Besides a content creator (that's how I started here 2 years ago) I'm also a witness for the Steem blockchain with my developers group and friends called @blockbrothers.
As a group we are 100% dedicated to the Steem blockchain.
As a witness for the Steem blockchain we dedicate most of our time to making sure the blockchain keeps running smoothly and we build cool apps and tools for the community to use.
Here is a picture of us having a meeting at my house.
One of the tools we build is called Steemify and we just released a new version for iOS today.
Steemify has been downloaded more than 3000 times by Steemians across the globe.
Check it out here!
And before you ask!
The Android version is almost done ;)
Steemify will notify you about anything regarding your account or the account of others.
Votes, replies, resteems, new posts by the people you follow, key changes, account changes and much more!
It's all completely customisable per account and Steemify doesn't require passwords to work.
The only thing you have to do is fill in the usernames of the accounts you want to be notified about.
All our apps and tools are completely for free in the hope that our dedication shows that we are a worthy witness that deserves your vote.
Our group consists of 4 friends each with a different skill set.
In @bennierex we have a fantastic developer and maintainer of our servers, @eqko is the advertisement and graphical guy, @s3rg3 is the feedback guru and an Apple consultant and me....well you probably know me by now.
I love this place more than anything.
It has changed my life completely and I love talking about Steem and educating people about it almost everyday in my posts and vlogs.
@blockbrothers are ready for any upcoming Hard forks or future changes.
We are currently #36 on the witness list.
Pleas consider us for a vote if you think we deserve it.
Thank you.

If you support us please vote here
you can also choose to set blockbrothers as your proxy at the bottom of the page (fill in blockbrothers in the field)
or use either of the below links to do so automatically using steemconnect.
Vote for @blockbrothers via SteemConnect
Set blockbrothers as your proxy via SteemConnect
for @blockbrothers
Makers of Steemify. The dedicated notification app for anything happening on the Steem blockchain.
Android coming soon.
Get our tools:
Get in touch: |
Great update. I am waiting for google play store release. This is what is we need and for that reason I voted you as one of my chosen witness. Please continue providing value to the community... Great help
I see you voted for @exyle. My name is not registered as a witness it will not work. Could you vote for @blockbrothers (#36 on the list). Thanks, man!
Thank you.
Oops, check again @exyle is an invalid witness vote. The witness name for his group is @blockbrothers
Congratulations @exyle on Steemify launch for iOS , wish you all the success!
The blockbrothers should be one of the top witness on Steemit, your app is really useful in bring the blockchain activities in notifications to the end user.
The amazing fact is that the service is just free and no password required. What a prof of brain from you guys and you deserves the upvote on witness from the community, I have done my and more are expected from my community soon.
This a great work up there, I saw the update some hours ago on the @blockbrothers blog, the update is great man!. Thanks for sharing @exyle
great application Can I translate into my language and use graphics from the post?
Yes, go ahead!
done :)
Excellent work, my friend, you and your team are doing very useful things for our ecosystem and we all can use the Steemify, which of course improves the overall accessibility to the Steem blockchain and it's great! Thank you Mark.
I was hesitant about using the app until I saw
My security policy regarding phones is usually you can have one and not the other especially regarding android phones.
With regards to Crypto it pays to be paranoid so thanks for making smart design choices in regards to this :)
Wow!! Great update. You are doing well . It will be very helpful. I already voted. Go ahead @blockbrothers . Thank you sir.
As always, looking forward to the android version. 😁
That meeting looks like my kind of meeting @exyle - lots of fun and plenty of wine flowing.
Well done to all of you on getting the latest version of Steemify out.
I just got the update now on my iPhone looks great guys! Keep up the great work
Cool! Thanks!
This is such a great app and the reason why I vote for blockbrothers as witness. You guys have done a wonderful job and deserve a big hug and pat on the shoulder. Keep it up...
Cool! Hope you enjoy it!
******It's WORKING TO FAST LOL ;)) ******
Vote done. Keep up with the good work @blockbrothers!
Thank you!
Is that a wine cooler in the background or a server rack? Either way very cool. I am really excited about the Android version. This looks like a really cool project. It's awesome that people are actively working on these projects to enhance the functionality of Steemit!
lol! It's a wine cooler.
I had a feeling, but just wanted to check :)
Love those smiles!! Congrats on 3000 uploads of Steemify! 🎉🎈🎆 that's gonna double when your android version is released!
Love Steemify.
Keep up the great work guys.
Proost 🍻
You already know that I’m a huge fan of Steemify. It has been my best friend since I installed it on my iPhone 📲. To get the new features do I have to reinstall the app? I just don’t see these new features.
BTW: @blockbrothers are my witness choices already. You guys are doing great!
Glad you are a fan! No you don't have to reinstall, you can just update it from the app store and all the features should be there.
Got it! That’s really exciting. Especially the new features such as “resteem” and “has updated account”. 👍!
This new variation is so stuffed with useful innovations and congratulations @exyle on steemify launch for ios
I never knew how can I download the play store version, I use an android device, is there a link?
The android version is not yet out, the blockbrothers I currently working on that, it will be available on android play store soon
meeting about android technology is perfect.
I have considered and done it
Mark @exyle Thank You for addressing the Android question before I even asked about it.
Downloading it now. You are doing great man
Great effort ... this is obviously good idea and worthy on trying on the phone.
I can't wait for the android version, I just check play store this morning. I was never a fan of IOS and there are a lot of people too who are eagerly waiting for the android version.
Can't wait to see it on Android.
This is really amazing. More like an update of GinaBot... I just can't wait till you guys release the Android version
@blockbrothers You guys are really doing a great job. Hoping you guys release a steem app that would be like telegram.
Iam waiting for the release on Android Devices .
Almost done...
I can feel my nethers getting all frothy!
Great boss
Best of luck.
Is there a Steemify discord server yet?
Nice, thank you! keep up the great work!
I'm waiting for the android version!!! Congrats for the team you all have built. I voted for the @blockbrothers
Dear @exyle, I already support @blockbrothers as a witness. It is a pleasure for me to support you in everything I can, they all look very nice in that meeting, cordial greetings from Venezuela.
Pretty awesome features the team has added superb work and my vote always with blockbrothers ; ) from the start
this is a great work i love it so much
I'm on my Android right now and look forward to trying this out on my iPhone. Thx guys!