found out through my own experience is that surrounding yourself with like-minded people is essential for one's well-being. But, I also discovered that there is a danger to it as well. I think seeing the both sides of the coin enriches your experience and helps you through you own journey of self-discovery. However, As Nietzsche wrote in "Thus-Spoke-Zarathustra" returning into [your] "cave" and withdraw from men is where we can learn more about who we are and thus be prepared to face the world.

I totally agree. You have a very good way of saying things. And I like it.
Thank you so much for your nice sentences.

Very true.

Hustle in life man ....Best Of Luck With Greater Future Ahead With Joy And Happiness ...Peace ✌🏻

Man is a social creature, thus his (and her) inherent nature is to fight for position, to keep a wary eye on how others are doing to and resent it when they are doing better and to seek to surpass them. This is not our best self, or the self that creates the best community, but it is the reality of the body we all find ourselves in this time around.

Trying to repress this just pushes the urges into our subconscious, and we end up turning our logic into pretzels in order to justify what our subconscious is screaming at us to do. Much better to acknowledge the urges and then remove ourselves from someone's company if we find that they stimulate too much competition from ourselves.

Similarly, a willingness to withdraw from friends who demonstrate that they have not figured out how to control these urges is healthy. It's how balance is achieved. Peaceful and voluntary withdrawal is the feedback loop that keeps society peaceful and healthy. It acts as a one way valve, that terminates unhealthy relationships while maintaining healthy ones, and the termination process of a relationship is part of the learning process for others.

Relationships are like a healthy marketplace. Monopoly is bad. Competition is good. Having your friends know that you won't stick around if they treat you poorly is part of what keeps them honest and trustworthy.

There is nothing to add. You pointed everything! Thank you so much for being so relevant. Your comment has so much value you can't imagine!

Thanks -- your post was a great one to respond to and I enjoyed reading it!

Due to the comment and your contribution, I will follow you.

i learned a hybrid method! I trust everyone and also expect they will let me down! i get the best of both worlds ;-) lol its true actually!

Very good strategy. But this cannot be applied all the time :)

I recommend reading RAW Food and the Psych Ward and Ready Set Go! Step out. I think it will speak to you

You made me curious! Ok, I will check.

You have some good points in this article, but I do not agree 100% with you. Actually I think it's ok to trust people on same level as you, because you can learn new things together.

Trusting someone and not giving a fuck are 2 different things.

Following you and looking forward to another post from you !

You know, there are days - in our life - when people are bad. This article came out from my head when I was disappointed. I just wrote - one night - everything that came out from my head. So, was my point of view in that moment.
You don't have to agree. Was just an opinion...

By the way, if you intend to look after my next posts that mean that you don’t hate me for my point of view. 😊

Thank’s for your comment @gamestack, I bet you are a nice man.

The path to hell is paved with people who you thought would NEVER fuck you over!! 8-)

Actually it's fine to trust people. Just give it as a gift to people who have earned it instead of letting it be your default mode.

In 2 years, we all from here will be rich! In that moment life will be very funny (from the point of view of friendship): in that time, you will receive calls from "friends" that suddenly remember you. They will say:

Hey my man! We should see each other often. We have SO MUCH things in common!

But at the end, they remember that they need some money… Do you know these kinds of friends?

But as you say: "Actually it's fine to trust people." Maybe too funny, in certain circumstances... I say.

Great, honest article @florinmanica! I can tell you have been let down by many people in your past. But I don't think we have to automatically expect the worst from everyone we meet in our lives.

Such an attitude builds up a barrier that the other person is unable to cross. If you give trust on the other hand the person has the chance to return the favour.

I'm not saying you should trust everyone but usually we can make a healthy judgement about who is going to hurt us and who won't.

I have actually just recently written an article about this topic is as well. It deals with forming relationships.

You have right. We don't have to automatically expect the worst from everyone.