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RE: Things That Hold You Back From Doing What You Love

in #life8 years ago

I have spent 20 years of my life on a hamster wheel I hated being on the entire time. Why waste your life doing something you hate? We only have one life. Do something you love with the time you have instead.

One of the saddest things about humanity is that the people closest to you are often your worst enemy. Your friends and family will be the top people saying things like "that will never work" and "stick with what's safe."

They will hold you back if you let them. Don't.

Your true friends will support your passions. They know what you love of course, and they wouldn't be your real friend if they didn't want to see you happy. Misery loves company as the saying goes too.


So in the 'Safe Zone' is just an illusion. The satisfaction of walking the path of self determination is acutely tangible. Seems like those close to you might be projecting. I'd say it's your lack of fear that they fear the most.

Yeah, life is short and you simply can't waste it. Also, I agree that the closest people can sometimes end up being the worst enemies as their love for you would result in you staying 'safe' inside the comfort bubble which doesn't get results in the real life scenarios.