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RE: Update and News

in #life7 years ago

Glad to hear you are back in the saddle! While there is a lot of wisdom in "fake till you make it" sometimes there is some baseline healing that simply must occur before you can really even fake it. Best wishes to yo!


So true.

Things are slowly getting better. I'm still in shock: they keep calling it my "near fatal car wreck" and it's still so surreal...

I'm fortunate that a couple of my doctors are true compassionates, it really makes a difference. It's as if the words of the non compassionate ones are brushed aside by the psyche or something...

You have a gargantuan task before you. Ever watched this guy? That thing the brain is DESPERATE to do, figure out how to NOT have this happen again... it can't really do that unless you swear off motorized transportation. It is inherently dangerous, and your brain knows that. You can do it though, you are strong and practical. You've got this baby!

I've never come across this guy before, thanks for sharing!

You know... I feel like I understand now. I knew concussions were dangerous before, yes, but now that I'm experiencing some truly frightful side effects I'm acutely aware. And of the importance of taking it oh so easy...

I also really want to do something helpful for others, or bring awareness on a deeper practical level, or something.

There has to be a way I can turn this into something good...

Did you ever know libertyteeth on here? He was actually an old political ally of mine from long before steemit, I just happened to run into him here like my first day. He suffered 5 serious concussions, it was REALLY jacking with his life. He is undergoing stem cell therapy now, and having FANTASTIC results. If you find you can't get over some hump, that is something you can look into.
I have no doubt you will find a way to make something good come of this.