@done is supporting a reward pool manipulator and defending his actions as aligned with Steem's growth.
On the contrary, @done is paving the way for corporations and greedy whales to reward themselves because they have deeper pockets.
Talented minnows and low stake holders (us little peons) will no place around here if the climate doesn't change and he has found himself on the wrong side.
I envision a Steem that gives fair rewards for adding value. That dream is quickly becoming fantasy in light of the reality of the world where cynicism is now realism.
@done, I ask you to reconsider you 100% downvote on my post. I worked my ass off for a cause bigger than myself and we have a shit ton of minnows and plankton that believe that Haejin's actions are morally wrong.
The manipulators have made a mockery of sweat equity. Steem is going to go downhill fast with the collusive and circular voting. This may very well be the last stand before Steem fades away into obscurity.