The Perfect Lunch On The Homestead

in #life8 years ago

Numbers are crunching, papers are flying, and keys are clicking. It is a busy day on the homestead. The day began with work on the annual budget and setting goals for the new year . It has been a January habit of mine to make an effort to plan my year. I like to set my goals for the year, set my budget, and most of all, plan out what I will need to prepare for this years pantry and household products. As I am a freelancer, I also plan time slots that are set aside for writing and set my yearly goals. Beyond that I need to plan out my Essential Oils Office times and classes. It is also essential that I build in time for the family and set aside time for my Torah studies.  Latter in the year, the garden will also require at least 30 minutes twice a day. During the part of the year where there are few garden chores, the garden slot is my sewing and crafts slot.  So call it a work day, and work days make you hungry!

When you have the desk pilled with papers and the computer in the mix, simplicity is a must. With a need for something simple, I designed the above plate to be eaten as we work. Since we are to eat 5 different colors of produce to make the ideal meal, I served green beans, white and purple carrots, orange carrots, dates and celery. All this is served with two kinds of homemade hummus. Amazing, but we had 5 different colors of produce, and excellent hummus made from Garbanzo Beans. Can it really get any simpler and still be healthy?

Now it is back to clicking those computer keys, crunching more numbers, and making our plans for the new year. With dry beans cooking for the evening meal, I once again return to checking the pantry and checking it twice. 

 Enjoy life on  the homestead, Silva @floridagypsy  

 © 2017 Floridagypsy. All Rights Reserved.   


That is a great idea. I have a specific diet I follow where I graze all day. I never thought about putting the day's food on a plate on my desk and just finishing it by the end of my work day. Might save a ton of time and guarantee I eat what I'm suppose to.

I am a grazer and this keeps me on track for the day.

Healthy and delicious! Keep sharing!