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RE: Boston Winter Wonderland

in #life7 years ago

Stunning photographs. Like really awesome work. It takes me back to my vacation in Sweden in 2012 when I first met snow in my life. Snow is majestic. It really is. Thank you for sharing this and bringing back fond memories of the past.


When I moved to Boston 2 years ago, you wouldn't believe the amount of snow. By the time the winter season finished it snowed over 120 inches! There was so much snow there wasn't a place to put it and it became an issue.

All I know is that after that winter season I definitely want to move somewhere tropical. And by somewhere I mean New Zealand.

My take is - why not move to paradise?

I live in Cape Town, in an away tropical or a paradise. There are some negatives: when the rain stops everything tends to die because of the need for a lot of water. But there are so many greats. So yes, I prefer the heat over the cold.