30 Questions that will take you out of the box - Couching session. 30 Questions that will change your perspective and increace you critical and creative thinking.

in #life9 years ago
Correctly asked question — is already the answer.

Hello Steemit people!
Today I would like to share with you some questions, that I asked many people and especially myself. Carefully answering this questions (better if you will call your friends) can give you more deep understanding of your life, values and decisions that you make.

When I first consciously answered them, sitting with my two close friends, drinking coffee, they touched me so deep, that I couldn’t find my breath for a long time and felt like I was dropped out of this world.
I was so excited, that later organized a couching session event in Antigua, Guatemala, where I was living that time. We were asking people this questions and gave them 1 minute to answer. After we had an open discussion, where many deep topics where opened and deep emotions came out, some of the people were crying.
Here I will share them with you. I recommend to find few free hours, call your friends and discuss then one by one, drinking tea or coffee, turn of your devices and spend some time traveling inside of your being. Anyway it will be helpful, just to read them and answer consciously and honestly.

  1. How many years would you give to yourself, if you didn’t know your age?
  2. What is worse: to lose, or to never try?
  3. If you could change only one thing in the world, what it would be?
  4. If the happiness would become a national currency, what job would make you reach?
  5. Are you doing the things you believe in, or you trying to believe in what you are doing?
  6. If you the average human life longs 40 years, what would you change to live it maximum interesting?
  7. How much control do you have over the things going in your life?
  8. What do you worry more about: to do the things right or to do the right things?
  9. You are having a lunch with three people that you respect and value. They started to criticize your close friend, without knowing that are friends with him. These critics is demeaning and unfair. What will you do?
  10. If you could give to a small child only one advice for all your life, what would you say?
  11. Have you ever seen a madness there, where you later saw a genies?
  12. What in this life you are doing different from the other people?
  13. How it happens, that the things that make you happy, doesn’t make happy others?
  14. What thing have you wanted to do very much, but you haven’t done. What stops you from doing it?
  15. If you were suggested to move to another country forever, where would you move and why?

Thanks everyone for taking part, you are welcome to share your answers and take part in discussions in comments!
This is the Part 1 of the session, depending on popularity of this article, I will post the second part of it.