Let's Talk—Can We Guess Why Time and Health Are Our Most Important Assets?

in #life7 years ago

Few weeks ago I had my surgery and these screws came out of my leg! I've got three more of these and two rods which are to be removed around mid-2018. During the course of the past few months I've had to rest a lot and take it easy. This meant I couldn't do many of the things that I did every day otherwise.

Some of these screws used to trouble me, making simple things such as a slightly brisk walk difficult as they would poke me inside my leg. Since the bones were healing well, my surgeon felt it wasn't necessary to keep them there. This would also expedite the healing process I was informed.

I still have a lot of pain around the fractured segment of the tibia and fibula if I exert myself, but I'm hopeful that it'll heal with time. The nerve damage in my arm is slow to recover and I've no idea how much longer it would take—bit of a disappointment really!

If all this wasn't bad enough, about 2 months ago I managed to strain my back and the pain didn't go away. On the morning of my 3rd and most recent surgery we x-rayed my back found out I've a slight fracture in my lower back, behind the discs. Seems like I hurt it months ago when I met with an accident and the recent strained caused it? Who knows...

Now for most part of it I'm managing quite well, but it's difficult to do some things such as sitting for long durations or bending and lifting heavy objects. The pain is also quite constant and gets worse by evening on some days which is annoying and it worsens when I have to put in long hours at work.

It's quite surprising how the human body can endure foreign objects inside it and how the mind copes up with the time that it takes for the body to heal. Healing is sometimes a slow process taking months if not years and all that we can do during this time is to be patient and wait it out.

Fortunately for me, the bones will heal and hopefully so will my back and arm. It's a matter of time now and I have to wait it out!

Good health if lost is sometimes recoverable but it is impossible to get back the lost time. There are times you wished you could turn back time in hopes that you could go back to your past and do things perhaps differently to achieve an entirely new outcome. But this doesn't happen in real life.

Time seems to flow in a single direction and all you can do is wish that you accomplish all that you dream before you kick the bucket.

Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted. - Denis Waitley

This picture was forwarded to me recently and I couldn't help but ponder for a bit what it would be like to ride my motorcycle once again! But I guess all I can do right now is rest and wait it out even if I feel that I'm just wasting away precious time.

Every day I work as hard as I can to save up money in expectation of some magical fix to the nerve damage in my arm. But whether I find it or not I'm sure it won't stop me from continuing to try and live my dreams and also enjoy some good things in my life and help others a little as well.

Time and Health are our most precious assets indeed but if you are alive and have the will to fight out of any difficult circumstance, you can very well achieve anything you set your mind to. This is my learning in the past 7-8 months!

What about you dear readers? Have your life experiences taught you differently?

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What a great post!

I find it amazing how we take so many things for granted in our day-to-day activities, but when an accident or an injury occurs, we quickly find out how precious things like breathing and walking really are.

Btw, who is the artist of the hourglass rendering?

In China, we are told that the Health stands for 1 and Wealth are just a bunch of zeros after 1. So if you don't have a healthy body (and mind), it is meanlingless even if you have thousands of zeros....
I wish you healthy and all the best!

Wow. Those screws are serious!

I'm glad your bones are healing, hate that nerves are so much trickier! Maybe they will come up with something, but in the meantime, not a lot you can do about nerves.

A friend of mine broke a finger playing basketball and had plates and screws put in. I've been lucky in that regard, nothing to that extent.

You have to be careful with back and spine. That doesn't like to heal so well! Take care of it. Yes, it might mean not doing what you want for a time, but the time is well spent on getting healthy.

On the flip side, it is true that we never know how much time we have. I lost a friend to cancer last year, he was way to young. But you just never know what the future holds.

Gotta live while you are able.

Thanks for sharing this @firepower. All the best in your recovery. best hurry it up, there's a lot to do at SteemFest! hahaha

Sending you so much healing for your leg and also the nerve damage in your arm.

I smashed my elbow into 5 pieces and had it metalled back together, so I totally get the having metal sticking in you and causing pain when you're doing things, not pleasant! & the sitting around waiting for healing to speed up too!

I do energy healing so I will send as much as I can and see if I can give you a 'magical fix to the nerve damage in my arm', I know nerves are tricky to heal.

So pleased you washed and polished the screws before photographing them!

Much Pure Love, Light and healing <3

Such a nice example of making lemonade out of lemons!

A friend has been suffering with back pain that has redefined her entire life as well. She really wants to avoid surgery and is trying light therapy and stem cell therapy. Fingers crossed

My friend, I have not seen you post for a while and wondered about you and went to your blogs to see what was up. I am so sorry this happened to you. I have had many broken bones in my life, but never any screws. It does look like you are mending well which is good, and I know you will be back in the adventures mode you appear to love very soon. The body is an amazing machine that knows how to heal itself over time.

Here is to a speedy recovery. I had in fact wrote in one of my post that during my reflections of My Trans-Mongolia Journey, health is crucial. Without good health, I would not be able to travel around the world. In fact, it was due to the good health that my wife and I are currently enjoying that we decided to go for this long journey now rather than later.

In 2004 I had a vertabre replaced in my neck c4/c5. I have a metal plate with 6 screws that hold it in place. My experience was that time takes time. The doctors told me that many things that I used to do like playing basketball and lifting weights, I would no longer be able to do. My experience was that time takes time. 3 years later in 2007 I got back into the Gym. 10 years later and I have never been more physically fit. The doctors were wrong. I never stopped believing in myself. You have time, the rest if your life in fact. Enjoy the moment you have now. You will be back on your bike soon enough. We are only limited by what we believe to be impossible

Great motivational post, you are a real overcomer!

Up voted! I agree

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Because time and health can choose to be at war with each other anytime, without warning.

Truly, life is short, and death and dying are both very real.

My case isn't as extreme, but a few years ago I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. The symptoms were so bad that my body was literally breaking down. I thought I had cancer. I was so afraid.

Health first people, everything else can wait.

Good post @firepower

You are very right.... Taking Health first is Key

Very much so. Don't wait. Never wait. The day your health deteriorates, you'd truly know how precious it is.

very well described your story and i agree with you that if we make a mind then it will not stop us but we always have to careful. i will pray for your recovery but i know you are so strong person so not much worry about small things.

Time and health are the two major components that impacts our life so heavily. Using precious time in irrelvent things undoubtfully leads to a failure and so neglecting health leads to the cause of tons of diseases. Great post👍

Recently I faced dental problems then I realized the importance of health.

OMG dude, what actually happened ? Had an accident? You may be driving more than 100MPH as it looked a heavy accident to me.

But you should be thankful that you are still alive :)

Someone crashed into me but I wonder how you derived the speed? You seem to have a rare and incredible skill there!

Actually I had seen one of my friends having an accident driving more than 100MPH, but luckily they were safe getting some scratches.
As we all know speed thrills but kills.

If somebody decides to put his own life at risk to get some 'thrill' as compensation that's his own decision. However, if he threatens other persons as well who didn't wish to have any 'thrill', then he acts just irresponsibly and criminally.

Life is short, and for the most part we know we only have 1 life, so I say live it up! :)

Health is a really important and it is very important to keep a good health.But people often foolishly do things that harm their health. Smoking is one of those things.

very painful

specially when the cold of winter

the screws will set the pain on your inner bones when cold environment strikes

Upvoted and i feel you brother @firepower

Good vibes for healing amigo!

Hi FP, You are so right that health and our time in this life are the most important assets! I want to suggest yoga-therapy to help accelerate your healing. Svaroopa yoga therapy is amazing and can make your healing time amazingly faster. Its based on the principle that support=release. By unwinding the deep muscle tensions associated with your injury, you oxygenate the surrounding area (and your entire body) and also increase blood flow, as well as relieving pain and retraining your body, especially the injured area, to let go and let your body's inherent healing mechanism do its work faster and easier while you enjoy more mobility and flexibility. Check out https://www.svaroopayoga.org and look for a yoga therapist in your area. This is not just "doing yoga" or gentle yoga, but a practitioner who helps you heal faster and will long-lasting results. I hope this helps! I love that you are promoting the Steemfests and offering free tix for minnows. Awesome, man.

Here are my answer to your guess challenge.

Time can not be bought - So we have to make the most out of it
Health - Without health you can not do anything

What do you think?

Nice post sharing thank you my vote

Thoughrs and prayers with you for a speedy recovery. It sounds like you've had a long run of it , but the attitude youve exuded is one of possitivity . Thanks for this share it will bring inspiration to many :)

I still have a lot of pain around the fractured segment of the tibia and fibula if I exert myself, but I'm hopeful that it'll heal with time. The nerve damage in my arm is slow to recover and I've no idea how much longer it would take—bit of a disappointment really!

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Health the most valuable we could have. Live your life to the fullest everyday. Enjoy the little things in life and appreciate the gifts from nature. Time is running, and always going forwards,.....
Hope you could move in all directions soon, and do whatever you like most!

Some don't recover..what's left is to maximise one's functions to achieve daily activities and more. If the nerve is damage...exercises must still continue with the affected muscles and hope that ADLs van still be achievable.

This had my eyes watering. You are doing great. Just have the faith that one day soon, you will be able to ride your bike again

I wish you as quick recovery as possible! And I want to say I'm glad that you've learned this all from an accident happend to you.

For sure we need good health to do what we need to do in our lives. We should respect our body and give it all our love as it gives us possibility to walk, stay, sit, create something and communicate with this world. And of course we should respect time and don't waste it. Everyday I learn to use my time efficiently.

Thanks for sharing your deep thoughts. This is great that you do it.

Am glad to see that you are making steady progress towards full recovery. Most people take their health for granted and waste their time on things that don't matter. Hopefully, soon you will be able to ride your bike and do all the things you desire . Wishing you all the best :)

i nearly shed tears

My answer to your question would be. Time and health are the most important assets because they are the things you can never get or get back, it's always fleeting. Everything else seems trivial in comparison. Cherish every moment you have and spend it on things that matter to you.

Human body is spectacular!

really enjoyed reading your post, my brother went through something very similar.wish you the best recovery, Time and Health are truly invaluable assets. Thank you for sharing

Thank you very much for sharing inspiring content.

Time is priceless, and without health we can not build anything in life. That is why we need to take care of our health and enjoy every moment of life

Life is short, we have to cherish the time spent with those we love. And without health we can not do anything. Get well soon bro you are one whom we take as an inspiration on steemit and you are the reason we are still on steem, believing that we can also become like you on steem someday. Thank you!

I often think of time and fate and the choices we make. I keep coming back to James Dean. Every single choice he made on his last day (September 30, 1955) unwittingly led to his death. Every pause to smoke, the decision to test-drive the car before the race, even getting stopped for speeding, all led to the long march at that fatal intersection.

If he had done anything differently that day, might he have survived? might he have gotten to that intersection earlier or later, and never collided with Donald Turnupseed?

Donald Turnupseed

So, the next time you're late for work, or you miss a flight, instead of getting upset, think of James Dean. You may have just saved your own life.

@firepower I send you good vibes, and well wishes. Now stay the hell off that motorcycle friend! :) Ever thought of taking up gardening? maybe stay in and watch golf instead, I hear that can be soothing. lol

Two weeks before he died (at 24) Dean filmed a PSA about the dangers of speeding, I include it below.


thank you for great your post with experience. Health is so important. without health for physical and mental human difficult to do any valuable work.

The world is full of tragedies. It is only how you cope up with them. I'm super glad to know some of the screws have been removed. I hope the rest are removed on time next year and you can get some normal routine back. I think the lower back is going to take some time, but it will only get better. AMAZING talent you are, firepower. Keeping inspiring the world :)

About the experience you asked, life teaches us new things everyday, no? My life has taught me to keep space in my glass and not to let it get full. That's what I do and keep learning...

Have a great rest of the day.

I am grateful to have my health and plenty of time to share with this community. While I have some minor health issues of my own, I feel blessed for what I do have.

Wishing you a speedy recovery.

I have been noticing lately how much value you add to this community. It is good to protect and nurture your physical assets. Thank you for doing all you do, and I'll toast to your next motorcycle ride!

So very often we are confronted with how fragile life is and how much we regularly take for granted... Like when we get a cold and reminisce about all of the times we could breathe through both nostrils lol. We as human beings easily can get wrapped up in the small things. It seems vital for life to shake us up a bit to give us perspective and ultimately power to keep going in a meaningful way.

It is still eerie how it all seems to comes full circle. Health and relationships are my priorities these days. Although, I get sidetracked... having those priorities be my equilibrium, I live to see more days and evolve in understanding myself and others. Thanks for sharing... I wish you the best buddy!
We are all in this together!

The quality of our health dictates how much time we have.

I hear ya . Considering they are the only 2 assets we actually posses, it amazes me people are so focused on money, and acquiring 'stuff'
My motorbike 'accident'
8 years later, and 4 operation later, I'm walking 95% back to normal !


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I agree, health and time are a very valuable asset, they can not be bought by anything. They should be kept and used as possible.
Good post @firepower
I hope you can recover as soon as possible

Please give me your support @firepower..
Just have a look on my blog!!

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