The mysterious hand that ate the popcorn.

in #life7 years ago

Tonight Bianca and I had a night for ourselves.

Even though it's Steemfat 3 it doesn't mean you can't do anything fun right?

So, we went to a Spanish place in Rotterdam where they serve these small dishes and most of pretty healthy.

We asked for the surprise menu where they just serve random dishes from the chef.

It was great.


The food was lovely just look at it. Grilled squid, a fresh salad, and swordfish.




After the dinner, we were pretty full but we didn't want to go home yet so we decided to go to the movies.

As you know we have these passes where you can just go to any film for free for a monthly fee.

Our regular Cinema wasn't playing anything at the right time so we looked further and saw that the theater in the center was playing one.

I booked the tickets on my phone and off we went.

I was very lucky to find a parking spot in the center close to the cinema. We only had to walk for 3 minutes.


Inside the cinema, we ordered some drinks and then I asked Bianca if she wanted some popcorn.

She answered, 'No, I'm so full from dinner.'

Words that registered to my brain as 'No, I'm so full from dinner.'

Now I think popcorn is pretty mandatory in the cinema but because of her answer, I decided to order a medium popcorn.

Like any man, I was so happy with my small bucket of popcorn treasure.

I could already envision myself enjoying it while watching the movie.

Those crispy crunchy expanded kernels that fill your mouth with happiness with every bite.

This is the mind started to wander off...

Bianca woke me up and then we found our way to our seats and I put the treasure next to me waiting for the movie to start.

After the trailers, the light dimmed even more and I opened my drink and grabbed my bucket of el dorado.

I took a sip and grabbed a handful of popcorn.

It's just the best way to enjoy a film.

I was feeling great.

Then all of the sudden I felt something rummaging inside my bucket.

I look down and see a familiar hand grabbing some popcorn from the top.

No way!

Surely this must be a onetime event!

She probably just wants a small taste....

Then, I saw the hand move back again.

In a desperate attempt, I try to tilt the bucket slightly to the right making it harder grab inside.

But it does not matter.

More popcorn finds it's way into the wrong mouth.

I already know what's going on.

It happened before....

It probably happens to any man.

I misread the code.

'No, I'm so full from dinner.' doesn't mean what you would think.

It means...'buy a large bucket because I probably will have a bit too.'

I admitted defeat instantly and we both enjoy the medium bucket.

This is what is known as love.

15 minutes into the movie it was gone.

It was a good 15 minutes.

The rest of the movie was nice and we had a lot of fun.

And in the end, that's the most important thing.

But one thing I learned tonight.

I will never order a medium bucket again :)

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Either you’re eating delicious food to making it 😋

Next time you will definetely get the extra size.
Just kidding.
Enjoy life to the fullest.
keep on steemin'

buy a large bucket because I probably will have a bit too.'

Hahaha absolutely 😂 and that small bucket of popcorn treasure 😉

Oh Mark, what a lovely story. That's real love!!
And, by the way, by buying a medium bucket of porpcorn, you saved calories!

you saved calories

lol, yes I guess this is true!

Whenever I want to cook something and you say "I'm fine", happens the same. You end up looking at my food like a lost puppy. I think we are even :D

I don't remember :)

Haha nice to hear that you had fun. Wich movie did you watch? Im interested to see jumanji so if you saw that movie, was it a good one?

Not tonight but we saw Jumanji not long ago. I enjoyed it a lot.

That is very funny and you are right. It happens to many of us - not only to men!! they say they don't want any and then eat half - or worse!! more than half of what you got. lol
But its only food and we always can get more...

I can't lie, I might have done something like that in the past :)

Yes that true and @exyle you made a good decision bcs you made your day be great with happiness and super feeling with bianca I wish that you made more than this but good thing you made is that you share with us and make us feel the same feeling that you felt im happy for you to

Bad Boy @exyle! Do you know how many calories are in medium popcorn bucket? Neither do I. The Spanish food is great, you should try "Paella", it tastes like heaven.

Not that much as for as I understood it. At least for the salted version. Sweet popcorn is a different story.

hahah that was fun on another level there lol :D
the food looks lovely wow

Wow!! This is so funny and sweet...funny in the sense that @exyle ordered for a medium bucket of popcorn, dont you know ladies dont always have enough at times? But we just feel too shy to say them....and its sweet because the love was share among the two...its nice to be loved tho

women speak a different language than we do
the words are the same but their meaning is different.

yes, I'm finding that out.

Hehe, been in that situation so often. My worst horror is when it is a dessert and it is lovely and then the good lady who wasn't hungry and had no more room suddenly wants half!!

O man! Nightmare scenarios!

Excellent post friend and it's great to see you and bianca going for an outing again and it's no doubt a great way to gain relaxation and release some stress too, i really like those food shots it looks so tasty and i hope next time you will buy a larger bucket of popcorns, wish both of you best of luck in all of your future endeavors! Stay blessed

steemfat 3 is fun for sure after having such delicious meals and the story after that made it more interesting great day

Oh, yes, my friend, this is what is called love! You had a wonderful walk with Bianca and after lunch it was quite logical to go to rest and the fact that you chose the movie was the right decision. I must say that the story of popcorn came out as a romantic film and your beloved woman made it clear to you, you had to buy a bucket more :) Thank you Mark and keep us informed of what's happening!

That is love man! Sharing your popcorn with the person you care about! Stay with the medium bucket. It's better for the diet and you still have the stisfaction of having the popcorn. Nice story of your date night!

The popcorn struggle is real!!! This especially true fory husband since we have one child with a corn allergy so it's such a rare treat!! But, yes, like you, he's learned. He always gets the largest bucket! 😂

you learned something about each other tonight ... You BOTH love popcorn at the movies ;0)
What movie did you see?

Father figures it was called.

hahahhaa nice @exyle she just gave you a company to eat popcorns lol..
but she really want to eat bcz no way to wath movie without popcorns ,,she is really so cute and happy wife...
and i am really feel glad and a smile to think about your lovely life..wish you more good and best moments with @bianca in your next whole life

you had a great night and that is what matters... i was in rotterdam yesterday for "vrienden van Amstel live" it was great... I posted some nice vids. Do you go there?

Yeah, we had a good night out! No, I don't think I ever been to VvAl. I just check out your recording that looks like a lot of fun!

Its really great.. you have to go once.. the light shows and what they can do nowadays is so amazing.. try it..

There is nothing better then share popcorn during the movie with your beloved 👌 , and after all; you also did learn something 😉.

Words that registered to my brain as 'No, I'm so full from dinner.'

Haha. Men are so literal. (all in fun)

We are pretty basic I guess, lol.

Oh boy I do like some squid very tasty and from the picture it looks wonderfully cooked @exyle , haha the problem with one bite of popcorn is you end up wanting more of it which is probably what I think happened here with Bianca, then again this seems to happen to me when I order drinks also lol.

Lol friend, in 15 minutes it was gone :D What a superb hands :D Anyway you had a nice time there!


@exyle Women change their minds quick.

@exyle Bianca eating the popcorn is God's way of showing you that he Loves both of you..........

Great stuff @exyle ! It all looks delicious!

Hahaaha! Often times, when a lady says "no" she is implicitly meaning "yes" only time will reveal their paradox, and it did. What a wonderful hang out story? Next time go grab a much bigger bag of popcorn. My regards to your love, Bianca... @exyle

That story made me laugh😂, nice photography!

Lovely tasty and yummy dishes
You both looks beautiful nice shots
God bless you best widhes for yku thank you

Good advise! No more half bucket popcorn for you!
Sounds like you had a healthy and entertaining day.

Haha it happened to me one time. I was so fun with your story as I remember mine haha.. How I wish it will happened again lol! I don't wanna learn that mistakes haha.

By the way I didn't heard there's that passaes that get you in a movie anytime by monthly subscription. How I wish there's like that here in PH. I love watching movies as well

There is the option of not buying any popcorn :) But that may be to hardcore for the time being :)

nice writing sir
resteemit done

Now I think popcorn is pretty mandatory in the cinema but because of her answer, I decided to order a medium popcorn.

haha they sell the popped corn to people just like :)
By the way, the food is great, you have a beautiful day, hopefully it will be all year round :)

I remember Maradonna :) "The hand of god"

HELLO EVERYBODY ! it would make me a pleasure to follow me to make you discover my country in photo ! , thank you !! ===> @zoblar
@exyle it would be an honor !


Lovely outing there. There's nothing like sharing, even if it is a medium bucket of popcorn. Lol. I wish I had someone to share my evenings with. This was beautiful. Thanks.
At least now you know to always be prepared when you are with Bianca... Lol. You never can tell. wink

И какой был фильм?)

Nice post thanks for sharing

Food looks great what's the name of the movie and you can still order medium if your on a self date

Seems like you both guys had a great time. You both look cute together!
The incident with popcorn was very funny, at least you learned your lesson.

Haha yup @exle! She didn't let us women down! Way to go Bianca!

Also...I know it's not the most polite thing to mention money...but you must be doing well on Steemit to be able to afford treats at the theater! Haha or was it because tickets were free 😂

Hahahahahaha nice story... At a point I knew she'd deep her hands in the bucket of popcorn and you did really good to make your writing very captivating.

Love is fun and beautiful. My regard to her.

Wonderful food

Dinner looked delightful, Hopefully the movie was good too!

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