On days like today, it's truly a blessing to be self-employed.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I just read in the news that we had 1500km of traffic jams in the Netherlands today.

A new national record.

The reason? Snow. A lot of snow.

We are simply not used to handle it very well. (including myself...when I hit a car yesterday).

Tonight a lot of people are still stuck in train stations and airports waiting to get home.

On days like to today, it's truly a blessing to be self-employed.

I canceled everything, turned on the heating, and didn't leave the house.


When I look outside my window tonight I see trucks filled with salt passing by every hour.

They are doing their best to clear the roads.

The Netherlands is an incredibly tiny country by the way.

It's only 16.040 mi². So 1500km of jams is a lot!

Here you can see my country projected on a map of the US.

It gives the right idea.


Not everyone was obviously so lucky as I today that staying home was an option.

Including my good friends and blockbrothers @s3rg3 and @eqko.

They had to battle the snow to get to work and I salute them for it.

It must not have been easy.

I'm glad that they are in @blockbrothers now and that we are working so hard on our witness together.

I'm hoping that with time, hard work and dedication we will do well.

Since I really started to understand blockchain and crypto, I always believed that there was a possibility that crypto would make me financially independent.

Now, I am now convinced that will happen in the years to come.

But in the end, this is boring to do alone.

Having your friends along for the ride is much better!


The guy of the car I hit was supposed to come round tonight to sort the paperwork.

But he couldn't make it.

There was was to much snow...

Always the bloody snow....

I have recently become a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote here.

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Amen to that bro

yeah I didnt make it to work today because of the snow. I live in belgium

It was truly a blessing to buy BTC in 2012, so I don't have to work at all.

Yeah, that is the best kinds of blessings :). Congrats man. Great foresight.

It's good to know that we (England) aren't the only country that grinds to a halt when it snows. I was cycling in Holland a few months ago and the cycle infrastructure is incredible, they probably even grit the cycle lanes!

We do indeed grit (salt?) the bike lanes.

Dutch Traffic really sucks ...
Today I was working from home in my current job as an IT Consultant ;) But also as off today I have a big anounsment I will quite my job and will work fulltime in Crypto!!! :D

Check out my post about this: https://steemit.com/cryptocurrencies/@deobrands/getting-started-in-the-blockchain-space-professionally

That's great! Good luck!

1500km of traffic jams what!! Interesting I thought Netherlands often got snow, lucky you @exyle I am working on being self employed and yea with all that snow its no wonder the guy didn't show up lol.

Voted for the blockbrothers and got the app! Thanks guys, good job.👌👏

Thanks for your vote!

Wow great story about snow. Yes it creates great difficulty for the people to connect with their duty. But friend if you upload some pictures of snow it will be great pleasure to look to us. As I live in the tropical climatic region so we never experienced snow fall here, except Jammu and Kasmir in India, other places are very mild climate available. So please upload some pic of snow. Thanks for sharing good post, enjoy your holidays.

lol on your map! I'm happy for you and glad you are not out fighting the mess.

I pray every day that I never live by an alarm clock again. I did it for over 30 years. I used to get up at like 4 am to study and then go to work by 7 and be done by 6 to get my kid and on and on.

Now I've been on my own since 2008. Whenever things get bad, I will try anything - but not if I have to get up at a certain time. I feel sick if I even think of it. I've been very fortunate and I'm still here with no alarm and definitely no commute.

@exyle Staying Warm and Making Money and Not going out in the Snow, Priceless !

Self employed is a trend now a days, I am also a freelancer here.

Excellent thoughts my friend, i agree with your points self employment is always great and it also provide us freedom to live and in this way we always have a good amount of time to spent with family and friends, which is absolutely important in one's life, i think you made a wise decision today just to sit at home and spent time with family because it's not good to go outside in such heavy snowfall, wishing you a very joyful week ahead my friend, Stay happy

Working from home is simply the best.. no hassle of traffic or heavy rains.. Enjoying life working in the comforts of your home.

Thank you for sharing this @exyle ! Resteemed!

Living in the Netherlands it's hard to fathom sometimes how big the US is. And this is only Texas. Great map!

That is some serious traffic!

File, het is me wat! :D
Ik heb er van genoten... Nou ja, van de sneeuw!
Ik heb je een DM gestuurd op Discord en steemit chat!
Met de vraag of je geinteresseerd om mee to doen aan a radio programma op MSP waves!

Groetjes Snekky

"I just read in the news that we had 1500km of traffic jams in the Netherlands today."
I think most of people will sleep in their vehicles tonight! And I also understood the value of self-employed too!
With few of my friends I am planing to initiate something related to crypto, which can lead us into financially independent like you are doing now!


You know how it goes, a flake of snow and the whole country just shuts down. And people complain about it, whoooooo boy!

Id say: sit back, look outside, call the boss (not in your case), and have some hot choco. We just have to accept that our infrastructure is too expensive to also have everything on standby for that 1 day a year of snow.

We should just take out loss and accept it.
Here on Sint Martin, when it rains, it bloody poors. Like water like you have never seen. I think they close the school at least 3 times a year because of heavy rainfall. Just accept your loss

I agree. A little bit more lead back would help.

Got to admit, I'm a little jealous of the snow. Snow when you don't need to drive anywhere is awesome. Glass a wine and holding down the fort sounds like fun.

Yup sound like my kind of fun :)

Thats where friends for! Share everything!

I agree!

I'm jealous! I'm getting to "enjoy" being unemployed right now. It has many of the same perks as being self-employed, but I'm lacking that security and feeling of progress and accomplishment. I'm shooting for that goal though!

Luckily the snow here in Raleigh did not even stick to the ground... feels good to be snow-free today while all my friends in northern USA are now covered in snow!

It stopped snowing here now. Waiting for it to melt.

This is so alien for me because it just doesn’t snow where I live in Australia. We do get snow on the mountains in the south but that’s over 1500km to the South.

Right now that doesn't sound like a bad place to be to me :)

It really was a battle against the snow and the slippery roads today. Oh, I today wished more than ever to be financially independent.

Hopefully someday!

Lol, that is a huge advantage! I hate getting stuck in traffic chaos as Scotland doesn't cope well with snow either!

I would think Scotland would be able to handle this! Another assumption crushed :/

By the sound of it we are exactly the same as you. Snow makes everything grind to a halt!!

Thankful to be safe here in dry Oklahoma. I bet you miss your Big Green Egg , those savory meats, and relaxing outside on a pleasant evening! Be safe, the snow will melt!

I miss it a lot! Hoping for that clear winter day!

Quite amazing! 1500km of traffic jam is enough to make a Guineas world record.


Self-help is a trend nowadays, I'm here a freelancer. That's a lot better for me

its not snowing here in california. it never snows

We're lucky we have the beginning of crypto. You have to exploit this.

At first, I thought it's a typo and it's 1500m. 1500km is indeed huge!

Goodness me! Well I was thinking isn't there a way to at least put these in a little bit control?

yes bro you rock!!!!

true inspiration

Indeed, its the only good thing about having broken my leg and having to stay at home for a couple months.

I totally agree with that my friend. Have a great day, following, upvoted, resteemed

Wishing you all the best in your business. We are truely witnessing change across the board. The north is experiencing the weather of the south and v/v. Be safe.. #gladtobeadaptableme

1500 km am i read that number right oh man damm if i were in that situation i would have leaved the car there and leave haha

Wheather like this will get more frequent in the future. It's good to see you are ok in all that madness. Maybe you will show us more pictures with the snowy lanscape :)

well done! safety first

The perks of being self employed you must be feeling relieved today and that jam is freaking me out to think about national record omg

It is indeed great to be self employed no pain at the whole day at the office ,That is indeed a dream of many!
And ooo that is indeed quite a record !

so this year has been more snowfall than expected i guess

1st one is the best one!!
its too good!!

trucks to the rescue pheww finally lets just hope the situation get more better with time heavy snowfall there take care buddy

but a nice country but looks like the whole country is in jam right now time to blow the horns

Really good to know that you have been able to avoid the snow. The issue in my side of the world is more traffic-related because of the population and it's not uncommon for vehicles to take 2 hours to cover a journey of 15 kilometers to offices. Fortunately for me, I work from home too and that allows me the kind of mental peace that some others are unfortunately not able to enjoy. Count my blessings every single time.

i like your history...
really awesome history
many many thnx for share

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