Steemit is not a platform where the truth is welcomed.
Steemit is a propaganda platform for vests, the currency that underlies steem, steem power and steem backed dollars.
Oh, right, those links!
This is what I submitted:
This is what was preferred to that by @sneak:
Thing is, I don't know what @sneak was trying to solve, to this day. He gave some notions here:
But I don't see his 3-400 lines of go. I see a community struggling to justify its existence because of a very dishonest founding crew. I see deception.
I will accept donations towards the development of a non-deceptive alternative that doesn't use graphene. By the way, you can download it right here:
that is a link to a binary for linux. It will serve to port 80.
When you realize that you are in a sandbox created by dishonesty, you should leave the sandbox. I will be posting this in the steemit chat, as well. @l0k1, @ebryans and I are working around the clock on this. We do, however, need money in order to continue to do it. We will accept donations, partnerships, or software dev contracts provided that they help us get to our target: build what this system ought to have been, were it done honestly. Please, go ahead and ask @ebryans about his research into steemit, inc's finances.
We will not create software for interfacing with steem or graphene.
Fuzzy, after I took your contract, you admitted to me that you'd heard that the APIs for steemd were obfscuated. If you deny it, I will post those messages, as you so kindly did mine. And that, sir, is how you burned your money. You had insider information that the code you asked me to build on top of was broken, deliberately. You are not a friend, you're one of the whales who conspired to set up the siphon. For my part, I am far too trusting.
Bonus PDF! Did you know @sneak writes Go?
What obsfucation in the API are you referring to?
the obsfucation that apparently other devs I talk to have a hard time finding.
I feel a bit trolllish now. I wish jake the best of luck but he is dangerous to work with. Id drink a beer with him, but not pay him for work again under any circumstances.
Well, I feel like "obfuscation" is a very specific thing. For example, when I download
and I want to take a look at the code, it contains obfuscated.class
files. Normally, it's fairly trivial to decompile a.class
file. It's not ideal because it won't have any comments, but it's usable.But since Mojang obfuscates, the resulting
file is practically unusable. So developers had to deobfuscate
in order to get anywhere, which is a huge project.I haven't seen anything like that for STEEM, at all. I assert that the STEEM API is not obfuscated in any sense.
The problem i am having is not that faddat took the money and really just said "duck u fuzzy", he has kept bringing it all up like it is Steems fault and THEN uses THAT to try to sell his future project.
Then brings me into it...
ALL I want to do is produce value. Plant beautiful fucking seeds and watch them grow into epic trees with sweet fruits and heavy yields...
Yet instead I get to carry this constant lead weight around that I invited into my life and even worse--my own personal sphere of trust.
At this point...If faddat shut up and built something, and would leave me and anything connected to me out of it, id be cool. But this seems impossible for him. He either doesnt realize the damage he is wreaking like king kong, is intentionally trying to cause drama and destruction, or sees value in producing drama to get people to buy into something he will never build.
(or maybe he will build it? noooooo proof of this. at present 5% chance imho).
No man.
See, you made it my reputation versus yours. So I've got to do this, if I care about my reputation, because I trusted you-- and you told me that you knew that the APIs had been deliberately flawed-- LONG AFTER you'd hired me. Don't you think that might have been better to disclose up-front? That way, I could have told you from the start-- "there is no way to build that on this codebase because this codebase (I'm speaking of graphene, mind you) is unadulterated sewage.
And that fuzzy-- THAT is why you "have problems hiring developers": you have your head so far up graphene's ass that you can't even be bothered to have a comparative look around. Why do most folks who build against graphene fail?
It does not behave as the docs claim it does
DONT hire ANYONE to build ANYTHING on top of something you know is fucked!
Instead, tell the TRUTH-- graphene obviously wasn't meant to be anything more than a scam, because someone who wasn't scamming, WOULD CARE ABOUT THE QUALITY OF THE INTERFACES!
This is something that people who "give a fuck" would do. Ensure that all user-groups are able to use the software-- in the same manner that the documentation states.
If I were a better, wiser man, I would have gone apeshit to every cryptocurrency site out there the second you dropped that grenade in my lap, senor "happily goes along with a scam"
That is quite a bar you've set for yourself.
Users make the decisions about blackjack and hookers.
l0k1 and I make the chain.
Oh faddat you must think i dont have info on you that you think noone knows about. Ive been quietly getting research together. Some of it starts making me realize why you move around so much. Want to attack me AFTER screwing me out of 15k? Can you please just leave me the fuck alone?
Fuzzy, you must have info on me that I don't know about, either. Post/state/do whatever you want man. I'll go through line by line and say what is true or not. Anything. Have a ball.
Go for it dude, say whatever you'd like. Anything.
The one I was told about. By fuz. That the api was made "deliberately difficult to use" by St. Dan.
Except that is retarded. And as soon as I heard that I should have been shouting it from every rooftop.
And THAT is what I fucked up here. And I'll openly confess that one:
I've done mighty wrong by not disclosing all of this much sooner. I will be posting the conversations shortly.
Well.. I certainly didn't see any ill words from you when you were powering down +1000 STEEM a week and selling them. :D
If you believe this platform is built on dishonesty but you made profit off of it that may in fact make you an accomplice to some.
Sometimes it's nice to take a step back and breathe, regain your head and heart and continue. Hopefully you realize it's the fact we can post things to a blockchain that cannot be removed is the biggest perk here. The votes and the vests and the crypto profit is all just bonuses.
If you do choose to go I wish you luck in your future endevours..
Actually you saw ill words from me during that time, as well.
I may have typed this funny.. I'm trying to infer that you still made cash here.. To denounce a platform that has been good to you kinda sucks man. :/
It hasn't. That cash has come at far too high a cost and I have no one to blame for that but myself.
If you think steemit's been good to me, then you haven't read my post.
Unfortunate you feel that way. :(
I have no quarrel with you sir! I do truly wish you luck in the future.
indeed you have noone to blame but yourself. yet you still are here telling of projects i severely doubt will ever be built. wasting peoples time and talking fud about something real...
That's okay man you stick with projects that self-sabatoge for ____?!!!!???!_____ reason. am not a quitter and i dont screw people who give me money. Those are two things everyone who knows me can say.
Sorry to see you go. Don't let the haters get you down. There are good people here too
I'd like to think I was one of them. I bet you are, too.
This is why I need to put all my energy into replacing steem/steemit with an HONEST alternative that is appropriately transparent.
Probably this alternative will not have a "flag" option. Please get in touch if you have suggestions about this.
or on google hangouts
The foundational concept around here is really strong.
I cannot say the same for Steemit, Inc and its lackeys.
As you can read in my transparent agoric routing post there is no voting in Dawn. You download content, and the network certifies that you did, and pays everyone who made it happen, in descending, halving order from creator, to carrier (deliverer), to consumer (curator) to intermediary (makes sure you are not trying to save bandwidth by delivering it to yourself) to the validator, who then issues the tokens... And if you download the content again, nobody gets paid (it should be cached in your system anyway). If you download content you created, you don't get paid. If you download content with a frequent business partner, you get paid less depending on how much business you did with them.
Still working on perfecting my RPS consensus protocol, but I think it's holes are fairly small.
There is no voting, because voting creates the illusion that voting matters. Freedom matters. No freedom here.
It is also just an opinion. The delivery of content is something that qualifies in legal terminology as a Fact. Opinions don't matter, in a court, except for the Judge. At least, in theory.
Note that it was a central thrust of the development of Equity Jurisprudence to take even that power out of the hands of a judge. If the facts did not produce the judgement, it could be overruled by another judge who did adhere to the rules. This goes way back, by the way, to ancient, pre monarchic judaism.
I've been working with Graphene and talking to several other developers who have too. Not only have I not experienced any of these problems, the developers who work on and with graphene are always incredibly helpful and are constantly improving it and fixing even minor nuisances as they arise. This just sounds like a big excuse for not fulfilling your contractual obligations and trying to blame it on anything but yourself.
Having read this entire post and thread I've learned a few things... Steemit has come a long way in a short time. Business and friendships often sour which is something I've learned personally. Both parties seem to have valid points. Both parties seemed to have lost a lot. The point made about Steemits best benefit is access to a free blockchain where ideas and content can be posted and shared permenantly seems to be its greatest asset. Flagging of posts is easy to manipulate and can be described as censorship so this will be an area that custodians of Steemit need to work on and manage carefully. Overall i wish all of you guys the best of luck!
How are you interfacing with it?
python-steem aka piston