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RE: When I Grow Up

in #life5 years ago

siblings in my family of seven, severe spinal chord injuries within 6 months of each other. Boy was that a bad year. Of course, the following year no better, both my mom and dad diagnosed with cancer. What a battle that was for both of them.
I could continue, but I made my point. We cannot control what aliments or fear, we will experience. It's in God's hands, whatever you conceive God to be.
I try to take the gentler approach to life, I pray for the best but I know, no matter what I think or feel or want...Life will unfold as it should.
Thanks for making me reflect.
Have a wonderful day Mr. Arts😊Interesting article @dandays. I try always to live in the moment. I have lived through tragedy and trauma and it can knock the wind right out of you. It happens in a split second... loss of my nephew at 22y/o , the youngest and the oldest


My pleasure @farm-mom, I’m so glad I got you to reflect, that’s perfect. I’m glad you liked this one—thank you, you’ve always been so encouraging.

Oh my goodness, do I ha e some stories, too. Man, one day I went from the radiologist, a chick i was dating had chemo, to the orthopaedic surgeon who said my leg was done and while I was waiting in his office, my uncle called me about my mother. All in like a 1 hour span—crazy hour.

It’s always a pleasure to hear from you Farm, thank you for all of your support.