My bank is hosting a blockchain evening in March. After I laughed I'm now curious what they have to say.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I got an email from my local bank today.

They are hosting a blockchain evening where they will tell anyone that wants to know what blockchain will bring in the future.

At first, I laughed. Wasn't this blockchain thing suppose to pop like a balloon not too long ago?

But then I got curious.

I have decided to go there and blockbrother @s3rg3 is coming to.

It's happening the end of March.


I basically want to know what 'the enemy' thinks of the blockchain.

In the end, it would help if the bubble mindset makes room for a more positive mindset.

That's what I'm hoping to hear when I go.

Personally, I already know blockchain technology won't go away anytime soon. It's just too powerful.

It will change the whole world.

But the last time I heard a stranger talk about blockchain it involved Bitcoin and it was a 'dangerous thing'.

So, It will take more time. (we are only 10 years in).

That 'dangerous' thing, by the way, is always something that fascinates me.

Where did this person get this opinion from? How was it formed?

The reason it fascinates me is that I used to be like that.

Before 2013, I had heard of Bitcoin and brushed it off like the dumbest thing in the world.

But when I actually took the time to look into it, it blew my mind.

I just can't remember why I once thought it was shit.

Maybe my bank will help in this department :)

But all joking aside.

I'm really curious to see what they have to say.

here.I am a witness with our developer group @blockbrothers for the Steem blockchain. If you want to support us I would appreciate your vote

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I’d be there and say “ I object” they better they there showing us a bright future no bullshit needed haha

I’m curious if the bank uses “blockchain” as in a centralized Ripple-style database or if they’ll be referring to distributed ledger technology. A huge difference between the two that newbies would not grasp.

Bank is talking about blockchain, look fishy.
It will be more educational about crypto in general.
Wait and see.
Keep on steemin'

Welke bank gaat zich branden aan dit hete ijzer?

This is just the beginning, All banks were against crypto and blockchain.Thanks a lot @exyle for informing us this news.

Now they started to improve their services for customers and also started to think about improving their transactions and systems because they found all people went to crypto.

Now they started to host blockchain meetups and soon each bank and each company will create its own token as everything is going to be on blockchains soon.

I see a promising future :)

Thank you again for this news :D

It's funny but it hit the fact, sometimes when I ask my friends what do they know about btc, all there explanation is always going towards ponzi. But one thing I noticed is that they have not take there time to make research about it but keep on saying trash about it.

The craziest thing is that the people that say no to the blockchain, is now using the system fn the blockchain in Nigeria.
Take a look at this message I got after making transaction from my bank.
This GTcoin on the image can be accumulate to buy airtime and also exchange for real money.

To me it this is funny, but if they can be serious with it, it will end up being a crypto coin.

This is how it will happen.

if we can be making transaction and doing some other things to earn the Gtcoin, it is known as Mining.

Since the coin presently in the bank can be exchange for real money and airtime, then some people might start accepting it for payment, then the coin is now having value and the coin will increase in value price per one.

The coin will be as internal exchange In the country and the more the demand of the coin the more it the price value increases..

With this, people will like to hold on the coin and also invest on it, and with time it will fall on the crypto coinmarket.

This just my own though

There must be something in the wind today. My work had a talk about emerging tech that they will have to keep abreast of and in the short list one of them was Blockchain. It was less impressive when they tried to summarise it thought and got it totally wrong. Fascinating though your bank getting in on the action or at least talking about it!

Fascinating though your bank getting in on the action or at least talking about it!

Sort of depends on what they have to say about it :)

Hehe, true enough. It might be all blockchain is evil!!

can you please let me know the payment and consumption structure here thank youhi @exyle do i loose anything if i upvote very frequently on steemit? i mean what does it take to upvote? my steem power or what?

and then obviously i shall upvote for you more if i understand it better what does it take ha ha :-)

I have been thinking for a while of the old saying "The time for NO has come and gone," when it comes to banks, governments and authorities vs. blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. With last year's boom making this a 1/2 trillion dollar industry, something tells me that we have seen a subtle shift towards banks now being curious about "how they can get onboard" in ways that allow them to participate while still remaining banks in some semblance of the way we know them.

Blockchain or not, cryptos or not, there will probably be a place for "retail banking" for some decades to come, and those banks that get in on combining the two NOW will be the long term survivors.

Just a thought, really...

The UK was thinking about it last year, but then BTC fell $14000 and they have gone back to 'researching' the topic.

Now BTC has gained $4000 again recently, it's being shunned because they missed the bottom, again:

So in the next year or 2 when the markets are flying again, expect the research to conclude that it does make sense - and hopefully at this point, most of us will not have to care what the Banks' opinion is!

I agree with you. Old school banking is here for a while longer. We are in between two worlds at the moment (and probably more at the beginning side of things). Ignoring the tech is foolish, combining will be the way to go indeed.

You are both going to be cringing and putting your heads in your hands, i can see it now!

I dare you to crash the stage and tell them what's really going down!

'Hey Banksters, I'm going to make a video log about this event tomorrow, store it on a Blockchain and be rewarded $1000 for it'

Minds... blown :)

I'm going to start calling them all banksters! Thanks for the new lingo lol ;)

I would pay good money to see a video of that....if I had any good money. lol...

You have an upvote to reward such a video, let's badger @exyle to do it, do it!

badger1.jpgYou are right! I do! Yes, let's badger him - GREAT idea, @abh12345!

Well i think banker's won't like cryptos and especially the bitcoin but in my opinion we all want freedom we are born free and this is our right to live free as well why we deposit our hard earned money to those banks and then they start controlling our money and we are no longer in a condition of use it freely, we have a far better option available now to save our money in shape of cryptos and by doing this we also have a full control in our funds no middle man use our funds for his own sake, the future of cryptos is so bright and we surely see more developments and growth in cryptos with the passage of time, wish you all the best in all of your future endeavors! friend, Stay blessed

My guess is, "Blockchain is very risky, let us inform you of proper investments so you don't end up broke." Lol. I'm very curious to see what they have to say. The banks might be much more progressive in the Netherlands than they are here in the U.S.

You can't be more curious than I am, lol... They are just trying to safe their heads.

Haha! let's see! For now, I'm keeping an open mind. I know more by the end of March.

I am a banker and a big fan of crypto dont judge us man ☺️Dear @exyle i am ur enemy now ? 😜

Lol... You got me laughing😁

Hahaha actually i do believe in cryptocurrency and hope it will succeed

I hope so as well

Fair enough! That's why I put the word it in brackets :)

We are waiting what they gonna say in the evening tell us asap thank u @exyle

Thank you so much for this information
I wish you a happy eveningVery interesting this publication dear friend @exyle, is happening what was supposed to happen, earlier than expected, these are winds of change, as the old saying says if you can not with your enemy, join.

Who knows what they are really trying to do, banks could be very tricky at times.

Ah @exyle, you will be the ear of the entire community there. We'll be waiting to hear what they have to say. There're two possibilities: either they will try to fight some more with extra FUD or will have seen the light and decide to see how they can also get a piece of the pie from this new dangerous terrain. But whatever the case, we'll never know till you report back. We are waiting.

I am curious about the answer they Will have on the question we were wundering about last month on the subject off tax and taxes paid over crypto ..... it Will be fun When they tell you something Thats wrong.... and you should tip them about some kind off app stee-mifi by some Guys I believe 4 blokbroers or something 😂😂😂😂😂 have fun and enjoy

Unfortunately I don't see it going too well, but that's the cynicism in me speaking.

I believe that they will speak favorably about blockchains in general. However they will only speak positively about a centralized blockchain they can profit off of. They'll say things like "if you use this payment system that is powered by our blockchain, ACH and hefty wiring fees will be a thing of the past!" Who knows, they might even give you a higher savings interest rate. And you know for sure they'll have ATMs and direct fiat to coin purchases set up.

However when someone asks about bitcoin and how they compare, you'll hear the same unregulated, way too volatile argument as usual. They might even throw in the coinbase fiasco and exchanges are ticking time bombs so it's best to talk to their esteemed financial advisors about how you should handle their coin. So please put it on DLive for all the hilarity that will ensue.

TL:DR Our offering is "good", competition's offering is "bad". Invest in us today!

At first, I laughed. Wasn't this blockchain thing suppose to pop like a balloon not too long ago?

There are still people in social media who have say something like this. Amazingly really.

'Dangerous thing', 'balloon' etc. :)

Before 2013, I had heard of Bitcoin and brushed it off like the dumbest thing in the world.

But when I actually took the time to look into it, it blew my mind.

I just can't remember why I once thought it was shit.

Do not be angry please, but I laughed too much in this part. :-) I wish I had heard it, and I thought it was shit. :D But I have never heard about it until last year maybe. 🙈

Anyway, I forgot what I would say at last :) I am waiting your bank's reply. Please share with us :)

We See it more and more, also companies gave a learning session about blockchain and crypto. I think it is always good to inform more and more people, even if it is bank relaxed. It means that banks take it more serious now; and we already know that it is only a matter of rime before they follow.. there is nothing else....

I'm interested too on what they have to say about it.

@exyle the VAMPIRE wants more of your Blood. These Banksters are dying and they are just grasping for their last victims................

I think your bank decided to join their enemy.
“If you can’t beat the enemy, join the enemy”
Now they become the experts. Give them smart question only you know about

As I said in my latest writing, I think blockchain is changing the entire world!

Congratulations, you were selected for a random upvote! Follow @goolam and upvote this post to increase your chance of being upvoted again! Read more about @goolam here

I'm really curious to hear what they have to say too?

Were the blockchain and bitcoin created at the same time?

well not really idea of blockchain has been there for a while i guess but satoshi just saw its application towards bitcoin @gillianpearce

Interesting. Thanks for the info @a381.

you are welcome by the way you are invited for free blockhain classes. for details please check

I’m really curious now. The enemy doesn’t know they will be infiltrated by a spy from the other side 🕵️‍♂️

Please post a follow up and let us know what you find out. Should be a hoot!

Thanks, cheers.

if you can let us know what there say !

They will probably inform you about the breaking news of bitconnect being a scam.

Yup, they will focus on the bad stories and ignore all the good stories and brilliant innovations.

Great post I can't wait to hear what they say I'll be waiting for that post thanks and keep doing what you're doing 👏

Interesting. I'm very curious about it :)

Probably will say it is unsafe unless your bank oversees it.😎 😎
"we are the government and we are here to help".

I'm sure they are wondering how to capitalize on it!

Really this blockchain system fascinates me. Day day it is growing to earn popularity. There is a some problem,I think it doesn't matter. Without risk and hard working it us not possible to get success in life. It is not only for cryptocurrencues but also for whole life. Thank you for sharing your personal opinion with us.

I am curious to hear how it goes. From what I am seeing Steemit makes it a lot easier to see and work with stuff from an abundance rather than scarcity mindset, but that might be just me, I dunno. I am still new to this but yeah it seems like the banks are shitting themselves and trying to justify in whatever bullshit ways they can why blockchains "are bad...mmmmkay?!..."

Well played. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer! Mwahaha!

tengo mucha curiosidad

Yup. Know thine enemy. I recently attended an investment meeting for the organization, I work for and not one mention of investing in Crypto. And it was the day, LTC had been in the news. Makes you wonder if they understand it or not, or they are sticking within their company's guidelines, which may prohibit them from investing their client's portfolios in anything other than the whitebread standard.

That's amazing! Different opinion and different mindset about the blockchain. We will all love to know what they have to say. But as for me, since I just joined the blockchain I believe nothing wrong is gonna happen. We all pray for the best.

end of March that make you happy mr @exyle also @blockbrother and make us jealous. Go there and Blow the balloon up your bank host the blockchain in March. I will always support you Gapailah your dreams though as high as the sky and make progress for us more coll.

But when I actually took the time to look into it, it blew my mind.
I just can't remember why I once thought it was shit
That actually happened because it's never the set time. I've realized that in life, everything will surely happen at the set/appointed time. So happy that you're in and doing better now. Good luck and more blessings coming your way!@exyle, "

thats funny ' but thats good news for blockchain !

Bring your video camera!!!

They tried being against cryptocurrencies. They tried every method and are trying every method to curtail the growth of crypto. Doing this they looked like desperate losers. Right now i think this is a damage control that they are doing. Or perhaps may be worse. Mat be they are trying to do something sinister.

Looks like they have found that most of the people are looking into crypto because of blockchain technology. So, may be they are trying to make some attempts to separate block chain from crypto currencies and make people start hating the cryto currencies technology while suggesting that they love block chain technology.

excellent post!

@exyle, that is a goodnews boss, blockchain technology is here to stay and nothing will take it away, very soon, all the banks will key into the system because if they fail to do that now, tomorrow might be too late as they is a great wealth to amass from the blockchain technology and the banks has this money, so we the early births in the system are the ones to benefit the more in the nearest future.


Blockchain tech is the most efficient to perform digital transactions.
Indian Government is talking about adopting this tech for digital transactions.
This tech not going anywhere

Lol, cool stuff! Is it already happening? Times are changing.
I really want to know what they have to say :d

Hmmm.... interesting.

both the big names of steemit at one place?
That would be great.

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