My favorite non-STEEM steemfest story this year.

in #life7 years ago

Bianca and I just walked in the door after traveling home from Lisbon.

I think the heating broke because it's 5 degrees inside the house. Just like outside.

It's too late to fix it. I have to check it tomorrow.

Bianca went straight upstairs and I just checked and found her under 2 blankets snug and warm.

I'm more of an old school guy so I went downstairs and poured myself a nice whiskey to warm up :)

I need to unwind anyway. I can never sleep straight away after travels.

I also wanted to tell this story.


My dad rang me up about 7 hours ago to ask me how I was doing and if I was home yet.

I was not, I was still in Lisbon having a nice beer with @rea, @ezzy and Bianca.

I will miss that sun and even more my friends.

It also never seems to amaze me how easy it is to travel long distances in such short amount of time.

1809km in a matter of hours.


My favorite non-STEEM steemfest story this year.

The square I'm having my beer at is the beginning of the story.

We (Rea, Ezzy, Bianca and I) were there yesterday.

Rea is an active blogger and always lagging behind a bit making photos for her blog.

So, we reach the waterside at the end of the square and Rea crosses the road to take some pictures.

We are waiting when all of the sudden we see her in a panic running back towards us.

She almost flies into Ezzy's arms and says:

"A man was waving his hand near his crotch softly saying, you want some, you want some."

We are all in shock! What a Dirty bastard!

Obviously, Ezzy and I go into full-on protection mode trying to look for this pervert. (from a distance).

We can't find him so we start to walk away when all of the sudden Rea spots him!

"He's following us!" , she says.

We see him and the perv is laughing at us from a distance and then starts to wave.

He then proceeds to make his way towards our group.

This is getting dangerous fast.

Ezzy and I quickly prepare to go full-on Billy and Jimmy Lee mode. Ready for battle.

The perv approaches me first and starts to wave his hand in the same manner.

"You want some", he says.

He seems harmless up close.

I therefore quickly look down and see a huge package of Marijuana in his hand.

I tell Ezzy what I saw and we nearly collapse on the floor laughing.

The dealer looks puzzled.

We explain to the dealer what happened and he apologizes.

"He would never do that!"

He then quickly asks again if we want some Marijuana or Cocaine.

We decline.

I do wish him good luck on his sales and off we went.

We laughed about it all the way to the hotel.


Lol!!! Man, every so often I had to stop reading this story just to wipe away the tears! That was sooooo funny!

She is really sweet and completely got the wrong end of the stick (oops, maybe I should put that differently)!!!

And I agree, that was one of the main highlights of the trip! I still remember that guy's wide grin as he approached us and we were like, "wtf?". We just couldn't believe what was going on.

Great memories and such fun times. The trip wouldn't have been the same without them.

Bless, my brother! 😂

please guys, keep the street fighter just in the game lol

As the main character in your story, think i deserve half of your steem dollars, lol 😄

sure :)

haha, that's a really funny story indeed and yes these situations happens sometimes due to misunderstanding, you guys did a great job to understanding the whole situation before take any actions, sometimes such cases ends up in a worse mode, a perv also do some error instead of asking "you want some" it's better if he asked "hello you wanna buy some Marijuana", that's more clear and not sounds bad either, it's good he own his mistake and i hope he will never repeat it again, it's nice to hear that you guys really enjoy your steemfest2 and gains good knowledge and information about steemit, wish you a fantastic and cheerful week ahead my friend, Stay awesome.

The amount of times weird people approach me and @vaelriey while saying "sheesh, sheesh" make it possible for me to absolutely relate to the story.

@rea must feel so confused seeing you and ezzy drop dead laughing.

I guess soon we can read about the story from @rea's perspective. I would pay to get a laugh out of that!!

LOL... That is a great story. How quickly messages can get lost in translation.

I am only a drug dealer not a perv. What are you thinking.

lol! yes :)

That guy must improve his marketing strategy :))

I can just see it "No I'm not a pervert, just a drug dealer". That is to funny.

@exyle that was a good story and all I can say is what a great way to wrap UP a terrific week at STEEMFEST. I hope to go next year........

Wow! so marijuana and cocaine are legal in Portugal, for him to be selling it freely?

No it's not legal.

In Portugal marijuana is decriminalized for possession, transport, and cultivation but illegal to sell.. Cocaine possession in Portugal up to 2 grams is decriminalized - sale, transport definitely illegal. I think I may have to take a trip to Uruguay - its the only country in the world where its legal to possess, sell, transport, and cultivate weed - they frown on selling to foreigners but when in Uruguay - be a Uruguian


There is honor among thieves.

Wait, this is an @exyle story. C'mon, tell the truth, you convinced him to join steemit didn't you?

What is his username? @yankweed?

LOL! Ii should have really.

Hold the Bone.... No ganja or snow white? And I had you pegged for Johnny Blaze awhile back... I guess I was dead wrong! :) Great Story brother!! I can def digg it!

@exyle - Sir I can imagine that situation :) Thank go you didn't hit that poor guy :) Nice story Sir....
To get more audience, I wish to ReSteem your post.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

I am the same I need to unwind abit before I can sleep @exyle which maybe is why I didn't sleep much in Lisbon Steemfest was too exciting. Was the dealer Portuguese ?

yes he was.

Hahaha! Very strange, a bit scary, and hilarious at the same time.

Man, after such a dangerous experience it’s good to have you back home safe and sound! Otherwise the two of you must have been fighting like Bud Spencer and Terrence Hill

Ohh lol ! Great story.
You had to write a article on this because the comedy climax of the story.
This type of things are not happen everyday.
You made us laugh a lot.

"You want some"
Ha ha ha dude that would be nice! Great story friend! "You want some" :D


Haha...great story... I can imagine how Rea felt when he said ''you want some"
Thanks for sharing

Hopefully he will know better next time! I hope you resolve your heating issues.

Great story after steemFest. Yes some times we misunderstand people, but it's okay, you have very cold there, princess went straight to bed with two blankets. Thanks for sharing your thoughts after arrival. Wish you a very beautiful time ahead my friend, happy steeming.

It's lol , no it's really lol, no it's lol lol and lol😀😀🤣😃😆😊. I like the story and the whole incident and the greatest part "you want some, you want some".
Now I ask you "hay you want some"
It's really great and joyful.

Thank for your response over my post

hope in future will be some dealers of steem, you want some ?:D

That was a hilarious story! So he's ONLY a drug dealer. LOL

Amazing post really nice & mind touch blog😁..I like this👌.Re-steem😍😍

That really amazing story thank you @exyle

Great i like non-steemfest stories! 😉

Ha ha....That is a wonderful story @exyle. lough me lot

A very interesting story from your related non-STEEM steemfest

HAHA good story

Life is nothing...just think ,do your job.
Thank's for sharing

You waste time for more valuable things. take it easy. Finally told what a sunny story about Marijuana or Cocaine.Great success.

motivating story

Your Steemit Life Story Is A Great Story.Where are you from?

Good post, I am a photographer, it passes for my blog and sees my content, I hope that it should be of your taste, you have my vote :D greetings

Now you want to get big relax, bcz you tired lot after busy working past days. After long sleep you can start next step.. Great memory in steemfest2. Have enjoyed there. Bless you.

that's very helpful post!!
thank you...

Very nice story.Thanks for sharing

nice !!!

Lol a memorable one of course
you want some hahahhaha!!!

It was really lovely to meet you!!!! I hope you guys had a safe travels back!!! I hope to see you again!!

hehe that's a cool one !!!

Party us fun, very good post, i have upvote and resteem 👍😊