Wise words from a client.

in #life7 years ago

A couple of days ago I got a call from a client.

He asked me first how I'm doing.

I tell him I'm doing great.

Naturally, I ask him how he's doing.

Not so good he says, 'they found a lung tumor'.


He proceeds to tell me his computer broke down again.

Something happened and presumably, Windows, decided to do a repair install.

After the computer finally rebooted, the pc was empty.

They did leave a nice note on his desktop with all the programs the repair removed.

Including his, Office, Email and a bunch of other stuff. (So useful...thank you Windows)

We conclude he's better off with a new PC.

Today I went there to install it

I arrive at his house and he opens the door.

We first sit down for coffee. (Just for me, the chemo makes it taste like shit, I'm told)

We talk about the tumor.

He tells me the moment you hear the bad news, the things you really care about become much more clear.

And a computer is not one of them! (I laugh. I get it)

He laughs when I tell him that for men getting sick is extra worse. (He's knowns about man flu.)

We talk and it's serious and fun in a good way.

After, I go to his office and install his new machine.

It takes longer because he forgot his email password (chemo, makes you forgetful I'm told, it's nasty stuff).

I call the provider and sort it for him.

Because of that, we are slowly running out of time.

He made an appointment at the barber because this morning when combing his hair big chunks fell out.

He's not going to wait for it. Shave it off now.

I think it's a boss move.

I do make it in time. The computer is sorted.

I wish him good luck and leave.

On my way home I think about what he said.

'The moment you hear the bad news, the things you really care about become much more clear'

The words still resonate with me tonight.

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Nothing like being told that you have a potentially fatal disease to make this crystal clear. Frivolous things fall by the wayside. You make time for the important people and things in your life. You live each moment to the fullest.because you don't know how many you have left. I don't know which is worst; the disease or the treatment. Both radiation and chemotherapy make you sick for days after a treatment. Food loses its appeal because the taste buds have been altered. Your hair falls out in clumps and your skin becomes dry. I give a tremendous credit to the people who meet these challenges head on and never give up. That is what courage is all about...

The incurable chronic disease is given to us. What depends on us is to be able to accommodate it, and to turn the worst into better.

@exyle this was a very touching story. Yes when you hear terrible news, your priorities become clear as a bell.
This resonates with me as I lost my dear mother 3 years ago to cancer. She had an awful pain one day all of the sudden and no idea what was wrong, and long story short, she lost her fight 2 weeks later.

Our entire family was in shock for a long time, in disbelief I guess.

Thank you for this moving story sir, God bless you!

I'm sorry for your loss. That must have been tough.

But dont you also have the feeling then sometimes @exyle that everything you say is non relevant talking to him, and you would just wish that he would talk talk, and you do the listening?? Afraid to say something stupid that is totally non comparible to their shit?

example: I wrecked my car last week (true story) and because we dont have power so no washing machine, I walk in my work outfit. Im a nurse. Patients recognize me, but I dont always recognize them. Last week a old man shouted 'nurseyyyyy how are you'. I did recognize him, he was with me for a lot of surgeries and is now missing a lot of toes.
I reply: 'heyyyyy, Im good surviving and so, but how are you, why are you outside??'
him: 'yeah the storm took my house, and those shelters are too full to wander around. I need to keep wandering to keep the blood flowing in my feet before I loose more toes'
Me: ' So where are you staying now?'
Him:'outside!!! Im okay here, nobody bothers me! But why are you walking? You normally drive by here'
Me: 'I flipped over my car a couple days ago'
Him:'Wow, thats terrible!! Cant they get you a new ride, because you guys have to be taken care of '

And these words coming from a man sleeping on the streets after multiple surgeries worrying about me.... I was so embarrassed.... I gave him coffee, without daring to say anything more

nice post my friend, these words have so deep meaning indeed, we use to spent our life's in a very casual way we have a lot of things and plans in our mind but we don't give much attention to them, even though we know in the back of our mind that these are most important things, but the moment we hear a bad news all those things getting much more clear in our mind and we starts to think about these thing instead of anything else.

Well in opinion it's a bad habit, we have to develop our life's in such a way that we put first thing first and then move forward, e.g for a student what is the most important thing obviously his study but if he spent his time and giving more attention in playing then this is bad and suddenly when he hear's that his college announce a paper in a very next week, he eventually begins to get worried and study becomes more clear in his mind but then the time is so short and he didn't produce good result.

So in my opinion we all should need to think about it that what is the most important thing in our life and then put that thing on a No.1 spot and in this way we able to achieve much better results. Stay happy and awesome my friend and thank you very much for sharing your experience and knowledge with us.

Many people say that the chemo is far worse than the cancer itself.

"He laughs when I tell him that for men getting sick is extra worse."

That made me chuckle. :-)

From what I gathered it's shit beyond belief. I hope it will work for him.

Treat every day like it's your last. You never know when your day will come.

Recently, we have been having a lot of wind storms in Ottawa. There have been micro-bursts where the wind jumps from 0 to 120km/hr.

Outside of the local hospital, a twice kidney transplant recipient was recently killed when a tree was blown over on her. story

Think about that ... To be a dual kidney transplant recipient means that her kidney function dropped below 10%, she was put on a list, received a kidney. Then, with the new kidney, her cumulative kidney function again dropped below 10%, she went on the list again, then received the second kidney. - Having gone through that, then to be struck by a tree while in front of the hospital!!!

Appreciate every day you have the luxury of living.

Appreciate every day you have the luxury of living.

I would add in health. But it's very true.


A virtual toast to your health!!


Sometimes it takes time to let some important thing sink in. It is once more proven that value of life isn't found in things.

It is once more proven that value of life isn't found in things.

well said.

Argh.. Such an atrocious disease. I hope the doctors caught it early and he will
be able to fight his way through it.
His words are certainly true. You only start to truly appreciate what you had when you lost it.

I hope he fights cancer.

I guess those are the words which carry a great thought along with it and it will always be around us all !!

Really wise words here. Makes you know how much you need to appreciate your loved once.

@exyle this is a very bad news and my well wishes to your customer and his family members. This issue always make me sad however it also reminds me to cherish and be thankful to the good thing we have especially health and family. We are always striving to making more money (always busy ) and forget the other little things that are very important untill a sad thing happens..let us adore and cherish life, good health, family and friends more than being busy online. Thanks a lot for sharing this with us, you always have my upvote.
I commented on your former posts however my comments were lost hence why you didnt see it... due to bug
that caused posts visibility to be low. It affeced my latest post which outlined some solutions about the problem, feel free to see it and note the tips

@exyle You are a good guy to help out and cheer up a friend that is going through a very difficult time in life. Always be helpful whenever you get the opportunity to do so.............

It was a client, but still.

Serious disease tends to uncover profound things in us. Speaking to somebody that is seriously ill leaves a mark on you. I've seen very brave and very scared people, and sometimes you know that a certain person may have months, at most, to live. It's something that weighs heavily for me at least.

This guy is brave. It puts things into perspective indeed.

You should never forget what is important, because tomorrow you might have to focus on it and only it.

@exyle - 'The moment you hear the bad news, the things you really care about become much more clear'
Yes Sir, what he said has a deep meaning.... he learnt it practically & gave us a chance to thing about it.... Nice you decided to share it Sir.... Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Hey man

Is this the same guy you visited a month or so ago?

He seems in good spirits about it all, and people who are positive when the chips are down are pretty inspirational i think.

I see you got Steemit working 2 minutes before i did this evening - first post to reach $50 buys the first round at Steemfest yeah? :D :D

No, that was a woman (her husband died). I'm glad steemit is up adn running again!

No, that was a woman (her husband died).

:( damn

Hard work being the local IT guy at present.

Btw I just got #blocktraded so I guess the drinks are on me! ☺️

Damn... very true. But now just thinking, with all the shit we hear in the news every day now, we should all be practically clairvoyant !!

Yes, these words make you think about the meaning of life.

Truly 'The moment you hear the bad news, the things you really care about become much more clear' everything else suddenly disappear but then regrets come piling up things you could have done differently but then the damage has already been done nothing can change the past you just have to learn from the past and make the future better

Just imagine how that news shocked him :/ Actually it's a wise words and most important thing is you decided to share it with STEEMIT community! Great work dude! Excellent article from you as always!


Wise words, but doesn't really get into anyone unless they themselves have gone through similar situations....till then...I hope this won't happen to me.

WOW! That is profound --- and so true. Even a computer crashing pales in comparison to what your friend is going through. Wishing him the best. Thank you for sharing this with us, @exyle.

my brother was given a lethal news like at the end of july. he was told that he has to operate him tumor straight away or the cells will spread throughout all body...... but somehow, by let's call it faith or universe or god or whatever, we met at a festival a girl who's dad died of cancer and told us about cbd oil. now, after 3 months of treatment with this oil, his tumor is completely gone. so say the analyses as well. so there is hope, and there are alternatives beside the chemo. lots of health!

Wow. What a story. I use CBD oil to help me sleep.

CBD oil is good for so many things and yet just a very percentage of even alternative people know it. i never used it though :)

Inspiring. And whether we have cancer or not.. whether we like it or not. We are all on a ticking Bomb.
Everyone has to exit. Just that there are people who know that it will happen soon, and there are others, like us, who take it for granted.
The reality is it death may happen anytime to us:
So start Living. :)

A few years ago, I remember flying down the highway in an ambulance because I couldn't breathe due to pregnancy related heart failure. That also gets your priorities in order real fast! Thanks for the post!

We have discussions about colonizing Mars (without having the opinion of Martians) , Nikola Tesla was beamed up radio waves almost a hundred years ago, we have already been on the Moon, but we still don't have a solution for cancer? (The only logical explanation seems to be that each individual body is like a different planet)

My dad died when I was 20.

And the moment a closed one leaves, everything else seems extremely minor and silly.

Trust me.

We're all headed in the same direction.

Good post @exyle.

truly wise words...they are really life changing one of course... thanks @exyle ...upped

The poor guy
It sounds like he has a great attitude to it
though, and great people like this generally have other great people around them, for support
Bless x

wow is cool Windows is so bad, his updates are a headache, Iphone go behind of them updates and updates and change a lot things

It is so true how a tragic loss or other shocking news can really put life into perspective. Glad you made your way through the computer fix and were there to help him. 🐓🐓

Lost of something make us evaluate better, that's why we have to be more thankful of what we have, and keep in mind what are our priorities.

Thank you...thank you...and thanx again for sharing this story. Is human nature to forget and loose track of what truly matters. And your stories helps as a tiny reminder. Best wishes, - @splendorhub

Hey dear @exyle it is really good habit to help others and you are doing virtue.
Well done keep on doing

yeah true. Sometimes when our lives change drasticly we see what we really had or having and other things become more important. How sad for the man.

" The moment you hear the bad news, the things you really care about become much more clear' " Omg Just amazing words <3

That's a learning post i believe :)

there are so many treatments that have been shown to work , i don't understand why other wise intelligent people cant do a bit of research and try a few alternatives to toxic mainstream treatments , cannabis oil works wonders , recently a child who after receiving full chemo and radio therapy was put in a hospice with 2 weeks to live his mother gave him cannabis oil to ease his pain and as an alternative to the pain killers prescribed which left him tiered and confused , with in a couple of weeks they told him he must go home as he was cured

but also there is GcMAF
and anther couple of dozen treatments with no side effects and safe to use , many can be combined , i have personally known 3 people who have completely cured themselves

@exlye it's really bad news for you. When you got he had brain tumor I wish he will quickly be cured from that disease!

wow this is a great post .thanks for information.thanks you very much...,

I really like your words. I have to follow you every day

great words!!

exle your great story I always follow your post, hopefully keep improving

early to bed , and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise!!
that is damn true..

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