
That's what love is all about! She is beautiful! Talking about government hassles, I have three citizenships - British, Canadian and American. I usually keep my British passport up to date and use it for traveling to Europe, then use my American one for returning here. I thought it would be standard procedure as usual when renewing by UK passport, but no! They will not renew it until I renew my Canadian passport (which I no loner need or use) because it is in my former name, and the EU passed a law requiring all past documents to be in the same name! It expired in the 1980's!!! Not as frustrating as your situation I know, but I do understand your annoyance with government red tape! All the best to you both!

Thanks ! Wow That is unconventional situation of yours. But then easily understandable that people having the chance to have several passports are lucky. (as long as they renew their documents on time ;)