Ok. I see everybody liked your post. This was kind of expected. You put some decent ideas in it.
Good. I agree with all and even more. I have my own. But let's go deeper with your advices. Let me be the devil's advocate for a moment.
- you know that in a usual communication only 1% is verbally. The tone, mimics, attitude, all body language is more important. Because it shows to the others your true message.
- we all have very different perspective about anything, even small things. The difference between what we feel, what we think, what we speak are so big that we are often surprised: "what did I said ? Why is upset? "
- online discussions vs offline discussions. In the internet we all are very " powerful". We speak with a lot of conviction and the discussions heat up quickly. Face to face is not the same. Face go face we remain human, we are emphatic.
- a very big proportion of our discussions are monologs. We listen but not so much. We just don't care so much. Because we think we know better and we are more important and have other priorities, etc...name it...therr are a lot of "motives"
- respond, don't react. A wonderful piece of advice. But you know about our old reptilian brain and our new homos sapiens brain, right ? The old brain taught us how to survive for hundreds of thousands years. He is the first one that kicks in. Involuntarily, of course and without too much room to correct it. Even so, I choose your piece of advice. Even if it's hard. It's not Imposible.
Imposible is to build a Dyson Sphere. I'm joking.
I liked your post, I tend to use the same principles but it's something that takes time and more importantly: will power.
By the way, let's propose a Netiquette for Steemit. To put some ground rules and to emphasize the community's expectations.