Facts about designers/artists

in #life7 years ago


We all are different and we are all unique. In this post I would like to write about some facts designers/ artists/creative people have. These facts apply to me as well and maybe to you too.

Alice in Wonderland


Probably you think what Alice has to do with this. Well, it has to do that designers/artists have many ideas and there is no idea (when it comes to designing) that is impossible. We think about the unimaginable things in life. Not necessary a new invention but maybe a crazy/odd refreshing design. I have made things that I never thought about it before( and made posts about it). I have made things without thinking if people will like it. I made things because they pop up in my mind and I just had to implement them because I thought it was a fun and unique idea. I have many ideas that are still not implemented due to lack of time or materials.



We love to stay indoors or just being home. If people invite us for clubbing/party, we usually skip and give the people reasons why we can't come to their party. We just love being home alone( with our partner and kids). If people come over we don't mind, but we have difficulties to entertain them, whether they are relatives or just friends. People often call us boring. They even think we feel lonely. They don't understand we don't find it boring to stay home and that we actually enjoy it. It's just peaceful quite.

Anti social media


Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are not our favourite platforms and we probably don't even have an account for these platforms. I was active on Facebook few years ago but decided to quit from it. I realised I was wasting my time checking my likes and seeing women showing off their Gucci bag their rich husband bought for them or just things they bought and flaunting with their wealth. I do love the Steemit platform ;-)


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Besides daydreaming we are also dreaming almost everyday and can remember every little detail of our dreams. Some of our dreams are even giving us signs. You can check my Dream Diary if you are interested in my dreams I had in the past.

Unorganized workplace



I like a clean environment and a clean organised house. I do have a messy workplace and it seems like I can really work like that. My table is often covered with tools, papers, pieces of filament of my 3D printer, glue,pieces of fabric, snacks and a cup of tea. Ohh, I forgot, sometimes I also have some dirty tissues :-D. The main reason I believe why I have a messy workplace is that I often work on 2 or more projects at the same time.



I am a REAl introvert. People often think being introvert equals being shy, but that is not what introverts are. We just are silent people.We can talk a lot when it is an interesting topic or when we feel our comment has some added value. I avoid small talks as I really hate it. I can not talk about the weather. When I pick up my kids I do not talk to parents unless they come and talk to me. Then I talk back. It's not that I wait for them to come. I do not mind if they won't come to talk to me. I am just not a talker and I don't like the crowd. I do think a lot and if people ask me for help I will help them. It's not that I am cold blooded, even though I look like I am cold blooded.


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Example of designers who are introverts are: Christian Dior and Miuccia Prada. These fashion designers are known for being calm, not speaking much and staying at the background while their designs are shown on the catwalk.


Source images: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I see you in my next post, which is part 2 of the Steemit ice cube ;-).



I think for some people are like a drop in an ocean. For me I feel like an ocean inside of a raindrop. As I come under the Gemini starsign. Gemini people seem to be quiet and also like an attention seeker as they seek an audience. Also we tend to get bored easy. As well we have wild imaginations with so much flying creativity going though our minds. That when we set out to do something and then change our path of direction halfway through that journey. I think with Gemini people they have a certain way with words that makes them become like the great communicator.
I always remember that quote from the Sufi Rumi it goes " Raise your words, not your voice!"

My mother is Gemini and she is talking a lot! I myself am a Taurus... I also get bored quickly and can not do the same things all over again but need changes.

I`m pretty sure your mother loves to talk a lot too being a Gemini haha. Like when you hear the birds early in the morning chirp chirp chirping away awaking the world up around them.

Funny thing about the Gemini is many endure living in like a childlike world. Probably like a mindset of what Peter Pan has.

Taurus the Bull I hope the colour red isn`t like a stress colour for you?

Maybe you picked up some Gemini traits from your mother?

I think with life we all have to live it to enjoy it. Not to treat life like it is a 24/7 job haha.

I don't like the colour red to be honest. Just red nail polish and red shoes. :-). I can enjoy life but many moments I am so serious :-D

Serious, strict and I hope you don`t have a short fuse? Haha
You should try to design yourself red shoes like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz but with a Steemit glistening logo on it!

hahaha! You have nice ideas @makkizakki. why don't you implement them and show it on Steemit ;-)

My mind is like the Red Sea. I`m just awaiting on Moses to come along to part open my mind like the Red Sea so everything will project from it into a reality haha.

I don`t think I would be dancing to well if I was forced to wear those red shoes from the Wizard of Oz haha!

im newbie in steemit i see two posts for you
yours posts so good and very interesting i will follow you

Thanks for checking two of my posts and following me. I have made more posts, so feel free to check them out. :-).

yeah sure i do all the time

they are the most unique person ever their mind just keeps on going doing things like never before amazing post :D

artist look beyond all of us just like you...one of the finest designers and artist i have seen :)

Unorganized workplace is a sign of productivity for me

i love the cluttered mind that's how you grow wonderful post dear :)

I am amazed by the facts your are informing us about here. I can identify myself with every point you are mentioning you know. "Quiet people have the loudest minds", oh yes!
Very interesting post @fathin-shihab. Nice to be able to know you a little through this post. Thanks you very much for sharing @fathin-shihab. Nice post!

Well I guess we have much in common :-). Thank you !

Before I even got down to the introvert part I was like she's screaming introvert! For I too am an introvert.

Hehehe! I hope I didn't scream too much. Nice to meet another introvert ;-)

My ears are still ringing... just kidding. ;)

Great insight!
Thinking about it, all those traits/behaviors seem like they would preserve and enhance one's imagination to an extent. Makes sense they can be attributed to different types of artists...

Yes, they can be attributed to different types of artists like architects, webdesigners etc :-) Thanks for reading @opinizeunltd!


Wow! Great post about the facts of designers and artists.
You are also one of them my dear friend. 😊💙💜

Thanks @fathin-shihab for sharing this post.

Have a wonderful day!!