The Unbelievable Kindness Of A Stranger

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Stories like this are so rare it's no wonder when you hear of them they are hard to believe. Nevertheless, this one is true.

An auto mechanic living with his young family in Norfolk was struggling to make ends meet. He worked hard at his shop, and his wife was a teacher trying to finish more schooling for a higher degree. He was the sort who enjoyed tinkering; his honesty and affability attracted all kinds of interest from customers in the area who enjoyed collecting and discussing rare automobiles.

There was an elderly gentleman nearby who became a regular client. To the auto mechanic, it was a joy to be able to work on such fine car specimens - he took his skills very seriously in the repair arena and understood his customer's needs for attention to detail while working on his treasures.

This particular gentleman and the mechanic were not friends, necessarily; they merely shared their appreciation for beautiful antique automobiles. Over the years, as happens with long time customers, he became accustomed to the idiosyncrasies of his eccentric client and his attachments to his prized possessions.

Earlier this year, the gentleman passed away. The mechanic may not have ever known why he stopped coming by for an odd repair here or there. He may have wondered, but again, due to the limited nature of their interactions, he did not think to call and inquire about his comings and goings.

He found out what happened in the most incredible way.

A few months ago, he received a letter from the gentleman's trustee for his estate.

This odd Englishman had apparently left billions of pounds, (yes, billions) to his favorite mechanic after he died.

Can you imagine what it would be like to be minding your own business, living a normal life like most of us, saving up here and there when possible, thinking retirement was a luxury? Suddenly, out of the blue, you get a letter like this in the mail. Would you think it was a joke?

It was not a joke. There was never any indication that this customer was a multibillionaire; it never had any reason to come up. Sure, it takes some wealth to acquire a nice collection of antique cars, but so what? Some people with expensive hobbies live in shacks. Besides, it is quite un-English to discuss money at all if you have massive amounts of it. As far as the mechanic was concerned, the two of them shared the same hobby - fixing up and working on classic automobiles.

To the generous client, however, his relationship with his mechanic could have been the most important thing in his life. Maybe he had no one else to talk to. Maybe he had no other family. Or maybe he did, and they were somehow estranged. I don't know all the details. Maybe the mechanic was the one person who never treated him any differently other than someone he shared a common interest with. To the older gentleman with his fortune, perhaps that was a refreshing change. He must have known his gesture would have an astonishing impact on the young man and his family, yet felt no need to let them know about his intentions until after he had passed away.

That is selfless generosity.

What an incredible account. The mechanic was able to get out of debt, his wife was able to finish her schooling, and my friend was asked to oversee and manage the windfall. I imagine everyone involved will be able to retire someday.

This story gives a whole new twist on the kindness of strangers.


image courtesy of


I needed a story like this. Thank you for sharing. We see so much crap nowadays that it's nice to read the occasional feel-good.

Yes, I agree. It's nice to hear about stories like this. They renew our faith in goodness.

So many people give and are loud about it. Giving, without telling anyone, is the greatest gift ever. Thanks for sharing, this was good to hear!

Giving is its own gift, it feels better than literally anything else.

One person to one million!
Thanks for sharing, @fairytalelife :)

This really warms my heart
I'm glad that good people still exist on this earth haha
Thank you for this

You know, they do, but we don't hear about them as often because the media makes more money by scaring us with atrocities. Thank you for commenting, @arckrai.

What an incredible and eloquent reminder that kindness is still alive and well. If you were to believe all of the doom and gloom we're bombarded with on the evening news you'd never know it but in the real world kindness abounds. I wish I could have seen that car collection!

Thanks, Eric. It is - we just don't hear enough about it. Yeah. Me too. Imagine collecting such beautiful works of art and tinkering to your heart's content.

great story!

Amazing story! Imagine what simple kindness can do to anyone & then what comes from it later....incredible! Thanks for sharing!

This is awesome! I try to give in life as well as I find it to be one of the most rewarding things you can do.
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What a marvelous story!

Thank you for sharing!

Thanks very much, allfabeta.

Wow! Life is amazing sometimes :) What a surprise the mechanic might've had!

Yo alien! I can't even begin to imagine. Completely unexpected. Even better than winning the lottery - not because of the money, but because this guy didn't go out looking for any fortunes. If you go out and buy a lottery ticket, presumably you have been fantasizing about the minuscule chance of winning.

Exactly, it was unexpected and from some who probably cared for. I think I would be crying if I were him, hehe :P

You and me both! Tears of joy, but mainly tears of being moved beyond belief.

I find that story extremely difficult to swallow but a good read so worth an upvote.

It may be hard to believe, but I can tell you it happened. Incredible!

Anonymity coupled with generosity - selflessness...I just hope the mechanic didn't stop tinkering with cars as I think this is what makes him happy!

@greenstar, you are so right. He obviously was extremely passionate about the work he does. I bet his generous patron admired this work ethic very much, and knew he wouldn't be likely to squander his newfound fortune on frivolous follies. I bet he still tinkers with cars. He may have added a few new pristine additions to his collection.

Here's hoping @fairytalelife

Cheers, @greenstar! Yes, here's hoping.

When you give because you really want to, that's a beautiful thing. Amazing story. Thanks for sharing!

That is so true. And it's even better when you don't need recognition. Thank you!

That is a lovely story and that car is gorgeous...I think I might be drooling...just a little bit. :D

I don't know a lot about cars but I know when one is beyond beautiful and that is that car, even the color is fabulous. :D

Great post. :D

It is, @frostyamber. This car would do nicely for me as well. I would park it proudly outside of my ancestral estate. Thank you!

During our harsh winters that baby would be stored in my garage with its own blanket to cover it and protect and keep it warm, but come summer time that baby would be cruising for sure if it was mine. :D

@frostyamber, it is our duty to protect and nurture our babies! ;)

Yes it is. :D

Hope in humanity restored :0
Thanks for sharing! Upvoted and followed!

Thanks, @carry0n. Sometimes all it takes is stories like these.

Amazing story! Thank you for sharing with us.

I am so glad you enjoyed it, @melowd. Cheers!

This story illustrates a point, be nice to everyone that you meet. Because you never know which one may end up being or becoming a billionaire.

Being in the right place at the right time helps too! ;)

The same thing goes with being struck by lightning

a slightly less advantageous position to be in...

It really depends on what you are trying to achieve

not sure that many people seek for the right place and right time to get struck by lightning :)

Thanks for this story. I am an estate planning attorney and I love when clients have a surprising or unusual plan to bless someone unexpectedly.

Isn't it wonderful, @eightyearoldself? How often do things like this happen? This kind of gift changes so many lives. Thank you for your comment.

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The world needs more people like him.....and cars like that!

Agreed, @mystifact. Imagine all the treasures in the world waiting to be found.

Woah! That is an incredible story! It makes me happy to hear stores like this one! Followed you!! :) :)

Cheers! It was incredible.

Oh I bet!! :)

Maybe he didn't have a cat to leave it to? ;D
Is this Norfolk in the UK?

I'm trying to find the true reason for this...
Maybe just because that client found someone who really love cars that he had?
The person who would really care about his collection later on?

I don't know about his collection, per se. I do know that he must have been immensely impressed with his mechanic's worth ethic/integrity and found a way he could let this man and his family know his services were deeply appreciated.

Just good man got rewarded by another good man

Do you mind if I share this story with russian comunity at website?
It is the steem-like project based on same principles and even code, I guess.
obviously, I'll put a link to this original story

Cool story, it's interesting that we all look at the view of the mechanic, but can you imagine the joy that the old man must have got, knowing that one day the guy who cared for his trusted cars would get such a fantastic surprise?

In our search for financial security, we can easily forget that making a contribution is one of the best things that life has to offer. Especially when the only thing we want back is knowing we've helped another.

@dpol, I couldn't have said it better. Thank you for that. This was the most beautiful aspect of the whole story - the great joy he must have felt knowing he could help someone who would certainly benefit from his gift. Everything good you ever would hope to see in a person was demonstrated by this gesture. It doesn't take a lot to change someone's life. Sometimes even a smile from a stranger will make all the difference in the world.

Yes, exactly and I love how one act of kindness can have a ripple effect that has the potential to spread out and touch lots of different people. You help someone and they feel good and spread that good feeling to someone else - it's a very powerful thing!

nice uplifting story. only tells you money cant bring happiness, people do and looks like the simpler the better!

Life could be a fairy tale or real!
Thanks for sharing this @fairytalelife
Great story!

.. Followed! .. and please do stay in touch to see my contributions. I'll be needing your support.

Thank you, @mcekworo. I will indeed!

We have the ability to be a Jesus was when we do for others what they can't do for themselves.

Whatever your skills are use them to uplift other people teach them, walk with them and make them successful.

You have the secret of of happiness, @isaac.rodebush. Thank you for your comment.

Amen, @fairytalelife could not have said it better myself!

Thanks for the great post! I think you might like my work as well so feel free to take a look sometime.

Wow, such generosity!

Congratulations @fairytalelife
You took 29 place in my Top 100 of posts

Disinterested generosity!

A good life story. There are kind people in the world!

Thank you for sharing with us!